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12:00 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 16 issue comments.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 52, Bombs Used: 52, Moves Performed: 6552, New Users: 8
1 hour later…
1:03 AM
sigh why WPF gonna be dumb
1 hour later…
2:27 AM
@this WPF gonna be WPF =)
and haters gonna hate
3:02 AM
> Originally reported in #5217 -- though this issue was symptomically fixed by restoring the conditional flags, we still need to know why it crashed and there was difficulty in creating a MVCE.

With gratitude to @SteveLaycock for going above and beyond in helping in creating a reproduction, I can verify that this given code will cause an access violation:

Private Type foo
bar As Class1
End Type

Private x As foo

The crashing happens when we try to resolve the `x` typ
> Both designers individually seem to work but there are issues with loading WinForm designer with WPF element host, because WPF can't find itself, apparently. However, it is verified that runtime does work just fine.

There is still the bogus warning about re-importing SDK because the `Core` and `Main` uses a different SDK than the rest of projects. To handle that, conditions may be needed. and will be investigated.
3:18 AM
@this nudity on the internet? What are you thinking? It’s only use could be for research and collaboration.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit b98c9e0f on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
3:45 AM
@IvenBach or security vulnerabilities too
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
8:38 AM
Achievement unlocked: read all of The Codeless Code.
9:06 AM
> **Rubberduck version information**

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0, x64
Host Product: Microsoft Office x64
Host Version: 16.0.12026.20334
Host Executable: EXCEL.EXE

Sometimes when I am working Rubberduck stops doing refactorings. If I try to rename a class it simply doesn't do anything. The same thing also happens with opportunities such as adding attributes etc. Simply restarting Rubberduck fixes the problem until it appears again, doing a r
1 hour later…
10:21 AM
> I am at a loss what might be the root cause here. It is expected that every `CodePane` belongs to a `CodeModule` and that it can be obtained via the `CodeModule` property of the code pane object from the interop library.

I guess, we could wrap the request for the `QualifiedModuleName` in `SelectionService.OpenModules` in a try-catch block and log COM exceptions as warnings. That will omit the corresponding components from the returned collection and thus prevent selection recovery for them,
@Duga This really looks like some bug in the interop library.
We get the code pane directly from the VBE object. So, it cannot be a caching issue on our side.
Probably unrelated, but I recall running into issues with an assumption that every VbComponent had a code module, which doesn't hold in VB6.
10:40 AM
> **Justification**
I have a couple of unit tests where I have to check for floating point equality, and that can sometimes cause some problems. At the moment I have to make a separate function that returns a boolean and then use "IsTrue" instead.

Would be great if we could have a separate `AreEqualNumeric` or something like that which checks for value equality taking things like floating point quirks into account. Possibly also allowing optional arguments for setting absolu
11:25 AM
@mansellan That is actually stated in the documentation.
Anyway, if an object has a member, I would not expect it to throw on exception when calling it, especially not stating that the callee is invalid.
just to clarify - we are not actually caching the CodeModule, right? #ReadingFail
Actually I should rephrase the question --- the VbComponent isn't being cached during the recovery, right?
We cach the QMNs only during recovery. However, that is irrelevant here.
It fails when getting the QMNs to cache when we try to get the code module of an open code pane.
> Does anyone know how the union will behave in C#? According to the MS-OAUT, the union will be a different size between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms because of the union between a `ULONG` Windows data type which is 32-bit integer and the `* VARIANT` which is a pointer and thus scales with the platform:

