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Q: ISO 9899:2024 Sequenced before and pair-wise relation

Black MonkParagraph of mentioned standard says Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations executed by a single thread... What does the pair-wise relation mean? Is it a binary operator relation?

13 hours later…
Q: Are C#'s multidimensional arrays a monad?

Dannyu NDosC#'s one-dimensional arrays are data-wise isomorphic to Haskell's lists ([]), and thus are a monad (when lazy infinite lists are disregarded). But what about C#'s multidimensional arrays ([,], [,,], and so on)? The pure method is easy; it injects the inputted value into a singleton ([1,1], [1,1,1...

This is a good reason not to include C#-esque multidimensional arrays in my language.

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