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12:00 AM
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 129, Bombs Used: 59, Moves Performed: 16713, New Users: 12
[Zomis/minesweeper-flags-client] 2 commits. 12 additions. 0 deletions
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 issue comments
12:38 AM
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#5387](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/dc732efef8fb3a7ced16e4af16e3257ed10fea11?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.16%`.
> The diff coverage is `88.01%`.

@@ Coverage Diff @@
## next #5387 +/- ##
12:54 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 166ddf63 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#5387](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/dc732efef8fb3a7ced16e4af16e3257ed10fea11?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.15%`.
> The diff coverage is `88.01%`.

@@ Coverage Diff @@
## next #5387 +/- ##
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 166ddf63 on unknown branch: 61.75% (target 0%)
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 166ddf63 on unknown branch: 88.01% of diff hit (target 60%)
2 hours later…
2:31 AM
nevermind to the above
I was a good boy and figured out on my own that i should use singletons instead of static classes :)
2 hours later…
4:38 AM
Should there be an inspection for static cell references? Sheet1.Range("A1").Value2 = "Foo" This could come up with a lot of results.
5:20 AM
2 hours later…
7:44 AM
So I was reading the C# language specification and:
C# is an object-oriented language, but C# further includes support for component -oriented programming. Contemporary software design increasingly relies on software components in the form of self-contained and self-describing packages of functionality."
What exactly is the common definition for an object or a class again?
@IvenBach Yes definitely.
Such a bad habit when you first start using VBA.
8:07 AM
> Can RD detect whether or not the user is actively editing the code while it is attempting to parse?
3 hours later…
12:25 PM
Can someone explain this revision graph to me?
I've got GetDataFromEDW checked out currently, but have made no changes, nor committed anything to it. I'm confused why there are so many arrows leading away from that branch and SatReportFromNRC which I branched it from.
I would expect my current branch to be at the bottom with 1 or more arrows leading to it, not this way.
All I've done with it so far is create the branch, look at some code and realize that I want to get a module that I think I created and checked in somewhere. (<- that's question #2)
12:41 PM
And, to top it off, my graph appears to be "upside down" in comparison to the one in Tortoise Git's manual
Sidebar: I discovered that the 2 modules I'm looking for are in ConnectToEDW!
12:56 PM
The hash at the bottom has a pop-up where I labeled it as my "Initial checkin to git" so that means that the arrows point to the parent
i.e. at one point, I started working on eligibility, and that's as far as it's gone. I also created a branch from there called dataload.
in the dataload branch, I made some changes and stashed them, and they're sitting there, somewhere, probably rotting away being of no use anymore because I haven't a clue what I did in there or why.
most likely after committing dataload to master & pushing to origin, I created AutomateFTPtoNRC and committed and pushed it to master& origin.
I then created branch SatReportFromNRC based off of master and from it created branch GetDataFromEDW.
origin is some sub-set of the code changes that had been committed to SatReportFromNRC, as is ConnectToEDW (because whatever changes are in SatReportFromNRC haven't been pushed to origin yet). and master is somewhere ahead of origin because changes have been made to master but haven't yet been pushed to origin.
^^ did I get that right?
1:58 PM
Hello? tap, tap, tap skreeeeeee! Is this thing on?
What... Is it Monday morning and people have work to do?
@FreeMan Maybe ^^
1 hour later…
3:18 PM
@FreeMan can confirm =)
3:32 PM
Here I was thinking I was special and that y'all existed to answer my questions and nothing else. harumph!
@FreeMan well, mooning is hard work...
checks for typos. backs away from that statement
@this I'm looking through your article on OASIS set up again
> We also generally don’t include ODBC linked tables because we usually have a code routine to relink the tables, so having it in source code control does not make sense for us.
That makes sense. How do you go about "relinking" the tables if they're not there in the first place?
Usually as a startup routine
As it stands, I've got my tables linked. When the code starts it determines what directory it's being run from and if it's the "PROD" directory, it sets a "PROD" parameter, then relinks all the existing tables to the PROD SQL server.
we use a "splash" form which is set as the startup form and thus serves as the startup.
3:37 PM
Anything else, it links them to the DEV server.
But... If the links aren't there to begin with, do you build them?