typedef struct tagVARDESC {
LPOLESTR lpstrReserved;
[switch_type(VARKIND), switch_is(varkind)]
union {
12:16 PM
What are some appropriate techniques to load data from a denormalized temp table into a normalized data structure?
besides the one we've discussed previously?
I'm getting a CSV file that I can load into a temp table in SQL server. From there do I need to do some sort of RBAR process to break each row into multiple rows in separate tables?
you'll obviously have to refresh my memory...
are there a few key words I can search for? methods to convert flat file to normalized table didn't get me much useful information - discussions on whether to normalize and how to normalize a structure, but not how to actually do the inserts.
ah, a slight change to methods to insert denormalized data to normalized tables yields references to UNPIVOT which is, at first glance, promising.
sorry got distracted by a shiny thing
I think the problem is that so much of the process ultimately depend on your inputs and what you want to output
you mentioned that a row in CSV represents several (single?) rows in multiple tables.
that requires a different thing than if it was a CSV that maps a single row into several rows of same table, obviously.
I think its more important that the process you come up with is easy to verify. Using temporary staging tables helps a lot with the verifying because you can do this at each step. Sure you can pull out fancypant tools like CTEs, XML PATH, UNPIVOT but if you end up doing several steps in one big ol' SQL statement, it gets really daunting to verify it's correct.
12:28 PM
OK, more full story... Go get a cuppa, this is a bit long, but I'll try to make it concise.
I started out, several years ago, getting survey data from our survey provider. They give me 1 record per survey with all the answers in that single record. I lifted that format verbatim into my table and load it simply 1:1. (Yes, bad design, I know. I'm making up for it now.)
New survey company is actually sending me 1 record per question. This will be an easy insert into the normalized tables because it will really be a 1:1 insert into the SurveyAnswers table.
The real issue, now that I think about it is the 1-time conversion of the old denormalized table into the new normalized table structure.
> Addendum: I can confirm that even though the `attrib.cVars` is 0 on 32-bit, the `ITypeInfoWrapper.Vars` does indicate there is one so we do have that information about the `x` field but it's getting skipped over because `cVars` is reported to be zero. Furthermore, the `VARDESC` for the `x` seems to be all in the order; the `lpvarValue` is zero and all other members seems similar to what I'd see on the 64-bit platform.

So, it's simply not happening on 32-bit only because we aren't hitting th
I have SurveyQuestions which will have an Identity column for a unique PK; a QuestionSource because we're getting data from 2 survey providers (the old and the new); a non-unique QuestionID (questions from different periods with the old provider had the same name as the survey changed over time); and StartDate and EndDate for question active time.
I have SurveyAnswers with an Identity column; SurveyID since I get a unique value for the new surveys (the old ones did not have any sort of ID, so I created a HASH to be able to uniquely ID them); a QuestionID as a FK to the SurveyQuestions table; the Answer to hold the actual response and a datetime to indicate when the survey was completed.
I do not need a new Survey table to ID the individual surveys - I've basically already got that one covered - each appointment comes with a unique ID and that's being fed back to me with the survey results, so I'll know which appointments had completed surveys and which didn't.
OK, it's not only a 1-time conversion - we're going to continue to get the old, denormalized format data for a couple of clients for a while. I'll need to import that each month.
12:45 PM
sounds to me you'll want this to be a stored procedure with some dedicated staging tables so that you can use it to keep processing new data from the old non-normalized source.
12:57 PM
Probably. I think I'm on the right track with the UNPIVOT to translate from the denormalized table to get rows that have only 1 question per row, then from there are a fairly straightforward insert. Sound about right?
1:08 PM
Yup, that did it!
Ouch!!! hurt my elbow patting myself on the back
> Ok, the mystery of why `cVars` don't concide on 32-bit/64-bit platform is resolved:



