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Wonder if it's MA/MAR for Morocco, rather than needing a Moroccan actor
@bobble Sounds like a good idea. Done.
Though, could you resolve my pending flag on that post?
Yup. Also done.
2 hours later…
Q: 6 Sided Cross Burr Puzzle

Whitney KelleyI have been trying to solve this for several hours and haven’t figured out how to get the final piece to slide in. Though the final shape looks like many other puzzles, none of the solutions I’ve found in my research match mine. (I’ve looked here at puzzling stack exchange, 2 academic-looking art...

Q: Trapped in a Room

RiddleMeThisYou are in a room with a table. On the table are 35 tiny holes. Now each hole has a number or letter on it. There are holes with a number range from 1 to 9, and there are also ones with letters from A to Z and none of the numbers or letters repeat. You are also given 3 pegs in an envelope with a ...

2 hours later…
Q: The number of days since I was born is approximately the number of days in ( cube root of the year) years

Thirdy YabataThe number of days since I was born is approximately the number of days in (cube root of year) years (ingnoring leap years), and today is the (cube root of year)$^{2}$th day of the year. It is also worth to mention that the date format of my DOB (Date Of Birth), written in MM/DD/YYYY is that DD ...

6 hours later…
@GentlePurpleRain diet + rich, an actor in morocco (1930)
Oh thanks
Q: From start to finish but only once!

Prim3numbahBased on the following... 0 → - 1 → ❌✅✅ 2 → ✅❌✅ 3 → ✅❌✅ 4 → ? ? ? ? ? 5 → ❌✅❌✅ 6 → ✅✅ 7 → ✅❌✅ 8 → ✅ 9 → ✅✅ ...replace each question mark with the correct symbol.

@Jafe nice find
@juicifer yeah, really
Q: See me once, See me twice #17

kscherrer See me once, naturally, my integrity is undenied See me twice, the outcome i can yet decide If you are not familiar with my See me once riddles, I recommend you first have a look at the latest riddles in this series and their solutions: #12, #13, #14, #15, #16

1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar (Day 6): Colorful Gifts

Zona CThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > It’s Christmas, and your family has gathered from all over Europe to celebrate at your Uncle Thomas’s house in Fra...

@Jafe That's correct.
1 hour later…
Would it be valid to use "X beside Y" or "X by Y" to mean YX in a cryptic clue? i.e. Is "beside" or "by" position-agnostic -- could mean either "to the left of" or "to the right of"?
I think I've seen such usage before
yeah I'd say that's fine
I think it's legit to have "by" as abelian, because multiplication is.
1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 7): Santa’s in a pickle!

PDTThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 100 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > Seasons Greetings PSE, Santa Claus here and I am in a little bit of a pickle whereby I need this community of ver...

Q: Can anyone help me identify this PC Puzzle game I played as a child?

TomPlatform(s): I played this on Windows, probably 97 or XP Genre: Point and click puzzle game Estimated year of release: Definitely before 2008, probably before 2005, I would estimate late 90s- mid 2000s. Graphics/art style: The setting was surreal and I believe based in a dreamlike version of a st...

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