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12:00 AM
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 34 commits. 1 opened issue.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 12 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 5 issue comments.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ check that issue.
[Unihedro/JavaBot] 1 issue comment.
@RubberDuck Saw that, thank you :)
> It does. I'll change it back to program files for 3.0.1 bugfix release.

Sent from my Samsung mobile
@Duga Take that, @RubberDuck @Mat'sMug!
12:03 AM
> Cool. I don't think we're going to able to get an admin-less install with the COM registration anyway.
@SimonAndréForsberg you just wait until I've finished this class. That's 10+ hours of coding a week that RD is missing out on.
Yw @sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ
@RubberDuck yeah, worst part is that I won't be able to keep up today's activity. Gotta do some interview questions practice and stuff...
but today's been.... an eventful day for Cardshifter
> Can you expand on what this is and what it's meant to accomplish?

> As a VBA dev I would like Rubberduck to ? so I can ?

I'm not quite getting this one.
> Sure!

As a VBA programmer, I want to be able to see the modules and types defined
in the standard library in the code explorer, so that I can easily browse
all those pesky enums instead of looking them up on MSDN.. and then I can
also easily find all references to any of them throughout my code.

Sent from my Samsung mobile
> Using Moq, we only need to mock up the VBE functionality that actually gets called upon. I've not looked at the code you're talking about, but it might not be as hard as you think to Moq a VBE to inject. I'm not arguing against cleaning code up, but it might not be a prerequisite.

One big stumbling block was the Window object. I have a Mock in the source control branch that alleviates that. The feature isn't done, but it is in a place where I can merge the changes.
> The one thing that bothers me above all is that the quickfix functionality
is implemented inside the InspectionResult classes - which is clearly a
violation of SRP. Splitting the concerns here would help temove the VBE
dependency from the InspectionResult classes.

Sent from my Samsung mobile
> Hmmm interesting for sure, but why not just open the object browser? Finding the references is a neat idea though.
12:21 AM
@RubberDuck @Mat'sMug Hey guys, I would comment against the GH comment you CCed me in but I can't remember my GH password since I'm not at home. You can change the installation directory to whatever you want. However I suspect there could be issues if you try to use the Program Files dir.
> No arguments here. The less often we need to mock the VBE and the less complicated those mocks are the better.
What kind of issue would you expect @Rossco? I know it would require admin rights, but that's where we used to default to.
The reason is that the installer is either in 32 or 64 bit mode. It decides which one based on the bitness of the OS when you run it. So when you launch it in 64bit Windows it runs in 64 bit mode irrelevant of what bitness of Office there is.
That's why I moved the default installation dir to the app folder.
Unfortunately I cannot evaluate a condition to decide what mode I want the installer to run in.
There may be a way, but it would probably have to be the developer of Inno to answer that.
I wouldn't be surprised if it is a limitation of the software.
its one of the reasons I was pushing for two installers again.
> Actually this might be more of a "bells and whistles" than anything else.
You can already find all references of any built-in declaration by
right-clicking them in the code pane.

