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Q: What did Jesus mean when he said “to preach an acceptable year of the Lord”?

hank I suggest: What event was Jesus referring to when he read Isaiah 61:1 and the first half of verse 2 – he stopped at “to proclaim he acceptable year of Jehovah”? Luke 4:19 “to preach (GR 2784) an acceptable (GR 1184) year of the Lord”? 1184 dektos; acceptable, used with elements of time such as … ...

5 hours later…
Q: Why did the Mesoretes translate על־שמם as "upon the desolate" in Daniel 9:27?

William StruseThe Hebrew phrase על־שמם is found in only three places in the Old Testament. (Ezr 2:61, Neh. 7:63, Dan. 9:27) In Ezra 2:61 and Nehemiah 7:63 על־שמם is translated "after their name". In Daniel 9:27 the phrase על־שמם is translated as "upon the desolate". Any thoughts on why the Mesoretes translated...

5 hours later…
@Jesse Ah, I didn't realise you had an interest in the Church Fathers! I take it you've read all the Apostolic Fathers already? As I commended to GD, 'The Patient Ferment of the Early Church' was a wonderful niche read that covered a range of early church texts that don't normally get a lot of focus.
9 hours later…
@Stevecanhelp Maybe I'll start there
@Stevecanhelp I tend to hit a wide range of topics and periods. Great way to widen one's horizon. I'll check out Patient Ferment. About early Christian discipleship, hmm... that's interesting. I'm currently more into the changes of worship throughout history, this book.

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