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@Mawia Regarding http://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/q/7961/2873 another Bible uses "moment" .
Gen 2:17 except the tree of knowledge of good and bad. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat from it you are surely doomed to die." (NJV)
3 hours later…
@Sarah Thanks. This is much better after your editing. hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/q/7963/2873
5 hours later…
Q: A helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE

DaиHere is a helpful flowchart for asking questions on BH.SE. Relevant meta posts for each decision are listed below: I am open to thoughts, critiques, etc. I can edit this if needed. My goal is for it be a helpful reference and 'one-stop-shop' for users. Also note that this does not say that pos...

@JonEricson concerning your professional interest, the creator of that site we're using to annotate the readings is a user on SE, and has asked several questions about the site before, FYI
2 hours later…
@MarkEdward Sorry I missed you Mark, it'd be nice to chat sometime. Your contributions here are really appreciated
@JohnMartin Hi, sorry for the delay responding. I've edited Soldarnal's question with a link (I'd never heard the term before). Are you planning to have a go at answering the question?
8 hours later…
@JackDouglas hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/q/7940/2873 I may have heard of "Early Catholicism" before. I need to learn a lot about it and then possibly answer.
@JackDouglas Thanks for the link.
@JackDouglas hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/a/7918/2873 Maybe I shouldn't have answered my own question, but here's a follow up to having done so. Q: If I'd still like to see more answers from others, should I remove my own answer &/or put a bounty on it?
Q: Welcoming Jewish, Christian, Atheist and other viewpoints in questions

DaиHow do we ensure that we accomplish our stated purpose of welcoming Jewish, Christian, Atheist and other viewpoints in questions? Does this mean that every question should welcome any perspective (that takes seriously the process of understanding the Biblical texts), or that as long as we have a ...

A: What was Noah thinking when he sent a raven from the ark?

Steve PThere is another possible explanation for Noah's use of a raven, regardless of its spiritual significance. Sending out ravens was an early maritime method of identifying if a ship was close to land and in which direction the land was. The Landnamabok manuscript, for example, recounts the story of...

interesting answer ^^^^
A: How does Jesus' argument from David and the show bread work?

YellowJacketReading this passage today made me want to research it. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and He came to fulfill the law not break it. This passage has several aspects that are best read together as Jesus combines them: Jesus and Disciples Pluck and Eat Grains on the Sabbath At that time Jesus w...