Yeah, we tie it to the file's name, rather than the path. Admittedly I am not a big fan of tying them to some thing about the filesystem.
Yes. The "relink" routine works whether there's no tables to start with.
So there's a local table with all the linked table configuration?
That's one way. We actually have it in the SQL Server
and use an ADO connection to get the information and re-create the linked tables that way
How do you know which server to connect to? Oh... I guess that's based on the file's name.
Correct. The code has to select the connection string, then connect first. That'd have to be done before it even gets to the server's table of linked tables to build.
3:40 PM
Other than that issue I had late last week with my record source missing, I'd actually deleted all the linked tables from my dev build. There's no other need since I'm really using Access as a front end and not doing any actual "work" with it.
this could all happen with user forms from Excel, frankly.
So we do have another table --- a local table --- that stores the connection data (without username/password, of course) that is used to provide the connection string.
yeah. I've got that in code (I know, I know...) but essentially the same thing.
Yep. Those need to be kept separate. I have a class to represent the database connection and request the links and all the magic happens... automagically.
You're aware of cached connection behavior, right?
@this urm... no, not particularly.
3:44 PM
remembering that, while technically, this is multi-user, there's no practical time that more than 1 of us are in the DB at a time...
Unfortunately that is an Access-only thing; Excel doesn't have that. Not even ADO has that. That makes security in those other scenarios unnecessarily complicated.
Let me rephrase that. ADO does kind of have that with Persist Security Info=False; but if you're going to create a new Connection every time you run a query, it becomes basically useless.
will get back to that... gotta go figure out why something decided to not work right in Prod. :/
2 hours ago, by FreeMan
What... Is it Monday morning and people have work to do?
4:08 PM
I keep ending up with
  MultiUse = -1  'True
in my code!!!!
I just went through about a dozen modules, deleted it, ctrl-s'd the project to save and did it again to have OASIS export.
(Note that this is after importing via OASIS)
I did a git status and it shows NO modules different.
Did you switch branch?
yes, switched branch then import, then compile
I clicked the Delete button first - there was nothing existing in Access to be deleted
and now my code won't compile because I have Private x As CustomClass
do a new test. After you've cleaned stuff up and ensured you don't have that anymore both in the VBA project & in the filesystem, do another OASIS import of only one module that you know to be a class module and see if it comes up with that text again
there's a CustomClass module, but it's not a class module, it's a basic module
did it get that text, too?
4:14 PM
don't recall. did them quickly without paying attention. :/
And I've got a form that keeps losing a parameter to a called procedure (yes, code behind...)
what od you mean by "losing a parameter"?
like a piece of code getting truncated?
MyRoutine parm2 should be MyRoutine parm1, parm2. At some point, I'm 99.999% certain that I unintentionally deleted parm1. I've also very intentionally replaced it several times. I'm 99.999% certain that I'd replaced it here, too.
hey, git has history, I should be able to see if I actually checked that fix in, right?
:( I'm not seeing anywhere that I checked that fix in earlier today.
so, PEBKAC, then. Git can't help fix that problem.
4:25 PM
yeah... I'm really trying to get the hang of this, but it's eluding me so far...
let's simplify. Your workflow should be like this on a daily basis (well, not "daily" but often enough):
1. Pull from master! Import it!
2. Do your work
3. Save, export and push to your local branch
#1 is the most important thing, hence the exclamation points. If you skip that, you risk ending up with a branch that's going off on its tangent and is not in sync with the trunk.
That is especially true when you switch between 2 different branches
OTOH, I DO have it checked into git at some point.
Step 1, "Import it" < is that an OASIS import or a git import, or???
remember your workflow is complicated because you have to deal with git in the filesystem, then the OASIS + the binary file.
won't that overwrite code in this branch with code from the master branch?
no. That would be a conflict
which you then need to resolve.
4:31 PM
backing up further... "Pull from master" is that "Option 1" in this answer?
git merge master
so if I'm bouncing between branches, putting in hot fixes (like I did an hour ago), git merge master to pull that changed code into my current branch so I don't overwrite what I did previously.
got it.
yes. You wnat to keep your current branch synchronized as close to the master as possible
most of time, there shouldn't be a conflict but if there is, you want to resolve it sooner than later as it'll be fresh in your mind why that was changed and how you need to address it in your current branch
dumb(?) question. If I do HotFixA based off of master, then merge NewFeature1 into master without ever having merged HotFixA into NewFeature1, why don't I get any sort of conflict when I try to merge NewFeature into master?
why does it seem that NewFeature just overwrites master and clobbers HotFix?
uh, I don't see the bit where you merge the HotFix into master?
