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3:44 AM
chirp chirp
7 hours later…
10:21 AM
Wow - a day of no chat. Was everyone out partying? :-)
2 hours later…
12:05 PM
I was doing chores most all day
Also, I'm thinking this is homework
Q: How to detect virtual hosts with nmap?

peraueb8921I have to determine if a given subnet has virtual hosts. Are there any ideas about what switches to use?

The way he responded to my question about web vhosts versus virtual machines
3 hours later…
3:16 PM
@ScottPack I'm mystified that after infecting hundreds of thousands of servers, folks don't know which application is being attacked. Am I missing something here?
4:08 PM
@nealmcb I'm not sure, I haven't done a whole lot of research on the event yet.
It seems like it just sprung up out of nowhere. I imagine the big guys are either still doing their analysis, or aren't widely publicizing that the vector is yet known.
I've probably asked you this before, but do you work in education, @nealmcb?
@ScottPack "Yes", based on my Internet2 work and general inclination towards both the leading role universities tend to play in advancing the Internet, and my love of academic work, but only very very indirectly. bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal
Mostly I'm working on election integrity these days, e.g. via my project ElectionAudits: audit elections with good statistical confidence
4:24 PM
After you get election integrity solved, can you move on to integrity of the elected? :)
I ask because for those in higher ed there are some additional resources available.
4:36 PM
Oh, you should like this. I ran a nessus scan against a box the other day. Several ssl errors, cert with wrong name (currently in deploy and it has the prod cert, no big deal), medium strength ciphers (was being fixed during scan, no big deal). Invalid CA -- Big deal.
At first blush it looks like the Nessus product doesn't have InCommin in it's trusted chain.
3 hours later…
7:27 PM
@ScottPack Nessus maintains (or doesn't....) its own set of root CAs?
7:37 PM
I'll know more tomorrow afternoon when I start digging into it. I ignored it and flagged it as a FP to get the job done.
But maybe
It wouldn't surprise me.
8:16 PM
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