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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Parser.PTreeNode.getSTRecord()" because "<local10>" is null
What you don't want to see when you're working on compiling function locals :p
Even better: Decl: null (that means something silly is happening in the parser, not just the compiler part)
good fun
6 hours later…
Would it be clever to let a golfing language act as an ISA?
I'm under impression that Vyxal can do that so
1 hour later…
@DannyuNDos not really, many functions are way too costly to be an elementary operation on a hardware
4 hours later…
@DannyuNDos the CGR project was going to be something like this
no clue what happened to it tho
as for using Vyxal: probably not the best idea
even with the speedup from the compiler
@Ginger we started working on side projects
7 hours later…
Q: Is it a bad idea to use `&` and `|` as logical operators?

lukecjohnson I’m working on a small, dynamic language that isn’t going to include bitwise operators so I was thinking it was a bit unnecessary to use && and || for logical operators when I could just use & and |. Is it a bad idea to break this convention? Any languages that use & and | or something else uncon...

This question seems both fundamentally opinion-based and lacking objective design criteria, but it does have two answers; am I missing anything about it?
@MichaelHomer "Is it a bad idea to" is basically just an informal way to say "What are the pros and cons of"
And "Any languages that use" is objective enough.
@MichaelHomer also the second question is objective, i do agree it should be edited
the edit made just now improves it
@Adám So we're agreed that it lacks objective design criteria?
It does seem to have two questions in it too, yeah
Are pros-and-cons Qs off topic now?
There is a good question in here probably, but I'm not sure exactly what it is
> Any languages that use & and | or something else unconventional?
It could be a survey question, albeit probably not a very interesting one, but that part seems tacked on to the main body which is not about that
As Adám said, it's basically a pros-and-cons of using & and | until that point
If it's editable into a single well-scoped question then we should do that, but it's not obvious to me which question the author would want to ask
I think it could work as a human-factors/language-ergonomics question, but that is probably incompatible with one existing answer (while fitting the other pretty well), or it could be a survey question, which the Wikipedia link does answer
I have a question. I'll ask it here because if I asked it as a real question I feel it would get closed as opinion-based. But why do some languages not support bitwise operators? Bitwise operators are my favorite. I guess I could ask 'what are the pros & cons of bitwise operators?' but we already have enough -type questions.
Because they operate in domains where bitwise operations are not useful or numbers are not exposed as representationally bitfields
also aside from the not-representationally-bitfields case, afaik most languages that don't have bitwise operations as always-available infix operators still provide them somewhere in the standard library
the real question is why do so many languages where bitwise ops aren't especially domain-relevant still provide them as first-class citizens of the language, and the answer is because they took it from c where it is very domain-relevant
though of course with overloading they can generalize to conceptually similar operations on non-bitmasks as they can be construed as having on bitmasks, like python does with sets (even if the analogy kinda breaks down if you try doing the same things systematically; a & ~b on bitmasks is a - b on sets and ~b on a set isn't even defined)

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