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POPL this week 1600-0000Z: schedule, live streams. Main track Wed-Fri
There are also tutorial sessions, but I'm not sure whether those will be streamed or not
8 hours later…
It's kinda weird to me that Project Valhalla is taking so many years... dotnet has value types since 2003.
is this simply the cost of having to improve an existing system and keep compatibility, as opposed to creating a new one?
7 hours later…
@EldritchConundrum I often wondered that too
4 hours later…
Q: Strongest criticisms of object-oriented languages?

GeremiaLinus Torvalds has famously attacked the object-oriented language C++, but he didn't offer many specifics about why, besides saying C++ uses "inefficient abstracted programming models". What exactly are the strongest criticisms of object-oriented languages? Are they "inefficient"?

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