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@NickAlexeev Nice that also looks good
While I hated basically everything else about the Arduino, the serial communication functions were super straightforward :D
7 hours later…
Them grumpy folks like me who's been programming MCUs forever were used at re-inventing the wheel for every new MCU project. You lose count over how many UART drivers you've written. But you also do learn to write them yourself rather effortlessly. All these bloat libs aren't doing folks a favour. The few times I've used STM32 I just ignored all the libs and treated them like example code you can peek at while writing the real drivers.
The only tricky part of UART is to go with rx interrupt + ring buffer or to go with DMA. Either tends to be a bit intricate.
Although the last time I used UART in a new product was somewhere around year 2013-2014. The last argument for using it was that PC:s still used to come with a RS232 port some 10 years back.
8 hours later…
Investigation [survey] into high power converter topologies [NASA, 2021]. Largest power mentioned is 1kW. ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20210021766/downloads/…

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