@user430580 that is bot of a troll user TheEmptyStringPhotographer. He maked his evil troll deeds without any borders (in our room also) and was banned. Now his bot spammed log list of our room with constantly joining-rejoining. I have flagged it and it was luckily banned. Now it's stopped.
@Pet fun fact related to what you said in Tavern: U2FsdGVkX18aob+gae/mYkLoqNtIxtv7vC7Uz6dr2r6U/VAzcXVj5hspU/VOKP4p5yHPoGzjqvlQu6/9etzfBGy2A2afpiV+Tyt3Y3YgPRmPVs0BokcK+d27rpfaHmob/Wj7KtoGOeE57Laoan/Sfw== :-D
/imagine Took-you-long-enough, Vibes-schmibes, Read-the-ficking-manual, Have-you-tried-turning-it-off-and-on-again, and all sorts of insults from Peter the 20-Year-Old No-beard Wizard in realistic style, as if you just took a photo with a Samsung Beard.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Create a hyper-realistic depiction of a 20-year-old wizard named Peter who has no beard, expressing various phrases such as 'Took you long enough', 'Vibes schmibes', and 'Have you tried turning it off and on again', among other remarks. The image should have the quality as if it was captured with a high-end camera.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard There is no definitive "most stupid" Russian name, as names are subjective and cultural. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard There isn't a definitive answer, as "stupid" is subjective. However, some unusual names might include "Vladimir" or "Boris" when perceived out of context. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Fick is a surname associated with several individuals, including scientists and researchers. One notable figure is Adolf Fick, a 19th-century German physiologist and ophthalmologist known for Fick's laws of diffusion. (source)