and this is awesome: hopefully this guy will stick around ^^^^^
2 hours later…
@Daи, I have a question for you.
You mentioned yesterday in that chat "I'm currently learning the Poetry Rap Genius interface for annotating readings, and it uses the same markup as SE"
Have you found that website to be a helpful tool for Bible study?
I ask because, I'm currently exploring what sites are available for annotating texts and if they can be useful for the collaborative study of texts
I'd also be curious to hear from @JonEricson or anyone else around here.
you can see for yourself :)
So far everything has already been annotated ad nauseam because there are thousands of participants in this course - so it's perhaps not as fun as starting from scratch with a new text with only a few annotators
it is odd having so much information in annotations, but you can use left and right arrows to find stuff
the information is excellent tho - they moderate the content and ensure only good stuff gets in
Basically, it's missing functionality to filter and discover annotations?
Are there alternatives to RapGenius for this kind of thing?
@Ami I don't know, this is my first exposure to this
@Ami yes it is missing that
but there are 21,000+ people in this course
so I don't know if the texts I'm reading are the best example of the platform
because 21,000+ people are attempting to annotate it haha
I'm curious to get your opinion and the opinion of others on hermeneutics.SE about how the following site compares to rapgenius as a tool for annotating text, and what could make it better: annotationproj.azurewebsites.net
It has practically no content at this point, because I'm the only user.
@Ami haha gotcha
At this point I'm sure there are still bugs, it's missing a few features and I would love to get a professional designer to take a pass on the UI, but it has profile pages and functionality for commenting on annotations, fairly complex filtering functionality and the ability to "favorite" other people's annotations.
@Ami well right off the bat I don't understand how to annotate
I cannot select text it seems
very good to know
that is correct
whatever you type in the "anchor" textbox is your selection
I should probably rework that
@Ami what if the word I am annotating appears 20 times in the text?
and I only want to annotate the first instance?
I've thought about this and I don't think it's a major problem. Often a word will appear 20 times and your annotation is relevant for each of the 20 times. Otherwise, you just need to include more text in your anchor to be more specific...
oh I see, it highlights the text as I type it into the annotation, but it highlights every instance of it
do you disagree?
@Ami yes, because this English translation uses the same English word to translate multiple Greek words
and I want to indicate the meaning of the underlying word for each instance
I see
that's an interesting point
I will make a note of that
but the interface is relatively simple
is any markup allowed in the source?
I really like that I can add tags to annotations
I was worried about allowing users to clutter up the interface and I wanted to the experience to center around text
and then search and filter by the text of the annotations themselves or by their tags
You can do "user:amichai" to filter on annotations by a single user
I read about that
so now is probably a good time to offer a competitive service
Here's what I would love
the ability to 'show full text with annotations'
So that I can read it like this:
"Original text somehow highlighted or put in blockquotes or otherwise set off from annotations"
Below it, the annotations
then the next segment of text, even if not annotated (just have a section with no annotations written under it)
hang on
I'll create a fast example
(still working on it, I want it to be a good example)
Take your time
@Ami ok, I did this in Sphinx Python documentation because it was simplest to use RST markup rather than making LaTeX cooperate
so it looks like sphinx
I see
and the actual text in yellow should not be <pre> formatted, they should be in standard font
but this way I can see the text, and the annotations, it is clearly delineated which is which, and I am not forced to mouse over and hit arrows to read everything
and then if I could even further filter this page, that would be sweet
I definitely did not think of this, and I like it a lot.
@Ami well I've spent a few hours trying to read thousands of peoples annotations on the same text
and I thought - there has to be a better way to see all of this at once
ps when I uploaded to your site I used the public domain version of the text so you shouldn't have issues with copyrighted material
the screenshot shows a copyrighted translation
I'm thinking I can add this as a second possible views and users can select a preference which will be persisted
@Ami yes it would be a view option
perhaps somewhat like a report option so that the main page doesn't have to load all this data
unless requested
make them customize/choose what they want to see in the final report
I think this is a "killer" feature and I will try to get to as soon as possible
i.e. make the filters available
@Ami because then people can even share their annotations like a work/book
and if you REALLY want to knock their socks off, let them export this in epub format, xml, etc. :P
nahh, keep them on your platform
Yes. I was planing on making an "export" feature when you filter what annotations you want to see and it produces a printer friendly version of the document which could also be sent for self-publishing...but I didn't think of that layout
I have no desire to keep people on my platform
for a small fee, it will generate an epub that can be read on a Kindle of their annotated text, and they must of course agree they have rights, but of course you have IP rights since it is on your site, blah blah blah
I'm not worrying about any of that
@Ami the other interface you may want to check out is net.bible.org/#!bible/Matthew+1:1
it's another way of doing it
note that clicking on a footnote superscripted number automatically scrolls to it on the right and highlights the number
but I prefer the way I showed it - but then again, you may want to offer choices/views
I prefer not to add superscripts to the text
@Ami understandable
But the user should be able to click on a word and scroll to all the annotations on that word...
@Daи, your feedback has been really helpful for me
I will definitely let you know when I implement that linear layout feature
@Ami glad to help
@Ami great thanks! I have an account now so I'll give it a shot
Great...just keep in mind that this site is in a very early test phase, so it's totally possible that you randomly lose all your annotations for no apparent reason...
hopefully not, but it's possible.
If anyone wants to follow my progress: trello.com/b/xZl8q6f6/annotationproject
@Ami oh that's fine
@Ami I get it
A: What does "sit" mean in the scripture "The prostitute who sits on many waters."

DavidOkay - I'll take a shot at this. [tl;dr: with @rhetorician, I believe "sit" in Rev 17:1 is intended to convey the settledness of a potentate in pomp. This sitting/setting needs to be seen in the immediate context, and in relation to John's use of the Hebrew scriptures.] Principles for interpret...

@JackDouglas ^^^ another model answer - OUTSTANDING!!!

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