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my goodness I can handle my own flags I raise
I NAA flagged an answer to put it into community review and saw I could handle it
it counts as a handled flag + a helpful flag on my profile
how odd
free marshal badge potential (obtainable only when I no longer have a diamond of course)
not that I would do that ofc
There was also a self-deleted answer at the start of that series of posts
The longest of the bunch, I think
3 hours later…
@lyxal mods don't get marshal badge?
oh wait, that makes sense, if mods can approve their own flags
1 hour later…
The class of decision procedures (denoted by R) doesn't have a notion of completeness, right?
A: Aren't moderators eligible for the Deputy and Marshal badges too, or has it changed?

Adam LearThese flags do count towards the badges when appropriately dismissed as helpful, but moderators aren't eligible to receive either Deputy or Marshal badges according to Geoff Dalgas: The Deputy and Marshal badges are only granted to registered users - not moderators.

10 hours later…
@DannyuNDos Hmm, I don't think it would. It would be unintuitive to me if there's some decision procedure which captures all the power of total computable functions, but none of the power that you need for partial computable functions
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a downside to using offsets instead of raw pointers in a virtual machine?

texdr.aftSay I'm designing a virtual machine for a bytecode compiler/interpreter, using C as the implementation language. Some kind of “tagged” representation of values is simplest for this language, where every object carries information about what kind of object it is. Most objects are heap-allocated, s...

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