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@GratefulDisciple In terms of modern writers I think you're probably right. However Ortlund is writing really in the Puritan tradition, where they would mine one specific verse or section to death. That sort of thing usually ends up a bit hermeneutically questionable, but in Ortlund's case he has a great way of anchoring it back on scripture time and time again
But he cites a couple of Puritan writers and re-presents their arguments and points along the way
7 hours later…
Q: Hair Covering and glory of a man and woman with hair

Michael Was Paul insighting that women should have their head covered with their hair as the covering or they should find something to cover their head with their hair when praying? Is it compulsory that irrespective of ones traditional or cultural practices, one ought to cover their head-hair? 3.Wha...

@Stevecanhelp Probably related to this is evangelicals' renewed appreciation of Jonathan Edward's spirituality. Have you read anything of his?

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