Sent from my Samsung mobile
If you look at MS Office specifically, MS do not ship an installer for both versions.
Maybe people are expected to be able to make that decision themselves?
I'm wondering if it'd be best to re-instate my Installshield project for the 86x one, then the InnoScript could be built specific for 64.
Maybe the installer would be twice as big. I'm not sure what the reasoning is.
12:26 AM
How about we default to c:\Rubberduck ?
Well you can make the installer install in 32 bit mode in 64 bit windows but the decision is made at the time you compile the installer.
It's a good idea, but I'm not sure of the implications.
@Mat'sMug shouldn't be a problem.
is there installation issues at the moment? Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the situation.
Kind of. Installing to AppData seems to have been a bad idea.
oh why?
12:28 AM
The reference breaks if a different user opens the project.
ah, yes it is specific to the user account...
I was looking for a location to install the files to which Windows doesn't change depending on the bitness of the application that is running.
@Mat'sMug c:\Rubberduck probably isn't good either. A lot of places lock that location down.
I don't like it either.
the best place is the PF dir.
I can try an SO question regarding a dynamic switch between bitnesses in the installer?
Man that was a really interesting grammatical construction!
12:31 AM
@Rossco both bitnesses seem to install like a charm, the installer works out of the box - you did it! ...and I owe you a mug :)
@Rossco that
So here is the scenario that I think will cause brokenness which we can test. If it doesn't then we might be able to default back to using the PF dir.
If you are running Win64 then the installer will be running in 64 bit mode.
If you have 32 bit Office then this may cause a problem with registration etc if you try to switch from the default dir to PF32.
If it doesn't then we can change it!
s/may/will - been there done that ;)
note my edit above.
Although it doesn't hurt trying to see what inno does with it
going way too far down the rabbit hole now.
Yeah its a suck it and see scenario.
I can actually test that myself because I have the problematic setup at home.
Win64 + Office32
12:38 AM
If you didn't then I would have said just drop the setup files on dropbox, my work laptop is x64 with 32-bit Office
Well I said it anyway lol
yeah, just not in a position to test right now as I'm not at home!
There's no hurry.
So if you switch from the default does it work?
@RubberDuck ok cool
the line in the installer script that needs to change is:
I'm working on the regression bugs right now
And we can always keep targeting with separate installers. We just needed a 64x one that actually works. =)
12:40 AM
I hope to release a 3.0.1 hotfix tonight, tomorrow the latest.
it needs to point to a function which will return the correct path based on the result of the office bitness.
I hope that is possible...
Isn't the office bitness irrelevant?
otherwise it will be separate installers... sigh
x64 needs to go under PF64 or PF(x86)?
I'm pretty sure that when an application asks for something from the PF dir Windows looks at the bitness of the process and gives it the corresponding directory.
since a 32 bit process cannot understand a 64 bit binary and vice versa.
the process being the Office application.
Windows may just let you do what you want if you provide a full path, I'm not sure.
12:44 AM
I think so
Is there an 'all users' application dir?
Maybe... One sec
Well there's a hidden C:\Users\Default folder
time for lunch! That can be a fallback option if PF dir fails.
Oh I like that.. c:\programdata
Although... it's well hidden
But yeah seems like the best compromise
12:54 AM
1:33 AM
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 59f785b8 to master: closes #431
> Commit 59f785b8 closes this issue as well
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 8955bda1 to master: FindCodeModule is moot. made it return qualifiedName.Component.CodeModule
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 3a483871 to master: Refactored/Inlined+deleted extension method "FindCodeModule"
> Somehow commit 3a483871 magically fixed this.
> Somehow commit 3a483871 magically fixed this.
> Somehow commit 3a483871 magically fixed this... except the selection glitch is causing another issue here, it's selecting one line above, which can result in non-compilable code - this snowballs into a NoViableAltException in ANTLR generated code.
1:49 AM
I don't understand how inlining an extension method fixed all the NRE's
@Rossco is there a special macro name for that folder? I'm ready to tweak the installer script
there is....
or {pf32}
or {pf64}
but you will be hardcoding the location in the installer.
oh, I meant ProgramData
hang on.
{commonappdata} maybe?
yeah. should be it
oh crap. almost forgot.
what name do you want to show up as in the about box? ;)
Ross Knudsen?
2:21 AM
yeah I'm here.
Are you guys using your full names? or screen names? I remember the license agreement has your full names.
Carlos J. Quintero (MZ-Tools articles & help with VBE API)
Code Review Stack Exchange
@Duga SE chat bot
Francis Veilleux-Gaboury
Frank Van Heeswijk
JetBrains ReSharper Community Team
Knjname developer blog (clockahead.blogspot.jp)
Michal Krzych (vba4all.com)
Philip Wales
Ross Knudsen
Simon Forsberg
All contributors to our GitHub repository
All our stargazers, likers & followers, for the warm fuzzies
...and anyone reading this!
I can't believe you're thanking the chat bot!
so, like this?
Yeah, that will be fine. IMO I haven't really done much but thanks for being persistent.
I tried to ignore your previous attempt.
yes as you've got it will be great.
man, you've solved our headaches with installers - that's worth a mention at a bare minimum!!
(the names are in alphabetical order, in case you wondered ;)
2:24 AM
well when all the installation issues have gone away I will be happy with that.
besides I don't know what happened, but GitHub didn't attribute you the commits when I merged your PR's it said "unrecognized author"
huh. Not sure why that is...
that's a worry for another time.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 71bca9ca to master: Thank you @rossknudsen for the beautiful job on the InnoSetup scipt!
there you go!
and building
awesome. I should give it a go but I'm way behind at Uni!
2:30 AM
I can manually renamed the executable, right? it generated, I'd change it to
oh look at that!
> 1,002 commits
Yeah it pulls the version information from the rubberduck.dll version information.
So the easiest way to do that is to change the version in the dll.
otherwise you can chuck that away and hard code it. It was supposed to make things easier.
meh I just renamed the generated exe
Oh yeah, you can do that ROFL
It just helps to not overwrite any previous installers in the same directory.
You can apparently get a build server to plug in the correct information (commit yada yada).
or you could set up a batch script.
yeah at my old job I had written an app that was scheduled to tweak a .iss script based on some configuration settings, and then run it; then there was a scheduled task on all production servers that ran that app in a "deploy mode" that ran the installer and sent an email notification when it finished
Just got that ping, @Mat'sMug.
2:41 AM
huh? which pint?
I can tell you my real name if you want.
I've got to get a job soon enough anyway...
would you need to kill anyone afterwards?
The one about our real name.
LOL, no.
yeah coz it wouldn't really be worth it...
well you're just in time, I'm about to upload the hotfix release
2:42 AM
Sure, Abraham Hosch
speaking of fixes, have you thought about adding updates
So, I think you know everything except my street address and my birthday.
updates? like a notification when there's an update?
missing your mother's maiden name
Like I'll tell you that ;)
@Mat'sMug yup.
2:54 AM
I wouldn't know how to implement that... I'd have to ... check if the latest tag on github no longer matches the current version?
oh crap.
@Hosch250 you still here?
can you uninstall RD and run the installer?
Umm, not sure.
Is it still crashing?
3:05 AM
OK, it better not.
I can NOT have Word go right now (well, I could, I guess).
I suggest you save your work ;)
I do have two preview versions in my VM - Word 2016 and Word in the Store.
Yeah, it is saved on OneDrive.
There is always Word Online too, I guess.
Same as before.
Word did not crash, but RD could not be loaded.
I've got dishes to do, see you.
in TCG Creation, 4 hours ago, by Simon André Forsberg
onEndOfTurn: {
    summon: {
        count: 1,
        card: "Spareparts",
        where: "Deck",
        who: "opponent"
^^ Simon made this to actually work. Beautiful!
3:17 AM
sorry I never managed to get back to you guys on the ANTLR stuff
@rubberduckvba #UpgradeYourDuck today! HotFix release is here already: https://github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/releases/tag/v1.3.0.1
@Mat'sMug No worries man, so far JSON is working quite good
ANTLR would probably be awesome, but likely massive overkill for the current scope of the project
But in any case, to be able to just tell it to have an effect using POJSF feels quite awesome.
@StackExchange tested on my work laptop @Rossco 32-bit on x64 works ;)
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ not necessarily. depends how complex your stuff gets
What's a POJSF? Plain Old Java / Simon Forsberg object?
Plain Old JavaScript Function
3:27 AM
Should probably be POJSO, because it really is objects; but, eh. Vernacular.
nope. POJSD, because it's really a duck
function duck() {
    var ducky = "
              ( '`<
        ( ----'  '.
        (         ;
    return ducky;
oh wow
3:48 AM
Oh wow, #Rubberduck's "master" branch has just busted 1K commits!
Find all references to built-in #VBA constants, enums, functions... Get #Rubberduck today! https://github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/releases/tag/v1.3.0.1 http://t.co/dSWAtB2TFe
all right, TTGTB
3 hours later…
6:31 AM
> Version 2.55 - This WGL4 version of Courier New was first supplied with the Final Windows 95 euro update that shipped on 4 November 1998. This version contains the euro.
TODO: Get rid of Courier New...
5 hours later…
11:54 AM
> @retailcoder out of curiosity, did my blog about unit testing with rubberduck show up in your search? It's getting a fair bit of traffic. Perhaps a re-blog is in order?
12:16 PM
> Just did a quick google search on my phone, "announcing Rubberduck 1.0"
showed up on 2nd page @ckuhn203