Therefore, it's all down to the fact that on 64-bit platform, the `lpva
The only ugly part is that all the columns to be UNPIVOTed have to be of the same type, so I guess I'll need to do a couple of different statements - one for the int, one for the nvarchar(300), etc
or you could just generate the UNPIVOT statement
well, no, I guess not. I'm defining my new Answer column to be nvarchar(500), so that should cover just about everything...
that's what I normally do. They're PITA otherwise, esp if the data types varies (or there could be more columns than originally planned for)
1:12 PM
i.e. read the table metadata and build it on the fly?
write SQL to generate SQL, yeah.
aka dynamic SQL.
insert usual disclaimer about not mixing user inputs with dynamic SQL here
Since everything is going into one Answer column that has only one datatype, makes sense to just CAST(<all columns> as nvarchar(500)), does it not?
if the membership of <all columns> list won't change, sure.
not any time soon.
and, the old survey (necessitating the ongoing use of this) will likely be retired "soonish" (end of 2020 I'd guess, unless we lose clients before then...)
well, carp. That's 99% of what I need... That gives me a unique ID for the survey, the survey completion date and the answer. What it doesn't give me is the question that the answer is for!
Do I need an UNPIVOTfor each individual question so I know what question ID to put in the records as they're inserted, or is there a way to get the column name output into the result set?
2 hours later…
3:22 PM
@FreeMan I need to wake up more. I read #MethTime and that didn't sound correct.
Productivity will be the name of the game today.
3:47 PM
@IvenBach but how do you know that's not what I meant?
Rubbing shoulders with board of directors while "Going over lines of 'code' "?
@FreeMan Are the columns for the questions always the same?
Then, you can just put them all into the unpivot and get the column names via the second output column.
If not, you will want to use some dynamic SQL based on the table meta data.
With the second output column I mean the one specified after FOR.
@M.Doerner yes, the set of column names will remain constant (until they change, but that's not expected for quite some time).
Could you be more specific about "I mean the one specified after FOR", or point me to some documentation?
4:11 PM
The syntex for unpivot in tsql is UNPIVOT(valueColumnName FOR columnNameColumnName IN(<list of columns>))
You can use both valueColumnName and columnNameColumnName in your select statement.
4:44 PM
Any objections to merging #5203?
5:07 PM
nope, all good - was conflicted last time I looked at it
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier pushed commit a4fac309 to next: Base code for inserting a menu command
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier pushed commit 7419dc60 to next: First working version of Dockable context menu and tracking the toolwindow's state
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier pushed commit e5f460eb to next: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into MiscBugFixes
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier pushed commit 642d07d6 to next: Add logger to the ParentWindow subclass.
Merge pull request #5203 from bclothier/MiscBugFixes

Introduce dockable context menu to toolwindows
AFAICT, that was the only PR that didn't have any outstanding issues. Funny how we started the month with only 3 open PR and we're approaching the end of month with 10 open PR (and many many PR merged in last 3 weeks). :)
Oct 13 at 4:53, by Mathieu Guindon
780 open issues. the velocity is impressive.. hacktoberfest should be all year!
@M.Doerner I'm already doing that. Problem is that I need to know the SurveyID, QuestionID, Answer and CompletionDate. So far, I've only been able to figure out how to get 3 columns out of the UNPIVOT, not the 4 I need.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit fc6cae11 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
i.e., I've got 22 answers stored in a row in my current table so as I'm unpivoting, I'd like to get (up to) 22 rows back each telling me not only what the answer is, but what the question was.
> Just as a matter of note - there are few ways to handle the roundings (at least that I know of).

1) Absolute epsilon: `Abs(a - b) < c`.
2) Relative epsilon: `Abs(a/b) < c`
3) Units in the last place: `Abs(ReinterpretAsLngLng(a) - ReinterpretAsLngLng(b)) < c`

Of the 3, the last is difficult to implement in VBA as it does not allow reading the doubles as integers without using API. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, since it can depend on what kind of range one is dealing. For
@Duga Personally, I say that nobody should be futzing with any floating numbers.
at least nof if you are prepared to go the extra mileage that Excel team has to deal with all kind of rounding errors.
5:32 PM
Did I understand correctly that each row has the survey, the completion date and 22 columns with answers, one for each question?
5:46 PM
@M.Doerner yes
(that's why I'm finally making the jump to normalize the data storage)
And you can identify the question via the column name, right?
6:01 PM
Then UNPIVOT should already give you all you need.
SELECT answer, columnName, surveyId, completionDate FROM myTable UNPIVOT(answer FOR columnName IN(<the 22 columns>) ) AS U
oh man... for a core 3 project that uses both WPF and WinForms, making it "ready to run" (no machine install of core needed) adds.... 160 meg!
:+1: for SRP and modularizing code. Just saved my bacon from a few hours of sizzling on the griddle.
Dependency Injection is amazing!
I would like to add another PR to the long list of open PRs. However, I have to reinstall windows before I can do that.
Something corrupted the boot partition.
@mansellan Can't say I'm surprised. there be lot of logic in the UI framework.
I wonder if using Electron would help
gasp, oh he did not
6:22 PM
> **Rubberduck version information**
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, x64
Host Product: Microsoft Office 2013 x86
Host Version: 15.0.5023.1000
Host Executable: EXCEL.EXE