4:39 PM
(ass-u-med). I thought that step, but didn't type it.
Let's be explicit.
We start a new branch NewFeature1 from master
We work on it.
We switch to a new branch HotFix based off the master.
We work on it. We merge it into the master.
Hold that thought! Gotta run. Thank you again for the patience!!!
Now the master is few commits ahead of the NewFeature1 but also few commits behind the NewFeature1.
5:30 PM
FWIW, it's "code", not "codes" — Mathieu Guindon 39 secs ago
there I said it
6:06 PM
@MathieuGuindon "aircraft" "aircrafts". I just make that edit on Aviation all the time
@Duga It might make sense to split the rename refactoring into one for components and projects and one for everything else.
@FreeMan huh, people pluralize aircrafts for no reason all the time??
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
The Visual Studio component cache is out of date. Please restart Visual Studio.
Go and restart yourself, SSMS.
that just gets my goat
6:13 PM
@this feverishly looks for the Resume button...
@FreeMan right - so is what was described accurate state of affair?
@this :thumbsup:
Alright, so you switch back to NewFeature1
you then need to pull from master again, to merge the HotFix's merges into the NewFeature1 branch. You then resume your work on NewFeature1, finish it and commit into the NewFeature1 branch.
After having merged the master into NewFeature1 branch, your NewFeature1 is now few commits ahead of master, but does not have any commits behind the master anymore.
You can then merge NewFeature1 into the master branch, and it preserves the HotFix` correctly.
makes sense
what to do with
> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Forms/ReportMaster.layout
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
6:20 PM
fix it, of course!
Warning: use of eyeballs required
how do I best go about that?
normally, in tortoise git, I sort the status so I can find the conflicted files, right-click and Resolve Conflicts
that opens up the tortose git merge tool which I can then review the conflicts/differences and fix as I go.
I've never seen that bit in red before, but, I've prolly never done this right before, either...
6:21 PM
yeah, that's OK
normally when you merge, it instantly commits a new commit
but in this case, your merge commit can't be finished because of conflict
Most things are still more comfortable CLI, but for sorting out the conflict, it makes sense to go GUI. At least at first...
Hence, the need of eyeballs.
once you've fixed all the conflicts, you can then commit the merge
Tortoise shows Abort merge which isn't what I want. Since I started this at the command line, what's the proper selection to resolve the conflict?
derp Resolve
well... there was no eyeball opportunity there...
no no
Edit Conflict is what you want
I hit resolve, both were selected, I hit OK.
Now it says "resolve finished".
6:25 PM
resolve means to just stomp on one or other, depending.
oy. :/
yeah, TBH, you never want to click on Resolve. At least I've never after that one time.
Eyeballs are really required here, boy.
I ass-u-me'd that it would show me the differences and allow me to resolve them. And... that's what I get.
I can commit or just hit "OK". I'm pretty sure "OK" is the best bet.
then I can re-export files from Access and try again, right?
I'd really want to revert the file that you resolved.
or even abort the merge
and try it again.
urgh. I hit "OK" (bypassing the "Commit") to close the dialog. I selected "Abort Merge" from the Tortoise menu and get this:
I presume I just wan to reset Merge (as defaulted) which would basically leave everything as it was.
yeah. Failing that, hard would be next. I never would want Mixed.
TBH, I usually just select all files in status and Revert. that's basically same thing as hard, I think.
Weird, it's showing almost everything was modified! although relatively few files show any lines added/removed
did the Merge reset and it's more or less back where I started.
backing up a couple of steps, this was what I ran at the command line, and the output it gave me:
$ git merge master
warning: Cannot merge binary files: Forms/ReportMaster.layout (HEAD vs. master)
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in Modules/testSQL.def
Auto-merging Modules/testSQL.def
Removing Modules/SourceControl.def
Auto-merging Forms/ReportMaster.layout
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Forms/ReportMaster.layout
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
How could there be a CONFLICT in Modules/testSQL.def, yet it then went on to auto-merge it?
