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9:10 AM
Q: How do you tell if you're saved as someone with scrupulosity?

20m3oneI came back to Christ in 2020 and started reading the NT. I read passages such as Matthew 7 where Christ says "Not everyone who says Lord Lord will inherit the Kingdom" How do you tell if you're a goat or Lamb?

14 hours later…
10:54 PM
Q: Do the merits of an exegesis relying on texts unavailable to the author depend upon whether the unavailable texts were invented or not-yet-existent?

FelixLXXNot-yet-existent: like when an exegesis of Genesis uses a passage in Ephesians (which I'm fine with) Invented: like when an exegesis of Genesis uses a passage that isn't in Ephesians at all (it might not be malicious, perhaps they remember it wrong) == == == == == == == == == But I'd be grateful ...

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