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@Seggan iirc Rust doesn't let 1 implicitly be a float, but Swift does
Both let you use 1.0 as a polymorphic float literal
Swift has some interesting rules around this though. All else being equal, 1 will prefer to be an Int (=isize) and 1.0 will prefer to be a Double (=f64)
same with java
15 hours later…
@Seggan that actually seems reasonable
2 hours later…
@Seggan what if foo = Int & String and bar = String & Int and you do foo + bar?
Does it use Int or does it use String?
Int + String is not a valid overload so it will error
4 hours later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer It will result in Int & String.
Or equivalently, String & Int.
& is commutative.
The way you specifically call it commutative as a binary operator rather than a notation for a flat unordered overload set is now making me wonder if there's any way nested overload types might be usefully distinct from a flat set

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