Sent from my Samsung mobile
1:13 PM
> Works perfectly, thanks for the quick turnaround!
1:24 PM
You released 1.3 as promised and you put my name in the credits?!?!!!?!?!?!!!
Congrats guys!!!
One's mine! Installed & working, though I expected a nag to uninstall 1.22 first.
1.22 has 193 downloads
@FreeMan you didn't uninstall 1.22 first?
Didn't seem to like functioning too well when installed over the top of 1.22, so I uninstalled both, reinstalled (n.e.e.d.s. .m.o.r.e. .d.o.t.s) and all is good
I had modified the install path for 1.22 when I installed it after the first 1.3 fiasco, to be c:\PF\rubberduck (eliminating the second level of rubberduckiness), and thought that would work.
it didn't
Yeah we changed the installer, now we have one download for both 32-bit and 64-bit office
1:34 PM
my mistake, easily remedied, and all seems to be good.
Good to hear!
haven't actually used RD yet, but it installs real nice!
better than my last two experiences, so I'm counting that as an upgrade bonus in and of itself!
Ya know, I myself haven't yet installed the latest release @FreeMan. What kind of maintainer am I?!
2:16 PM
> Rubberduck is an add-in, and we're not packaging any kind of docs or other programs with it. The installer shouldn't try to create a start menu. Minimally, it should have `Don't create a Start Menu folder` checked by default.

