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5:11 AM
I wondered if a purely functional language could allow overloading functions and constructors, but realized that Haskell doesn't do that because typeclasses are a more rigorous approach for that. :(
12 hours later…
5:05 PM
CMP: similar to the above poll, whats your favorite obscure language feature?
mine is probably the TODO() function in kotlin
the fact that Kotlin lets you do val <T: Any> T.listOfMe get() = listOf(this)
(which works because extension properties are statically resolved, like reified functions)
5:47 PM
@Seggan oh, it's obscure in Kotlin? the equivalent Scala function, ???, is very common
though yours is nicer in that you can specify a message
1 hour later…
7:13 PM
idk if F#'s active patterns are "obscure" but I love them: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/…
4 hours later…
11:14 PM
I think F# as a whole is obscure :p
Those do seem so nice
@Seggan this is pass or ... in python and I wouldn't say it's very obscure
The Scala one's docs say it specifically errors if the code is actually reached at runtime
which in Python is... raise NotImplementedError
Also not obscure, but a bit wordy :P

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