Column headers collapse after ignoring or unignoring a unit test. Not a bug per-se, may even be by design but makes it frustrating when doing this multiple times. This ties in to https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/5064#issuecomment-519775518 and ignorin
TBF, I've yet to see a UI framework that really excites me.
@M.Doerner OK, I deserve the sore elbow for failing to read what I'd written.
just... wow...
@this 60MB v 160MB is a pretty sizable difference...
yeah didn't read that far. :D
Regarding the upcoming release.... should we start locking down the feature and accept only translation PRs?
6:39 PM
I think we should not do that until Hacktoberfest actually ends.
Agreed - was thinking that for other translations, best to give them a notice so they have ample time to update the translation.s in their language.
I'm thinking about 2-3 weeks out, and defer any new feature PR that aren't merged at the end of month until after release.
the odds of me getting Annotationizer ready to merge by then are.. slim
@this yeah i reckon each of the ui frameworks runs about 70mb. fortunately i think i can eliminate winforms, and clickonce caches the libs so it'll be a onetime cost for users.
I still hope to get the SC style import commands done for next release.
However, I have two other PRs in the pipeline and I have to build up my system again first.
@MathieuGuindon still better odds than the mock PR completing before the end of month. ;-)
6:58 PM
tbh I'm very much drowning in non-RD work this week... I'll probably be able to push the (pending) commit I have that addresses review comments (removes a bunch of classes and simplifies everything), but I'm expecting to have it completed after the green release
7:14 PM
for me, I'd love to be done with mocking PR before the end of year. We'll have to see.
@MathieuGuindon "Annotationizer" sounds... cool!
@this that's my mental target for CPA :)
new name: Rubberduck 20/20
7:38 PM
codename "hindsight"?
or give it a black nerdy eyeglass and an eyechart in background
"perfect vision"
8:00 PM
Not having any experience with much of anything except VBA (primarily Excel) I am curious what y'all use in whatever environment you develop in that Rubberduck doesn't support that has RD type enhancements. Is it that RD simply brings into VBA and VB6 things that are native in something like .net?
@SmileyFtW Not sure I understand the question. Are you referring to stuff like annotations?
@SmileyFtW in Visual Studio with ReSharper (R#), if a variable isn't used, you get squiggly lines under it and a tooltip saying it's not used; put the caret on it and you get a little hover dropdown button with available quickfixes, including one to just remove the variable. The navigation tooling, unit testing, refactorings, ...all are standard IDE tooling
^ which is a distinct thing from the programming language itself.
now "variable not used" is one thing, but R# goes much further than that in its static code analysis; Rubberduck inspections are getting to that level now
(or close to it)
8:06 PM
IOW, we're the clippy.
@this I think Mathieu understands and has answered. Things like the code inspections, being able to organize into folders and the navigation it provides. Also unit testing template-like code and harness setup, etc. I was indeed referring to the environement, not any specific language. I probably should have written Visual Studio rather than .net.
yeah that's where I got confused - thought it was about programming languages rather than environment.
it's standard tooling in any modern IDE though, not just VS; heck, even Eclipse has it
My inexperience showing again. <g>
the VBE is just ...stuck in 1998
8:10 PM
And with RD I have moved into a new(er) world enticing me to expand my horizons, but I didn't want to lose all that RD has provided.
All those "curly braces" makes me dizzy.
eh, you grow fond of 'em before you realize :)
FWIW, my stumbling block with the curly braces is because it's not as explicit in VBA language
Using If as an example, if you get in habit of mentally substituting Then with a { and End If with a }, you get it.
and the beauty is (in C#) that everything between { and } is its own actual scope
but with Do, there's really no keyword, so you have to add it.
or to do it in reverse, pretend { => Begin Block.
@MathieuGuindon so knowing what you do about me from our other conversations if I were to poke my head out what path would you suggest as an IDE and a language. I don't make a living coding; I do the little that I do because I enjoy it and it is one way to try to stay sharp as I drift ever closer to 70.