@JLILIAmen Hey there.
How are you?
Doin' all right. You?
2:22 PM
> That thought occurred to me as well... but then seeing it was putting an
uninstall link and a link to rubberduck-vba.com, I thought it might not be
a bad idea at all.

Sent from my Samsung mobile
OK. Job hunt is making me tired.
@JLILIAmen It has that affect on people
@RubberDuck: Tell me about it.
I thought I just did. =;)-
2:27 PM
I meant to ask ya. Is there a COM lib for VBA much like diagnostic class for VB.NET? I'm looking for different ways to play with system processes.
hmmmm I don't know to be honest.
In theory, you could use any COM lib that does that.
Yes, I can duck.
> I don't know what more to say. Whether I select a procedure name, or if I try to do this from the Code Explorer, it doesn't do anything at all.

I can understand if this doesn't work for Procedures (it would be nice if it did!), but we shouldn't have it available in the Code Explorer context menu if it can't be used.
2:42 PM
> Is the procedure actually used anywhere in the same project?

...because if works for me:

![find all references works from the code explorer](http://i.stack.imgur.com/znxE8.png)
@RubberDuck if the procedure is used in another project, it won't pick it up, because there can be only one (i.e. project references are not accounted for)
> Perhaps there should be a message box saying "references to '[identifier]' not found" or something like that, when no references are found for an identifier.
> Also that context menu needs to also work in the project explorer :)
> Yeah. I think that's what's going on. I put together a simple repo and it worked. It selected the single usage of it.

Private Sub hello()
End Sub

Private Sub goodbye()
Debug.Print "Bye!"
End Sub

So, a message box alerting that nothing was found would be greatly beneficial (essential) here.
3:04 PM
> Yup. When there's only 1 reference to an identifier, the feature jumps to that reference - if there's more than 1, it shows the toolwindow. If there's none, it does nothing... for now.
@Duga for now. =)
@RubberDuck you know how to tell you've been working on source control for too long?
> I put together a simple repo and it worked.
Ohhhhh my
monkey duck fingers
Look who I just spotted.
Use the where clause in a query to limit the records, don't use VBA function for that as it's going to be super inefficient — It's been a pleasure 1 hour ago
3:22 PM
I really hope SE doesn't actually delete his account.
How many devs has he shown the light to?
His CR reach is ~7k....
This is not a code writing service. If you need a code writing service, my current contract rate is $60/hr for VBA. — Mr. Mascaro 19 mins ago
3:38 PM
@Mat'sMug I'll do it for $50.......
3:57 PM
> Following up on #442 - the feature currently behaves as follows:

- If only one reference is found for the target identifier, it automatically navigates to it.
- If two or more references are found, the toolwindow is displayed.
- **If no references are found, nothing happens**.