6:44 PM
Ask Linus?
got his number?
CONFLICT just tells you that there is changes to the same lines in the merged histories
but if you can auto-merge, the user doesn't need to resolve them
but, it was able to resolve them itself?
kinda scary...
CONFLICT (add/add) just means that both sides added the file.
if they added it with the same content, then that's trivially mergeable
if the diff between the files is trivial, it can be merged
6:46 PM
"trivial" in this case means that one of the versions added has strictly more lines than the other
if I were you, I'd check the file, though
@Vogel612 just wondering - can automerge be disabled in that case?
I've looked at it. Looks OK. Good news is that it's just a test method to ensure other things were working as expected. Probably will go away in the very near future
Not sure which version git thinks is the binary Forms/ReportMaster.layout, though. They should both be text as exported by OASIS...
I'd assume you'd want to select a merge-strategy using the -s option
7:00 PM
OK, seriously confused. When I open ReportMaster.layout in Notepad++, this is what I see:
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
    RecordSelectors = NotDefault
    NavigationButtons = NotDefault
    AllowDeletions = NotDefault
when I look at it in Tortoise Git's Resolve, I see this:
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
one one side and
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
    RecordSelectors = NotDefault
    NavigationButtons = NotDefault
    AllowDeletions = NotDefault
    DividingLines = NotDefault
    AllowAdditions = NotDefault
    AllowEdits = NotDefault
    DefaultView =0
    ScrollBars =0
    BorderStyle =3
    PictureAlignment =2
    DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
    GridX =24
    GridY =24
    DatasheetFontHeight =11
    ItemSuffix =5
    Top =600
    Right =7200
seriously bizarre... When I copy/pasted text, it looks the same, but the resolve tool, shows me something different:
looks like those are added lines
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
    RecordSelectors = NotDefault
    NavigationButtons = NotDefault
    AllowDeletions = NotDefault
    DividingLines = NotDefault
    AllowAdditions = NotDefault
    AllowEdits = NotDefault
    DefaultView =0
    ScrollBars =0
    BorderStyle =3
    PictureAlignment =2
    DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
    GridX =24
    GridY =24
    DatasheetFontHeight =11
    ItemSuffix =5
    Top =600
    Right =7200
what does th ebottom pane show?
I copied what you see in the left panel of that screen shot, pasted it here in the text box and it translated to what you see in the text that followed
It shows the random (looking) hex as seen in the screen shot
DatasheetGridlinesColor =14806254
RecSrcDt = Begin
GUID = Begin
NameMap = Begin
0x0acc0e5500000000000000000000000000000000000000000c00000005000000 ,
sorry, I am distracted - I think that is actually text being removed from the original version but I'm still unclear why both seem to be the same thing
7:07 PM
^that's what it looks like when I paste. If I have the initial lines of text in there, it fommats
Yeah, I'm baffled because they appear to the the same, left to right, to me, too
I've selected this text:
When I copy/paste into the chat window, I get this:
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
    RecordSelectors = NotDefault
    NavigationButtons = NotDefault
    AllowDeletions = NotDefault
    DividingLines = NotDefault
    AllowAdditions = NotDefault
    AllowEdits = NotDefault
    DefaultView =0
    ScrollBars =0
    BorderStyle =3
    PictureAlignment =2
    DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
    GridX =24
    GridY =24
    DatasheetFontHeight =11
    ItemSuffix =5
    Top =600
    Right =7200
you should be looking at the bottom pane
Bottom pane is the actual result of the merge
the left and right are "before" versions
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
AllowFilters = NotDefault
RecordSelectors = NotDefault
NavigationButtons = NotDefault
AllowDeletions = NotDefault
DividingLines = NotDefault
AllowAdditions = NotDefault
AllowEdits = NotDefault
DefaultView =0
ScrollBars =0
BorderStyle =3
PictureAlignment =2
DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
GridX =24
GridY =24
DatasheetFontHeight =11
ItemSuffix =5
Top =600
Right =7200
Bottom =6345
DatasheetGridlinesColor =14806254
RecSrcDt = Begin
hmm, the merge tool shows that they are =. I'm wondering if you have it set to show all differences or considering whitespaces which would make them look "different"
That's a totally different point! I copy lines with hex in them and Firefox/SE chat is translating it into readable text
^ that's the only time I've seen any of the hex actually post here in chat as hex. All the other times, it's getting translated
Ok, I'm utterly lost.
translated how?
