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@Lundin An anechoic chamber would normally have a turn table, which would be perfect for table-turning.
@NickAlexeev Hmm so you mean that the ghosts will still make it inside the anechoic chamber? That would explain a significant number of EMC tests in the past :P
And I still find it hilarious that according to these devices, ghosts apparently use some manner of modulation technique :)
The test engineers at the EMC chambers are exorcists.
@NickAlexeev More like voodoo priests I think :)
From FCC regulation 666: 70-200MHz Unspecified paranormal activities, 50kHz channel width 10% duty cycle <1mW ERP.
There can be conducted poltergeist in the mains too.
Non-conforming ghosts get hunted down by FCC. Actually there's probably a thin line between the radio authorities and Ghost Busters. At one time we were intentionally transmitting too much on a band during a 24h period as part of a RF R&D test. The day after a mysterious black van with lots of antennas on top rolled up on the parking lot. But they were kind enough to just tell us "don't send with that much power, please" and not hand out of fine. RL Ghost Busters.
@Lundin Somebody at my shop used the word "EE people" in a conversation. Immediately the song Vodoo People by Prodigy came to mind. "Magic people, voodoo people."
RF engineers = voodoo people

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