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@Mihai8 What kind of circuit is it in?
9 hours later…
I was trying to edit an old question with hand-drawn schematics in them, to instead have CircuitLab-schematics, but I really struggled with using that tool - it seems like it should be possible to move parts by just clicking and dragging, and that wiring components together should be as simple as also clicking and dragging between pins. Neither seems to work for me, I simply get a selection box instead.
Wiring can of course be done with the wire "component", but I could not find any alternative way to move components around.
I'm on latest chrome on win11. Is this something anyone else has encountered?
3 hours later…
@MrGerber Was the hand drawn schematic that bad that it needed to be redrawn?
I'm not a fan of CircuitLab as a schematic capture tool. I did my illustrations in OrCAD, Altium, Kicad, Visio, Draw.io, and posted images. Hand drawn them too on a few occasions.
@NickAlexeev Yeah, but it was a very old question, so it was by no means a crisis, just tidying-up sort of work.
It wasn't my question, has to be said.
Yeah no I would choose my Altium Pro-license over CircuitLab for proper schematic work myself, no doubt!
But when we have this built-in schematic tool it's not a bad idea to try and use it properly. An upside-down or sideways photo of a hand drawn schematic with a lot of shadows of erased pencil and chickenscratch annotation? Unless it's big and complex i think its better to redraw in Circuitlab

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