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Q: Is BH missing the point by elevating theology over careful Biblical exegesis and Hermeneutic process?

SteveMost answers posted by trinitarian/binitarian believers frame their answer around common tenets of traditional doctrines. Some examples are: Jesus became human Jesus had always existed with God the incarnation Jesus the instrument by which Jehovah brought about creation itself John 1:3 the pre-i...

5 hours later…
Q: What attracted Abimelech to an old woman in her 80s or 90s?

Clifford Jones SrAt the risk of sounding crass, Sarah was advanced in years in Genesis 18, but in Genesis 20 King Abimelech took Sarah because he was apparently attracted to her. Then in Genesis 21 Abraham becomes a father at age 100. Again, at the risk of sounding crass, why would Abimelech take an old woman who...

Q: Ruth Hebrew & Greek words that describe her status and its meaning?

another theoryRuth is mentioned as a servant, Handmaid, maidservant, slave, foreigner, Moabit what I would like clarified is; The Hebrew & Greek word that are used for, servant, Handmaid, maidservant and slave? Which is the correct word that described her standing? Ruth 2:13 Holman Christian Standard Bible...

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