7:12 PM
I have no idea!!!!
I'm saying I am not following what you are trying to say.
because I'm seeing the copy and paste being the same as the image.
Here's another shot. In this screen shot, I've selected the text from the bottom window & hit copy (as pointed to by the arrow)
I hit paste here in the chat window, select "fixed format" and this is the result:
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
    AllowFilters = NotDefault
    RecordSelectors = NotDefault
    NavigationButtons = NotDefault
    AllowDeletions = NotDefault
    DividingLines = NotDefault
    AllowAdditions = NotDefault
    AllowEdits = NotDefault
    DefaultView =0
    ScrollBars =0
    BorderStyle =3
    PictureAlignment =2
    DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
    GridX =24
    GridY =24
    DatasheetFontHeight =11
    ItemSuffix =5
    Top =600
i.e. something is translating that selected hex code in the screen shot into the nicely formatted text I posted after it
When I paste it, I see hex. When I click Send (over there --->) it comes out as readable text
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
AllowFilters = NotDefault
RecordSelectors = NotDefault
NavigationButtons = NotDefault
AllowDeletions = NotDefault
DividingLines = NotDefault
AllowAdditions = NotDefault
AllowEdits = NotDefault
DefaultView =0
ScrollBars =0
BorderStyle =3
PictureAlignment =2
DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
GridX =24
GridY =24
DatasheetFontHeight =11
ItemSuffix =5
Top =600
Right =7200
Bottom =6345
DatasheetGridlinesColor =14806254
RecSrcDt = Begin
let me see if I follow you.
You copy the text. You paste it into the chat
instead of the text, you get hex, whatever.
you send, and it comes out like above?
I tried it again without the Fixed format and got the same result. For a moment, I saw all the hex, but then Chat added the scroll bar and the hex disappeared and in its place was the formatted words
@this yup
welp, that's all news
7:17 PM
Version =20
VersionRequired =20
PublishOption =1
Checksum =270716858
Begin Form
AllowFilters = NotDefault
RecordSelectors = NotDefault
NavigationButtons = NotDefault
AllowDeletions = NotDefault
DividingLines = NotDefault
AllowAdditions = NotDefault
AllowEdits = NotDefault
DefaultView =0
ScrollBars =0
BorderStyle =3
PictureAlignment =2
DatasheetGridlinesBehavior =3
GridX =24
GridY =24
DatasheetFontHeight =11
ItemSuffix =5
Top =600
Right =7200
Bottom =6345
DatasheetGridlinesColor =14806254
RecSrcDt = Begin
but then again, I never tried copy'n'pasting from TortoiseGitMerge into a chat....
^ that was what was in the chat window before I hit send.
(part of what was there...)
TortoiseGitMerge is showing hex, but chat and Notepad++ are both showing me human readable text
reverts to confused state
This is about as good as @IvenBach's "can't compile the duck" issue... :/
The screenshots you show in the chat window and in the NotePad++ looks all the same...
wait, not exactly the same.
7:20 PM
Yes, but they're NOT what Tortoise is showing me - it's showing me hex!
the version that has the Hex contains the other lines that were deleted
and git is treating the file as binary
The yellow highlights means the lines were deleted
so I should not see the lines including the hex codes
Note that your NotePad++ is missing PublishOption =1 and Checksum =270716858 lines.
so you're pasting the version after the Merge, basically.
oh. oh! but... there seem to be many, many more lines in the actual file than there are left in white in the Merge window...
were there additions?
7:23 PM
does TortoiseGitMerge only show me the parts of the file where the differences are?
it shoudl show all the differences, both deletions & additions
^ lines not being displayed
I'm getting it now.
strange. never had that set for me.
or maybe I long ago forgot about it.
GTK that it has collapsing functionality, though. #TIL
Have we exited the panic mode now?
oooohhh... When I copied from the TGM window, I was copying lines 1-25, but it had lines 5-22 hidden, so when I pasted, I was getting 17 lines pasted that I wasn't actually seeing
Not so much panic mode, but a severe case of WTF?????
holy carp that is weird!
