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i love pandas
there could not be a better python library for scatterplots
Me: implements a potential bugfix
My computer: now produces another error for the same situation
Me: good enough
rate my syntax:
fn read_line()
    let result = string.builder()
    let c = io.stdin:read()
    while c != 10 and c != null
        c = io.stdin:read()
    return str(result)
I would have rather expected io:stdin.read(), if these are namespace & call
@Seggan wouldn't that mean you just created a different problem that overwrote the original one
1 hour later…
just made a recursive factorial program compile in that language with the Out << syntax
so fun fact
the stack assembly architecture the course uses has the following op:
41 LB 1 x Instr Byte push 8-bits, sign extended to 64, as INTG
and the intention is that it pushes a number represented by 8 bits to the stack
meaning you'd expect a range of -127 to 127
however, decompiling the assembly simulator jar shows it's implemented as
if (this.offset > 127) {
                this.offset -= 256;
Meaning that technically speaking you can use LB to load any value, even values bigger than a byte
e.g. LB 42325 loads 42069, despite the fact it's 16 bits, not 8
good fun :p
9 hours later…
Q: Best practice for if-elif-else statements

Nikhil KumarWhat is considered better practice? Case 1: if n == 0: doThis() elif n < 0: doThat() elif n > 0: doSomethingElse() Case 2: if n == 0: doThis() elif n < 0: doThat() else: doSomethingElse() The first case is more explicit and (arguably) clearer. The second case doesn't han...

I was wondering why it hadn't been closed for bike shedding until I realised that's one of our close reasons here :p
@EldritchConundrum no it's Lua style: io is a table, the colon is a call with self
2 hours later…
@Redz shh, we don't talk about that
9 hours later…
my math teacher today was like 'ok guys we need to learn some python basics for this test coming up' and i got detention for laughing in class
hey @lyxal do you pronounce @Redz's name "Redzed"
your loss
What does my rendition of an internet web comic meme have to do with anything?
nothing, I just wanted to reference it
(love the clown)
@Ginger gasp
How could you say such a thing?!?
I thought you were a [BIG SHOT]
wrong clown, doofus
that [[Around Town]] barely [Jesters] at all
@Redz Are you Indian, by any chance?
Because that sounds like a very Indian thing to do
Does anyone know of any statically typed Lisps with a type system as advanced, as, say, Java's?
(I don't mean typed Racket and Clojure, I mean a Lisp that was meant to be statically typed from the start)
come ON
i spent 2 hours messing with my metatable lookup functions to fix an error only to realize i forgot my own operator precedence and an extra set of parens was all i needed

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