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Q: nine people share 14 cupcakes

user98742The question is nine people share 14 cupcakes what’s the answer? I hadn’t tried yet all I know is you need to do 9 divided by 14.

they speak french in chad and the french version of mr. would be m. for monsieur... doubt that's the right track though
@Jafe you probably are, since key can also be island, which is île in French (in Chad), so M. Ìle ("Mr. Key" in Chad) + 's = miles (e.g. a good way off from the correct answer = miles off from the correct answer)
Cc: @msh210 just in case
@oAlt yep!
well solved, you two
Yeah, nice find from Jafe, would have never thought of French for Chad immediately
gonna add some local flavor
CCCC: Key you might use at first, with Duke in the middle echoing back beat for Philippine song for the holidays (14)
Q: Two puzzles i cant seem to break

PrestonTaoHere are two codes i cant seem to break. I have no idea for the first one, and I found some interesting things for the second The answer is supposed to either be an english word/phrase, or a number for each Also the number in the corner of image 2 is unrelated to the puzzle Here is the imgur to t...

Frick, I made a blunder with the enumeration. Should be one more, (15)
Kinda embarrassing that a math student doesn't know how to count
CCCC: Key you might use at first, with Duke in the middle echoing back beat for Philippine song for the holidays (15)
K_ U M_ U_ ((-w)IT(-h) (-d)UK(-e))x2< TAP [Philippine song for the holidays] = KUMUKUTIKUTITAP?
@PolygonPotpourri almost there! "at first" can't apply to "key" if you = U already, so you need to find an alternate justification for key cluing a K
@oAlt K as in the keyboard key?
...or... as in CMYK, K meaning key/black!
@PolygonPotpourri That's the one!
@oAlt Nice cluing, (fifteenth letter of the alphabet)||(Key left or right of the space bar)!
Lol thx
CCCC: Cooperate: End and tease egg man, master changing to expression of sympathy, for a southeast Asian city (6, 4, 7)
I'm halfway there
@PolygonPotpourri band arse + rib eg(GM -> aw)an, GM = grandmaster and aw = expression of sympathy, for Bandar Seri Begawan
(corrected my typo, should be egg man not eg man)
@oAlt But are you living on a prayer?
@oAlt Exactly! I'll admit, the 'end' part had me feeling immensely guilty.
@PolygonPotpourri hah
@oAlt These Bon-ding moments are exactly what makes my day so Jovi-al.
CCCC: Chad's region's in place (3)
@Jafe yep!
Oh TIL it's meant as "lake" in French (the Arabic name there translates to "the lake")
chad itself means "lake" if i'm not mistaken
they want to make extra clear that a lake is involved
Lol yeah
CCCC: Quality of Chad's new position in religious service (9)
if y'all closed your chad tabs you must be new here
btw i looked at kumukutikutitap and was like "damn, not the right number of letters"
Yeah sorry about that lol
no worries, been there hehe
@Jafe ma(N line)ss
CCCC: Divide Rhode island using 'Murican unit (4)
Wait why is that not capitalized
It should be Rhode Island 🥴
2 hours later…
@oAlt RI + FT
@DanielS absolutely
CCCC: Bury monument in outer wall and air. (6, 10)
Someone has already taken the slot for Dec 14 in the Advent Calendar (I'm not sure if I can say who it is or still can't, but either way it can be seen in the PSE Advent Calendar chat and the spreadsheet for it), so with that I have removed the pin on bobble's message about it
@DanielS inter wonder in w_l and = Winter Wonderland, a Christmas air
@oAlt Yep! Over to you!
CCCC: Filipino song which yields UXM as U (9 2 3 6)
@oAlt [Filipino song] reversecryptic XMAS in UU = CHRISTMAS IN OUR HEARTS?
@PolygonPotpourri yes it is!
@oAlt Nice!
i'm liking these song clues, always nice when you can make a short clue work for a long answer
@DanielS monument=wonder?
I'm guessing it's the same usage as in the 7 Wonders of the (Ancient) World
@msh210 What oAlt said. I was considering “Stevie” instead, but the wallled me in architecture direction
I don't know. I mean, the 7 wonders are monuments, and many other wonders are, too, and many monuments are wonders, but that seems to be merely coincidental to the meanings of "wonder" and "monument". A monument is something to remember history by; a wonder is something to gape at. But I'm probably being too nitpicky.
Maybe I should have capitalized it in my explanation
@msh210 I agree that it's not the cleanest. Be advised that I am a constant frustration to my Ximenean friends.
from the faraway republic of ximenea
@Jafe Of course, replacing 'Xylophone' in the Alphabet of Countries.
CCCC: Move elevated part for ammo (9)
@PolygonPotpourri cart ridge?
@oAlt Ka-ching!
CCCC: That guy's on photo app: no good, bein' suspended for Filipino holiday song (5 2 6)
@oAlt HIM + IG + NG + HANGI'
SORRY hangin'
@DanielS right on
CCCC: Song that found a "G" cryptically understood. (2, 4, 4, 1, 8, 5)
@DanielS it came upon a + midnight ("g" cryptically) + clear
@juicifer Correct!
CCCC: Writes down "almost a real emergency" (7)
1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 11): A Sparkling Sudoku

CrSb0001This puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > This is a Between Thermometer Sudoku. Normal sudoku rules apply. For "Between Line" Sudokus: Digits along a "bet...

@juicifer nice find, I thought it was going to be a reverse anagram especially since "that found a G" can fit in a (2 4 4 1)-phrase
yeah that was my first thought too
4 hours later…
archive.org/download/2009Xkcd/2009_xkcd.pdf page 10101 says “started with four letters what a riddle what a mystery" but I don't understand what that is trying to say
actually, "started with four letters but only need three what a riddle what a mystery" according to this blogger
The comic on that page is this one, fwiw.
And if you don't want to download the whole PDF, you can go to archive.org/details/2009Xkcd/page/n45/mode/2up instead
All that said, I don't know what the "started…" is trying to say, either.
@msh210 er yes, that's correct, I left out some words.

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