8:15 PM
I'm completely and utterly biased towards C#
and I find Visual Studio awesome, even if it's sometimes very much drunk and stupid
OTOH I love WPF, even if WPF hates me
IDK - I found it easier to grok VS compared to say, Eclipse or NetBeans.
it's still very much overwhelming coming from the VBE
so many knobs and buttons
the other cool kids will say "bah, no IDE! Text editors FOREVER!!1!"
@MathieuGuindon I dated a gal like that... was fun while it lasted
8:18 PM
also, it's never too late to learn new things :)
I think the "overwhelming" is what has held me back.. what with all the references that (appear) to be known and set for a given language and all the "knobs & buttons" in the IDE
>appear to be needed to be
Ctrl+. and the missing reference adds itself though
(Ctrl+Enter with R#)
so why C# ove say C++?
back in .net 2.0 days, that was a major pain.. you had to basically know where in the framework you find whatever type you needed
I don't C++ :)
8:25 PM
pointers scare me
the things you did in Battleship are then easier in C# and you did it in VBA just to sorta prove a point...
pointers of pointers... not going there
my grandma told me never to point
I didn't know she was talking about C++
@SmileyFtW to a degree. it wasn't any harder to do in VBA... the only thing that would have been easier in C#, is that an interface in .net can expose events. And I would probably have had an actual base class for the game strategies
but overall, the architecture would have been extremely similar
8:29 PM
I can certainly see that the architecture would have been. And after being exposed to the Strategy Pattern in my exposure to patterns I saw it immediately when I went back and looked at Battleship.
pointers are best served with chasers.
or maybe shooters.
As it turns out the projects I am working on are well suited to the MVC (or is it MVP?) that is in the "Apply" example you have provided.
I know I've been saying this for about a whole damn year, but I really need to eventually finish refactoring that battleship project
@SmileyFtW that would be MVP; MVC involves a Controller, like battleship :)
Yes... MVP
8:33 PM
and in .NET/WPF you get to play with MVVM
automagic bindings and whatnot.. fun stuff
So WPF is a language?
it's a UI framework
a bit like MSForms in VBA
another UI framework in .net would be WinForms - literally MSForms' successor
and because we like doing it the hard wayâ„¢, we use both in the ducky.
(not recommended)
meh, ducky 1.x was all-WinForms, and ugly AF
@MathieuGuindon so you would write in say C# and use (reference?) the UI framework of WPF?
8:38 PM
RD is pretty cute now :)
It seems to me a VS is in the future and learning C++...
I have seen y'all talking about 2019.. is that something I should worry about?
That's largely thanks to WPF - I don't like WPF personally (it's too WTF-y for me) but doing the same thing in WinForms would have required tons of code.
we only use WinForms because of VBE host. VBE would be all WTF with WPF. :)
@SmileyFtW FWIW, I wouldn't bother with C++. Too many sins.
@SmileyFtW the mainsite (Code Review) can really help you learn on a fast track though
I don't mind doing C or even Rust but not C++.
oops.... I meant C#
8:42 PM
Oh, ok. :)
@MathieuGuindon I am so grateful that Patrick O'Bierne got you on the Excel list... else I would never have found this treasure trove nor begun to really learn OOP.
I second that Code Review (CR) can really help elevate your coding ability.
Working on RD does it too. The code reviews the team gives are always educational.
Time to put on my explorer boots. Thanks for everything!
If you have any questions we're here to help.
9:01 PM
@SmileyFtW don't forget the hat!
@SmileyFtW C# is a pretty awesome language to learn - strictly typed, elegant, terse, efficient, and with very few legacy hangovers given it's age. And Microsoft have just reimplemented it from scratch (net core) to strip even more legacy baggage. It also has elements of functional programming, which will introduce you gently to the subject if you ever want to explore that avenue.
@MathieuGuindon the Fox Hat? :)
@mansellan - i now have 2019 installed and .... on the trail
9:39 PM
I haz been away from teh codez 4 2 longz. I've forgotten what I needed to do to finish my open PR's.
Death takes its toll on productivity.
> When I look at the AppVeyor build log, at the very bottom, it says:

