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the origin of many surnames is either a description of the person (Swift, Armstrong) or what they do (Smith, Miller)
which means some ancestor of the Dickinson family has some explaining to do
i think the hint means that the c4 is in fact a ddef, just that one of the definitions is tricky in some way
If there's both a question mark and the creator says it's nonstandard, I think there's something else to it, too.
5 hours later…
Q: First and Last Move of the White King?

Tim SeifertHere is a new retrograde chess puzzle! Depicted below is the final position of this game which White managed to end with a nice back-rank mate. In the course of this game, the white king went on an adventurous journey that somehow took him up to f7. How did that happen? Can you determine the firs...

gladys returneth
7 puzzles left to make, zero of which will be ripple effect because i've fully given up ever making that one work
@Jafe Part 47<...
i should really continue the series up to 747 so that gladys can be like "today i've boarded a jumbo jet..."
That reminds me of that Vowelburger spinoff puzzle involving numbers.
Q: Seafront Metropolis

JafeThis is part 74 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, Today I have enjoyed the views over a seafront metropolis from the observation deck of its most iconic landmark. Can you guess where I am? Love, Gladys. 1. Alternative to 9, to c...

I see... is this a 'figure out what you have to do' puzzle?
Are you sure 'Dumbbell or kettlebell, perhaps' works? I don't see a fitting ['Hold on!'] clue anywhere...
no comment
I think I have some parts of the solution, but I can't quite make out anything that could help me make the final leap...
Has Gladys come to my home country of Malaysia yet? I'm worried that she might never do that...
she has!
fort cornwallis, if you count the unofficial part 0 :P
there should be another entry as well but i forget which one it was
@Jafe Ah; quite nice.
I'm sure somebody will figure this out before me, but I feel urged to try and find a map for the [REDACTED]s involving sound.
one of the few gladys destinations i've actually been to instead of just reading about from travel sites hehe
@Jafe Huh; you went to Borneo/Malaysia?
i'm into scuba diving, sipadan's one of the top spots in the world for that
@Jafe Interesting. Thank you for visiting our country!
...hm. Could I post a partial answer in the puzzle right now?
@Jafe A woodstock would stock as much wood as a woodstock could stock if a woodstock could stock wood.
1 hour later…
Q: A drawing facing you

Prim3numbahWhat do you see below? (Explain your reasoning) | | |6 | | 3\ | \ / \ / 7\ /1 \ / ...

3 hours later…
Q: Multiplying ducks on a 3d grid

PranayThere is a 3-dimensional grid (semi-infinite in all the three directions). Each cell of the grid contains at most one duck. You are allowed to remove a duck from a cell, but only if the cell above it, the cell to the right of it, and the cell in front of it are all empty. If you do remove a duck ...

3 hours later…
I was doing a crossword in the newspaper and I just couldn't solve the northwest corner. So I figured, let me change position and maybe it'll help my thinking. So I sat on the other side of the table, and then it was the southeast corner I couldn't solve.
1 hour later…
Q: What three letter word fits here?

AmozHere is some enigmatic text from 1 to 10 (sort of). What three letters fit in the missing places (marked by ?), which anagram to a three letter word? (don't need the actual positions, just the final word and an explanation) 1. S?T?TFS II. WHEN O?IE V. 1 RUNG XV EE HERE 10.

playing 3d chess against the setter's checkers
CCCC hint: 'character' refers to a letter of a word in the clue.
aha this could be some name like HOUGORT (if that was a rapper) where the wordplay would be "H, O, U, G or T" (a character of the word tough)

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