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@Ray I like "Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis" but I'm not sure about exegesis.stackexchange.com - what do you think about bibletext(s).stackexchange.com or Jessica's suggestions?
I personally think the title needs changed to Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis, but the URL should remain.
Just thinking about the crowd we would attract if we have "bible" in our URL makes me a little nervous.
I agree that hermeneutics is tough to spell and is also a much larger topic than biblical hermeneutics, but if we do "bible experts" or "bible scholars" we will probably need to change the title of the site. If we change the title, we'll draw all manner of trolls.
@JackDouglas and @Richard, I can see the argument against having bible in the url
I would be less hesitant about having biblical
although keeping hermeneutics would probably be fine as long as the name changes
at some point, SE will probably ask us to come up with some permanent name
Yes, the name change is uncontroversial, isn't it - your suggestion is definitely an improvement over what we have now given the scope of the site.
@Ray This is a good point and I agree. For some reason, "biblical" doesn't make me nervous.
@Ray biblicaltexts.se?
like cooking.stackexchange.com is "Seasoned Advice" and they have "seasonedadvice.com"
It would be nice if we could get biblicalhermeneutics.com
@JackDouglas that could work..
@Richard I don't personally mind the tough spelling as we are aiming at experts. Great way of excluding illiterate trolls :)
its tough because nobody is going to type in biblicalhermeneuticsandexegesis.stackexchange.com
@JackDouglas Yeah, that's the main thought in my head.
@Richard lots of ink spilled already on domains: short story we are stuck with xyz.se.com
Yeah, i don't care at all about spelling... my only complaint is that it still leaves out the main topic of this site
@Ray I agree. I don't think anyone is arguing for that.
@Ray Fair enough. This is a good point.
@Richard I know, I just don't like having to cut when there's no really good place to cut
@Ray is biblicalinterpretation too broad?
What about translation? :P
I do think biblicaltexts or biblicalliterature or biblicalstuff covers the full scope, however
Hmm, translation is a bit of an edge case
Hermeneutics, translation, interpretation and source criticism seem to be our main on-topic themes.
Given those four, I'm starting to get into the idea of biblicaltexts
Did SE just go down? Or is it just me?
It has been funny today, but I can get on right now
@Richard It's on the fritz. I can browse and comment but I can't edit my own answers ... POST request just hangs.
I would argue that much of what is being called "translation" isn't really what many people have in mind... e.g., that could sound like "NIV vs KJV" or "gender neutrality" or "literal vs dynamic"
but I agree, biblicaltexts does cover it all
Hi @Caleb
@Ray Maybe so. I always think of "What does the original language say and is this a good translation?" We seem to have quite a few of those questions floating around.
@JackDouglas Hey
@Richard I don't disagree that that usage is within the semantic range; only that using it as the site's title may not communicate our purpose all that well
And since everybody in the room but me seems to be moderators now, allow me to say contrats all round and I'm glad to have you guys on the project. @Richard @Ray @JackDouglas
@Caleb Thanks. I wondered if they asked you and you had second thoughts? Either way I hope you'll keep caring about the site as much as you obviously do up till now.
@Richard I think translation is a kind of exegesis :p
@JackDouglas I didn't get asked, but it's ok -- that doesn't much change how much I care about the subject matter or site, so I'll keep participating and I hope I can be of some service to ya'll. Users are useful things to have around too.
@JackDouglas I thought that too for quite a while, but then someone pointed out to me that it's kind of separate. I personally think it's directly related, but not quite under the umbrella.
@Caleb I really find it shocking that they didn't ask you. I honestly think you make a better moderator than I do. I get a bit too riled up on certain topics.
@Richard No idea. Maybe @Richard filled their quota for only having one cross-over moderator as you suggested :) In any case it's no sweat you guys may have the hammers but know you can ping me into here or the TL if you ever want help with something.
@Caleb indeed, 3 mods and no keen users does not make a good site! Your contributions are really helping to build the foundation we need so I'm very glad you will stay committed...
Sorry, had to step away
@Caleb Thanks. I see it as a duty more than a privilege. I'm just trying to serve the BH.SE community
@Ray good attitude
shall I suggest biblicaltexts on meta? and can I crib your title @Ray
eg "Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis"
I'm questioning if we're going to gain the votes needed to overcome the +15 answer already there.
It makes me wonder if we should start a new question about the topic. But then that makes it seem... Kind of like we're rehashing things.
@JackDouglas Go for it
you could separate out the title and the URL
as two separate questions
@Ray I like this. A lot!
@Ray good idea
@Ray do you fancy giving the questions a go?
Not really involved in the discussion so far, but I like "bibletexts.*" :)
@GalacticCowboy I think SE are against bibleanything :( how do you feel about biblicaltexts.*?
That's actually what I meant. Focused on the "Texts" part - it's concise and representative.
3 hours later…
Wow! Did everyone but me miss the time change. ;-)
I agree with moving text front and center in the URL and perhaps title.
Can we still keep hermeneutics.se as an alias? Or do we have to pick just one?
I think the old url gets kept as an alias
like seasonedadvice.com and cooking.Stackexchange.com
"Been a long time gone
Old Constantinople's still has Turkish delight
On a moonlight night"
@JonEricson AAah, another good one from my long gone past.
That has been rattling around in my head since yesterday when we brought Turkish delight to our Sunday school class.
@Richard Not the TMBG version afterall. Is that the original version of the song?
@JonEricson I have no idea. It sounds even goofier than the TMBG version. It was just the first one I found on Youtube.
@Richard Did my question about becoming stars have anything to do with that. ;-)
Yeah, that's why I made the link to that question back in :2366968
@Richard Gak! For the life of me I couldn't figure out how you got the text to turn blue! Dur....
6 hours later…
Q: Is there a shorter, cleverer, more comprehensive title we could use?

Jon EricsonOur current title, "Biblical Hermeneutics", has a lot going for it: Covers many of the questions we ask if you take hermeneutics to mean "applied hermeneutics". Quietly excludes people who don't have some inkling what hermeneutics might consist of and includes people who know all about this som...

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