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Oh is this a christian site? (Why have two?) Who is "us"? — user4275 2 hours ago
@user4275 Technically, this is not a Christian site. Many here are Christians, but it is a 'come as you are party', as long as you follow site rules (hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/tour).
2 hours later…
@user2479 unfortunately uer4275 won't know you messaged him in here unless he's chatted in here recently, and I don't think she has.
7 hours later…
Hey, @JackDouglas or/and @Daи How do you see this question?
Q: Should Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) actually translate to “godly beings”, instead of "God"?

kenorbIn general across the Bible the Elohim is translated to God in the Bible. Should Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) actually translate to “godly beings”, instead of "God" in the Bible? If it should be translated to “godly beings”, why we've in most of the translations"God"? If question is too broad to answer, ...

^^^ @JackDouglas @Daи That question.
community closure please
just for being a mile long
seriously, if it takes 15 minutes just to read the question then it is unlikely to be a good fit for the SE model
@JackDouglas Did you read it complete? ;-P
@PaulVargas you must be joking?
ah, you are!
@JackDouglas Honestly, I only read the first four lines. The other items at a glance of bird.
that's a useful expression I will use it sometime
wow... I love the list of "additional reading" at the end
in case the dissertation of a question was not sufficient
the basic question is an obvious dupe anyway isn't it?
I think the other question Why is Elohim translated as God rather than gods? indicates that it's asking Bible translators why they did that mistake if it's mistake (this is my understanding). The question 'Should Elohim actually translate to “godly beings”, instead of “God”?' is more approach if we would have a chance for a new version of Bible which should translate the term in more correct/appropriate way. If you think it's duplicate, I could remove my question. — kenorb 6 mins ago
Hi, @ScottS How have you been?
@JackDouglas @PaulVargas I am beginning to question my vote as duplicate based of kenorb's last comment: "The other question states 'Why?', so the answer to the other question is because a singular noun is used with a singular verb. So not much deal in that. I think my question/answer doesn't fit there. – kenorb" So the grammatical "why" is perhaps different that "should" it be so translated.
@PaulVargas Busy, but good.
@ScottS can you persuade him to rewrite the question as about a single verse/text?
@JackDouglas I doubt it, because I think he is trying to argue that every instance should be plural, or at least referring to a "class" of beings (though I am not certain of that).
@JackDouglas I do think the edits kenorb has made on this question hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/11603/… are worth having it reopened now.
@ScottS Done.
That might be longer in the making than anything I've ever programmed.
@Caleb Is it a webpage?
I found commented out code from 8 year old VCS commits in which I'd attempted something similar but at the time web browser typography simply was not up to the task and I couldn't make it work. I dusted it off this week and was able to make it go finally. It's still a bit rough around the edges, but note that both English and Turkish hyphenation and justification is working!
@PaulVargas Yes. This one: incil.info
From the menu at the top right that says "Görünüm" select "Okuma Kipi" to twitch to reader mode.
1 hour later…
@Caleb Is this the Church?
@PaulVargas No, but close. We actually rented that building for a couple years. As of 4 years ago we're now on the 8th floor of an office building about 4 blocks from there, but Google refuses to update our location on Google maps.
2 hours later…
With this definition and comment, you have inspired me to read the bible and trying to understand it more than any other person or text — user2422960 14 mins ago

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