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6:10 AM
@misk94555 I rarely ever use RTOS these days since I mainly work with low level stuff. Writing a simple OS yourself isn't that hard either. I used FreeRTOS at one point but I have no opinion about whether it is better or worse than any other.
2 hours later…
7:47 AM
@misk94555 I don't have a preference either. I also just do low level stuff mostly. But I would say look for something with good support in your toolchain.
You want to be able to get good information on the different running tasks and their stacks in debug.
If you choose one of the most well known ones I would be surprised if it wasn't pretty well supported, but I don't know. Probably both are completely fine. The important part imo is to have experience with working with an RTOS not necessarily a specific one.

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