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@The_AH yeah but Lua (and relatives) dont have object syntax
@The_AH thats kinda useless in a dynamic language as theres no guarantee the programmer will check it and therefore its all to easy to suppress it
how about this: throw error WhateverError("Message") : { "table" = "of extra data", "optional" = true }
1 hour later…
i actually like the syntax of error WhateverError("Message") : { "table" = "of extra data", "optional" = true } as an error object literal
@AlexisKing If language #1 can perform a task without impediments that are present in language #2, that would suggest that unless language #2 has some other huge advantages, language #1 is likely more suitable for that task and that the impediments in language #2 are unnecessary.
The C Standard was written to describe an already existing family of dialects. Many such dialects could process the malloc function in K&R2 without needing any adaptation beyond configuration for the system's alignment requirements and variations in the ways of acquiring large chunks of storage from the system which should then be subdivided at the application level. Commecial compilers make no attempt to perform optimization which would break with that, but ...
...clang and gcc look for places where it can recognize that pointers happen to be equal, without regard for whether they've been converted through different types, thus meaning that any storage which has ever been used as a particular type can never be used within its lifetime as anything else.
We understand what the argument you're making is, the request was just to stop getting into it in the comments
You can post an answer presenting this perspective when it's relevant, but the comments just aren't suitable for it
6 hours later…
@Seggan That's an interesting syntax, might work.

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