When I scrolled up to find one of those text pastes, hit "Show all" then scrolled all the way to the bottom:
The answer was there, it was just PEBKAC++
hence, you thought the hex code got translated into text
7:31 PM
@this yeah.
totally freaked out.
I just didn't scroll far enough down, I guess. I thought I did...
OK. Looking at it now, ignoring the organgish color and looking only at the white and bright yellow. It looks like the only changes are the addition of some blank lines vbCrLf. Even though it's set to ignore all whitespace, it's showing them as new, blank lines.
I hit "Mark as Resolved" then "Save"?
Also, it's only the Next Difference/Previous Difference buttons that are enabled. Next/Previous _conflict_ are disabled, so I'd presume there really aren't any conflicts?
to the first, the second, or both.
The Revenge of Monosyllable-Man
7:39 PM
and now that I've resolved the 2 files in question, I finish the commit by:
Git Commit?
Yeah sure.
that didn't sound very reassuring...
under the TortoiseGit menu, there aren't any likely sounding options...
Well, normally when I'm merging, I have the status dialog already open
and I'm resolving the conflicts files by files
When I'm done resolving conflict, I hit the Commit button right ere on the status dialog
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#5387](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5387?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/dc732efef8fb3a7ced16e4af16e3257ed10fea11?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.15%`.
> The diff coverage is `88.01%`.

@@ Coverage Diff @@
## next #5387 +/- ##
ah... I think that this time I tried doing the merge via Tortoise instead of CLI, but then I closed the window when it reported the conflicts. I rummaged about in the Source directory and right-clicked Resolve on the individual files instead of leaving the merge window open and doing it from there.
lesson learned
7:42 PM
Welp, first time in 4 years I skipped the SO annual survey
Multiple lessons learned.
pats @Mug on the back. There, they're, their, @Mug... It'll be OK
yeah if you note, dialogs make it easy for you to go from one workflow to other without having to close dialogs in between, so I only use right-click menu only to actually kick off something but not as a continuance of the same something.
once I learn where the buttons are, that should will make my life much easier, I'm sure.
@MathieuGuindon a sucka I am, I did and I ended up leaving a snarky comment about whether they need samples of my body fluids.
this is the first time I've dealt with a merge conflict, so I didn't know...
7:45 PM
I skipped several sections since they were... too personal?
@FreeMan #ProTip #LifeHack: They are on the bottom of the dialogs
I finished the merge as indicated in the screen shot above. Now it's prompting me to PUSH, but I don't want to do that, since this was a merge from master into currentFeatureBranch. Right?
not until you actually want the current feature branch to be merged into the master.
Merges are just a special kind of commits.
OK. That's what I was thinking. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't interrupting another flow by closing out of a dialog instead of continuing...
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit a4739d38 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
8:00 PM
OK, I really do not like the setup of the CE tests.
Everything gets built in some static method.
More precisely, in a static constructor.
lol, just had someone @ tag me then curse a whole bunch, then deleted their post. issue with "the index of color is 36, why is it black?" and they had .color = 36. i posted .colorindex versus .color and that apparently negated 30 minutes of their spent time
surprisingly made my day a bit better
@M.Doerner that sounds messy. Why would we want it in a static constructor for a mock?
Ask whoever rote the tests.
I guess it is to avoid parsing over and over.
I don't see a static ctor in mocked CE. Is it some other object or somewhere else?
feel free to blame me for that ... I don't think I did it, but I'm happy to take the blame :D
8:30 PM
You could blame me!
@this CodeExplorerTestSetup
The ctor is in the middle.
I guess comintern is the one to blame.
Doesn't really explain why he went with that design, unfortunately.
I am currently pondering how to best fix 54 tests that broke when I refactored the CodeExplorerProjectViewModel.
The problem is that they all pass null as the parser state.
The easiest solution would be to put the three stated into static properties as well.
However, that feels very wrong since the states are disposables.
8:47 PM
I have mentioned that before -- would a IoC container providing mocks simplify this?
Not really
I need a working RubberduckParserState. More precisely, one for which the IProjectsProvider is consistent with the declarations.
There would be no problem if we just parsed every time.
Now that jogs a memory - I think comintern was looking to cut down on the time spent parsing in testing CE.
since the unit tests for CE would not have any new declarations, he wanted to skip the parse part so that unit tests could complete quickly using a provided expectation of hte output
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