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@bobble The references to "the table", particularly the one paired with "the bottom", but there were several other things pushing me in that direction and I think I'd have got it even without the "table"s.
@PolygonPotpourri C4 hint: "in play" means "during gameplay".
3 hours later…
Q: How to encode Pi so it's recognizable as Pi?

Miss UnderstandsWe detected music and video encoded in radio signals from Alpha Centauri. We want to aim a large radio telescope there and blast them with something that's going to get their attention, something simple that shows we're intelligent. That header would be followed by complex information that would ...

A missing-vowel question in Only Connect S20 E17 had, I think, two possible answers. (Which may happen quite often for all I know, but this is the first time I've noticed it.) The category was "fruit and fibre" and the official answer was rot13(gbzngbrfnaqbngzrny) but the answer I saw was rot13(gbzngbrfnaqgnznyr).
@msh210 I noticed that too! Actually said that alternative one out loud, even...
1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 3): A cacophonic crossword

sarsaparillaThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > So, the PSE Advent Calendar has only just started, but I have been puzzling non-stop already. You could say I'm al...

Q: Lost calculation

theozhA couple did a couple of calculations, but lost the last one ... Can you recover the result? 345 53507 514 4914 ? Hint: (unhide if you want to see 4 possible options)

@msh210 Oh, so Carolina as in a video game character (maybe), got it.
Or a sports team
2 hours later…
the pro sports teams are called just carolina so, assuming "north carolina" is a unit, i think the college basketball team is the #1 meaning in the sports context
however i know next to nothing about that team and wikipedia isn't proving immediately helpful
2 hours later…
You're going to kick yourselves.
(Sounds almost like a line from Weird Al's "Your Horoscope for Today".)
You're going to kick your shelves? Why? To get that book inconveniently perched on the top one?
Also, the thing has been solved, and I can safely say that I would not enjoy downloading the picture and getting the hex codes.
The solution's nice, though!
Q: Colorful two by two triangles

Prim3numbahTurn something colorful into something white. Y E B L U L R E D O W ...

still don't see what the answer could be but imma go ahead and start kicking myself in advance
ooh, can I join in?
2 hours later…
@msh210 I don't know whether that's an actual comment about how easy it is or a hint toward a sport that involves kicking
@oAlt the former.
2 hours later…
Q: Infinite House Number Problem

SVECTORHe said the house of his friend was in a long street, numbered on this side one, two, three, and so on, and that all the numbers on one side of him added up exactly the same as all the numbers on the other side of him. Funny thing that! He said he knew there was more than fifty houses on that sid...

2 hours later…
Is 'North Carolina' the name of a fencer or something like that? Maybe a competitive farmer?
I'm gonna say that the solution is...
'North Carolina' is the name of an athlete from steeplechasing, showjumping, or cross-country, and has 'fences' to jump over. 'pens' is the other definition.
@PolygonPotpourri Is there such an athlete?
@mods could the advent calendar meta post be featured? I flagged it but I'm not sure if meta is a different queue. puzzling.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7612/69582
Also, I'm not sure any of those sports can be described as "gameplay".
@bobble it is
2 hours later…
ok shot in the dark @msh210: unc is a big lacrosse school and would therefore have STICKS in play, and thesaurus.com lists stick as a synonym for pen

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