C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.Core\UI\Inspections\InspectionResultsControl.xaml(246,14): error MC3015: The attached property 'DataGrid.RowDetailsTemplate' is not defined on 'Grid' or one of its base classes. [C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.Core\Rubberduck.Core.csproj]

But the solution builds fine for me in Visual Studio. Is there something I need to fix on my end? Was this to do with my `next` branch being out of
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 592575bf on unknown branch: AppVeyor was unable to build non-mergeable pull request
@IvenBach normally it involves banging on the keyboard, banging your fists, then banging your head on the desk.
so... start banging!
Too late. Already did and upset Duga.
In VS when there's a merge conflict Source is local changes and Target is what's trying to be merged in?
#DeepBreath. I can do this.
i think it's the other way around.... but I don't know.
In TortoiseGit, there's HEAD and MERGE-HEAD so I never have to wonder what's the source or what's the target.
Sometimes I think I have it understood then others I don't.
^^ That's a lot easier to figure out.
Wonder why VS didn't do that.
9:45 PM
because.... Microsoft?
> Normally, when I see a message like that, it implies that some files that should have been added, wasn't. Did you actually modify any other files besides the 2 files that PR shows? Maybe modified a behavior?
> But then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll, I'll, I'll set the building on fire...
:derp: WTH. I rotate the photo so it's correct and it still uploads upside down.
sweet! did you make it or was it bought?
Bah... Too much time passed.
Need a mod to delete the Aussie picture.
@this Was at my moms. No clue where it came from.
wow, that's great illusion - i actually parsed the aussie as it lying on its side
as if it was on top of some weird console with big white button.
or I just suck at perception
@IvenBach Interesting - I had read somewhere that red staplers weren't a thing until relatively recently. The one in the movie, they made it by hand since it did not even exist and didn't for a long time after the movie came out.
9:57 PM
I'd heard that too. When I was on an Office Space kick I almost bought one but heard they weren't quality staplers. This one is and I'll keep it with me, until the building burns down.
7000+ tests for RD. All green too. We've had a busy duck here at the pond.
10:09 PM
@IvenBach regarding this comment -- what's stoping us from using Filter?
Nothing. I may have taken the wrong merge side.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 92f014e3 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Maybe ask Santa to help? I hear he's very good at double-checking lists.
I've always been on the naughty list after that one year where I gave Santa milk and cookies instead of Beer and Whiskey as my dad suggested.
I do not understand VBIDE's logic
normally it likes to insert a new procedure in alphabetical
but with property get/let, it insists on putting let first then get....
Public Property Get Foo() As Variant

End Property

Public Property Let Foo(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)

End Property
That's what it gave me using Insert>Procedure>Property.
Think it's an uphill battle to get Mug to convince Microsoft to get rid of the HN on vNewValue?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6713c2dd on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
via the twin dropdown lists
10:25 PM
mine is always RHS
I've seen it as RHS also.
are you using VBIDE's vanilla isnert or RD's?
VBIDE Insert.
@Duga You just passed. How can you fail by changing a resource string?
Duga likes to gaslight you?
10:29 PM
You know well my history of computer problems.
did you kick a puppy computer when you were a young'un?
anyway I think that's just a spot of bad luck there - AV just died for no good reason, not anything to do with your PR change.
you could try and kick it
@IvenBach #FunFacts: I've never used any of those in 20 years
Typically I type them out. I forced myself to find them in the menu after you brought me to the enlightened pond.
Exploring menus and buttons is good though
I never used the Insert, either. Add a module, sure. A procedure? Never.
there has been various add-ins (e.g. Mz-Tools) that gives you a "Property Assistant" or "Msgbox assistant" but I never found them helpful.
10:42 PM
@MathieuGuindon I must say that you and the rest of the ducks are some of the best tools I've ever known.
I mean that in the very best way possible.
<~ tool. noted =)
@this and that's where RD separates the toys from the tools
gotta run now
> Not that I'm aware of. When I added RequestIntoView to the GroupingGrid in InspectionResultsControl.xaml, it automatically created a new method and added it to the code behind. I don't think it modified anything else. I can double check once I'm back from holiday.
11:16 PM
@Duga that handler is no-op AFAICT
11:54 PM
I'm stumped. I can get the DataGridTextColumn binding to work properly for the InspectionResults such that it shows what component type they are. However when I do that the grouping header breaks.
I still don't understand the tool well enough to know how to fix the grouping header and have it still list the QualifiedSelection.QualifiedName.ComponentType. That's for tomorrow.

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