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Any ideas about this capacitor? Type, value, voltage rating, polarity?
2 hours later…
@ThePhoton Not that I know of. Usually just have 3 windows open
5 hours later…
@Rojo Looks like 39pF, unpolarized ceramic. Probably 50V, maybe 100.
@JRE thanks!
3 hours later…
Man, never thought crimping a few darned wires would be so expensive
Gorram $600 molex crimpers...
@Giskard42 What connector type?
@Asmyldof Molex UltraFit (found an alternative crimper that works passably, but finicky), now we're doing JST PH
@Giskard42 Can;t say you should be sad about replacing Molex anyway
@Asmyldof I wish we could replace the molex ones, but they're baked into a production run of boards :<
@Asmyldof The JSTs are on a seperate harness
Same as Wurth making many "replacement" Molex connectors, you may be able to find an MFG that makes an UltraFit compatible.
But don't bet on it, because it's a relatively sucky one
@Asmyldof Hmm, thanks for the tip!
Right at the moment it escapes me what the Molex series was called that fits WR-MPC3, but that's commonly used in motor drive and the like and I'm very happy about having stock of the Wurth part in stead
Think TE/AMP made one for the same series as well, but were possibly bullied out, because can't say they're still easy to find
@Asmyldof Neat, I'l have to check into that.
The molex housings and suchlike are really nice, but man
are those contacts ever flimsy
Retention force and contact resistance continuity over life seem to be less considered parameters in the Molex company
On the whole
@Asmyldof Wish I'd known that before I switched away from screw terminals
You don't need to go for Molex to not have screw terminals
AMP even have pluggable screw terminals
(broken record mode: for which Wurth makes compatible alternatives)
@Asmyldof Yeah, we were using a set of pluggable screws
Worked really well
Some smartass suggested we needed better strain relief to pass ETL
For higher power I often use MPC3 and MPC4, MPC3 will be hard to get loose the first few times, though
hey there
@GabrielQueirozSilva Oi
@Asmyldof Those look pretty slick
but that's also because I have all the tools for MPC3 & MPC4
@Asmyldof 4.2 mm pitch? Wut?
In fact about to consider investing in automated wire cutting and stripping
That's a weird one
Why would anyone care these days? See a lot of 2.2mm/1.8mm/3.8mm in stead of the dumb inchy alternatives
@Asmyldof True dat
@Asmyldof But... But...3.5mm gives me the warm fuzzies...
@Asmyldof 27 windows open right now as I try to work on 3 projects at once.
@ThePhoton How many browser tabs?
What's the term to google to get a chart that says what hole size to drill for different size screws?
@Giskard42 3
@ThePhoton Tap drills
@ThePhoton Can't say that I have had much problems with 5+ projects, but then the majority of them are now mine or from people who stick to the rules, so the navigation is easy
I think
@Giskard42 perfect thanks
@ThePhoton I usually go by DIN/ISO charts
Even have made 3D models in the PCB library for most of my screws, so you can see if the screw-head will interfere with reaching anything
@Asmyldof Just grab them from McMaster
Nope, made them years ago
@Asmyldof The screws?
Get my screws from local verified supply
So that I know 10.9 is actually 10.9
No idea about McWhatevers
@Asmyldof I get my screws hand burnished by a Tibetan monk
Probably a bad idea with respect to knowing 10.9 is really 10.9
@Asmyldof McMaster-Carr is love
@Asmyldof McMaster's pretty good with tolerances for most stuff they sell
they vet their suppliers pretty well, as far as I can tell
I just want to know that I can truly yank m'screws taight, yo
1 hour later…
The manual for my 6428B contains this priceless verbiage: " ...the output current may exceed its maximum rating and may result in damage to the load. the power supply will not be damaged."
Currently bidding on a set of Philips/Fluke supplies that turned that into a feature by adding a programmable delay
1 hour later…
@jippie hey
hey guys, I have a bit of an obstacle ahead of me
I've got to get low energy bluetooth working with an arduino board that's pretty new and hasn't had those libraries quite written up for it
Where should I be getting started with this, arduino project experience and I've done digital design on fpgas and I'm somewhat familiar with UX/TX on that
@Skyler Ha, I'm using the exact same one right now :)
@Giskard42 haha, its a good board
but yea, I haven't been able to find anything for BLE, have you?
@Skyler We even have it built into the product we're making
@Skyler I have, one sec
I'm using MicroPython on the ESP-32
That has bluetooth support
@Skyler You might be able to borrow their implementation
Is there a specific build you've found success with
@Skyler I'm not sure if you're using Micropython, but these issues might be helpful for you:
@Skyler I have a build environment set up if you'd like me to build a .bin for you
That might actually be really helpful =)
Would you please
@Skyler If you're using micropython, that is...
I don't know the build process for Arduino
Oh, so is micropython a seperate builder too
or can you port it into arduino ide
@Skyler As far as I'm aware, they're not interchangable
And is this regular BT or BLE
oh, reading second nwo
our code base isn't too big and i like python
so it wouldnt hurt to at least try micropython
I'd like that .bin @Giskard4
@jippie Thought you got eaten by a dragon
@Skyler Coming right up
Might take a min :)
np, can micropython use libraries for arduino ide btw?
@Skyler Nope :<
Is there any good area to browse libraries. I need to see if FastLED is supported and a library for this thermal sensor is supported amazon.com/dp/B071VF2RWM
@Skyler Not that I'm aware of.
@Skyler The Melexis therm sensor is easy, it's just an I2C lib
@Skyler What led are you trying to drive?
did that .bin finish @Giskard42? Sounds like micropython is definitely the path forward
@Skyler upload with esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyXXX write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware.bin
@Skyler I've got no idea how to use the bluetooth, you'll have to look at the pull requests I sent you for that info.
@Giskard42 yea, those had some useful starting info, btw, is esptool.py called from within micropython?
@Skyler Nope, just install it
on your computer
I forget how
lol, trying to open this (win 7)
@Skyler If you have python installed I think you can install esptool through pip
oh nice
2 hours later…
Ah. Great British Engineering. Make a pre-heater with board holders that goes up to 350 degrees C. Glue the magnet in the holders with standard melt glue that melts at 150 degree C.
Wondered what I smelled about half way through pre-heating to 210
@Giskard42 mhm
I did actually literally go: "Ugh, typical."
Anyone need a PM2811 supply or any one of a whole bunch of HP system supplies?
Depending on how two weeks from now goes: Or a CMU200?
Or, indeed, other stuff I'll be giving away or selling off that's already "in my attic" now?
tbh I'm doing the Philips/Fluke number from memory. The one that's 60W/30V/10A autoranging
system supplies?
on the "giving away" part i might be interested
@Asmyldof -- specs?
@Skyler Not for the system supplies. Actually paid for that and will have to pay mucho $$$ to get about a pallet of stuff removed from the Lockbourne location. But if you're willing to pay shipping on some attic stuff, some of it is free / nominal fee type stuff
Unless you live in Lockbourne and have a van, in which case you're welcome to skim one or two system supplies from the top
well obviously id pay shipping
Going to attempt ZzZ-ing now

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