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@lyxal Indeed.
6 hours later…
Q: Type-checking Python vs Typescript

mq7mypy is very slow, pyright is fast but not quick enough in a large codebase, and tsc gives an immediate intellisense and type errors. What makes these differences? Is a Python type-hint system more complex than Typescript? Does pyright brute-force backtrace branching possibilities while tsc does ...

Q: What's up with the Community user?

RedzCommunity seems to have acquired a new name and icon - User -1 is now labeled as 'Community Compiler', with a generated Identicon. On other sites, Community appears unchanged, with the same user profile. A line has also been added to the About Me: I do things like... Occasionally touch grass and...

3 hours later…
Q: How is Rosetta 2 capable of translating x87 instructions (which are stack-based) to ARM machine code (where the FPU is register-based)?

FlatAssemblerRosetta 2 is a program that enables the new ARM-based Macs to run programs for old x86-based Macs by translating x86 machine code to ARM machine code. But how does it do that? What seems especially problematic is translating x87 (the legacy FPU) instructions to ARM machine code. x87 instructions ...

10 hours later…
Q: What do programmers do differently in languages with type sigils for variables?

Michael HomerSome languages, such as BASIC (STRING$), Perl ($scalar, @array, %hash, &sub, *symbol), and others, use sigils affixed to variable names to indicate their types. Most other languages use either unadorned variable names or a single symbol to mark all variables. (How) do programmers act differently ...

@NewPosts Not a big sample size, but most people I've spoken to actually like that fortran dropped the requirement of the type being determined by the first letter of the variable name
I view these sigils as an abbreviated equivalent to IntelliJ's inlay hints for types ( stackoverflow.com/questions/54851861/… )
easier code reading, because you instantly read what type things are (well, what kind of type). but it's also a shorter way of writing conversions

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