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It seems my new "Cockatrice" language is gonna be a hybrid of at least four languages. The backend is C++, the semantics are Rust, the typesystem is TypeScript, and the syntax is Haskell.
Can it achieve Python's convenience as well? Lemme bet to "no"... :(
struct KarmicVar<'a, T, U> {
    app: fn(&'a mut T) -> U
type Karma<T> = KarmicVar<'static, unit, T>

impl KarmicVar<'a, T, U> {
    fn pure(value: U) -> Self {
        KarmicVar {app: |_: &'a mut T| value}
    fn bind<V>(&self, action: fn (U) -> KarmicVar<'a, T, V>) -> KarmicVar<'a, T, V> {
        KarmicVar {app: |karmic_ref: &'a mut T| action(self.app(karmic_ref))}
Haskell's IO monad in Rust — Hooray!
Wow... Never knew this kind of abstraction before.
@DannyuNDos the Four Elements... Only the Avatar,
9 hours later…
Q: Alternatives to ANTLR 3 for LL(1) Grammar verification

NexusI'm developing an expression language using a LL(1) recursive descent parser. Technically it's actually LL(2) since I need an extra lookahead in one place. I'm using ANTLR 3 (ANTLRWorks) to verify that it's LL(1) using the grammar options options { k=1; backtrack=no; }. As far as I understand, AN...

12 hours later…

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