The last case is problematic. We need a message box saying something like:

> "No references were found for procedure 'DoSomething'."

Keeping in mind that "no references found" currently stands for "no re
4:25 PM
hey @Phrancis
5:07 PM
Did you know? You can now rename any identifier in #VBA and magically update all references with just a right-click? Get Rubberduck today!
@StackExchange I did!
I'm getting pretty good with fitting a message in 140 characters :)
@RubberDuck Oh wow, how come?
@skiwi How come what?
Notices the sarcasm....
You're promoting a lot for sure ;)
is it also really helping?
5:18 PM
blogging helps more
but while I'm blogging I'm not coding ;)
I'm always thinking about blogging, but I never get around to do it
it increases google visibility
Links.... drop 'em like it's hot.
Linking to what? Say you have a blog, to what do you lihnk
I need to find a picture of a hairy duck for the next SO community ads campaign
5:24 PM
The project.
And other blogs. People tend to link back.
@Mat'sMug eeeewwwwwww
I see
Are you also having a donate option or something and if so, does that work out?
> This duck needs a haircut.
@skiwi I was looking forward to a doughnut option. Then I read more carefully...
@FreeMan Press button and receive doughnuts?
5:27 PM
@skiwi nope [, not yet]
> Well, that was easy.
@RubberDuck lol
I need an intern to do this crud work for me.
I used to have one. It was really nice.
> Rubberduck.Setup. - Downloaded 8 times.
@RubberDuck lol
5:30 PM
> Rubberduck.1.22.Setup.x64.exe(2.86MB) - Downloaded 61 times.
Last updated on 2015-04-01
Rubberduck.1.22.Setup.x86.exe(3.21MB) - Downloaded 133 times.
Last updated on 2015-03-31
Hate CRUD ;)
Wasn't canceled? lasted 1 day
1.3 (last month) was deleted/postponed is the current/latest release
Ah okay
@RubberDuck should we send the whitelist request now, or wait for more issues a little?
Idk if I even care to be honest.
But that depends on if you think we'll be putting out another hot fix soon.
5:34 PM
I'm pretty confident is stable
so, feature-freeze on master until 1.3.1 :)
@Mat'sMug hey.... I didn't get any nastygrams from Symantec about the install!
@FreeMan huh? interesting... I did!
I'm an employee now, not a contractor, that must be the difference.
although.. I installed mine on my work laptop from dropbox, before I published it to github
ok I'm rescheduling 1.3.1 to the end of the month
So did I.
Okay, so we think 1.3.0 is stable, I'm going to merge SCI into next soon.
Tomorrow morning I think.
5:40 PM
Immature frameworks are immature... Looking at you Django, React and anything Javascript related
Do I need pull master into next before I do that?
yeah, I committed the hotfix on master
(slaps hand)
Okay. No worries. That's okay. The hot fix was a release.
I want to start working on that [Indentation] branch... but that needs to wait until I get some serious refactoring done.
Rightfully should have created a "hotfix" but it's all good.
6:41 PM
> You've earned the tag badge (SO)
Grats @Mat'sMug!
Procedure signatures are usually clearer when the parameters have an explicit type, and they're passed ByRef unless explicitly specified ByVal - so that procedure has two ByRef table As Variant parameters - i.e. it will happily take anything you throw at it. If you intend the procedure to work with ListObject objects, why not specify that in the signature? Or do you intend to work with strings? Then make it ByVal sourceTableName As String. Variants are VBA's ducks. Unless they're made of rubber, you should avoid them. — Mat's Mug 3 mins ago
note the subtle plug here ;)
6:57 PM
@Mat'sMug: Yes the procedure will work with list objects only I'm actually not an expert in VBA, I don't know how to specify in the signature? — Mahmoud Tarief 3 mins ago
I'd say "click the [Fix] button" but that'd be over-the-top smapping
A bit... but it wouldn't be wrong either.
> Hey Ajax! Take the hint and install the add-in that would fix it for you!
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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