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CCCC: He helped discover almost everything between Cm and Sg and everything between F and J, approximately (7)
1 hour later…
@TakingNotes I've definitely heard it in the context of more specific verbs, like "not if I get there first"
@Jafe this is G H I, or so
that's right
CCCC: Spectre, perhaps of deceased physicist (8)
Is ‘HAWKING’ a synonym of ‘spectre’?
the more important question to ask might be is 'HAWKING' eight letters
Is 'HAWKING' eight letters?
HAUUKING definitely is.
BONDFILM is, unfortunately, not a deceased physicist.
@PolygonPotpourri I won't tell him you said so.
it's obviously EINSTEIN, because "ein Stein" is German for one stone (14 lb/6.35 kg), and anyone who weighs that little must be at least somewhat incorporeal (i.e., a spectre, perhaps). #GreatC4Solutions
If this guy spelled his last name a bit differently, it could be the spectre of a looming DEADLINE
@TakingNotes unfortunately not; the only one I'm familiar with is not if I can help it (whose meaning is also different)
@Jafe hah
I do think Polygon is onto something with the Bond film thing, though
juicifer, as previously established, is American, which would suggest that they would spell it "specter" unless referring to something specific that uses the British spelling.
...though of course, they could have just used that because it's the spelling they're used to seeing due to the Bond film, or because cryptics in general are mostly a British thing...
@TakingNotes not I, but lucky me
@RyanM I haven't read (or watched) any Bond, but I thought it was spelled S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
@TakingNotes I do know "not if I see you first"
The Cretan spectre is a species of darner (dragonfly). So "Spectre, perhaps of" is Vladimir DARNEROF, deceased physicist. (Don't bother looking up who he was: I assure you he was a physicist.)
@RyanM For some reason, this is a word that I (also an American) always think of as '-re' and would have to force myself to write the American way. Maybe because the word is much more common in BrE than in AmE; I don't know. In any event, the same sort of thing could perhaps explain the spelling here.
Apparently there was a comic-book character named Corrigan and called the Spectre (spelled thus); and there's a physicist named Corrigan who, as far as Wikipedia knows, is still living, but I guess juicifer has more up-to-date information.
Q: Can you arrange ABCD...Z into a straight line so that consecutive letters of the alphabet have an odd number of letters between them?

Will.Octagon.GibsonCan you arrange the 26 letters of the English alphabet (ABCD...Z) into a straight line so that consecutive letters of the alphabet have an odd number of letters between them. You must use each letter exactly once. Examples: Having XCY somewhere in the line is okay for X and Y because there is on...

Not the CCCC: Heart, perhaps, of deceased physicist (8) rot13(rvafgrva, qrs vf qrprnfrq culpvfvg, naq gur jbeqcynl vf r va fgrva vf urneg bs gur jbeq)
2 hours later…
Q: What you see are (9), what's hinted is (4)

Prim3numbahYour task is to place a number of "?'s" in the last (4th) row. Explain your reasoning. [1] {2} 4 4 1{0}1 4 5 6 (3) 6 7 *8* (1) 2 4 4 ???????? ???????? ??????????????

1 hour later…
@RyanM I like this idea, and suspect that Spectre here is a proper noun. However I'm too busy to work it out right now
1 hour later…
Q: A Simple, Theft-Proof Connecting Wall

BlueHairedMeerkatI recently made a fairly simple connecting wall, and I thought some people here might enjoy it. However, it has not escaped my attention that Puzzling has recently been the victim of a spate of letter thefts from connecting walls, and I did not want to fall victim to such a despicable crime. So! ...

^ I really like this as a puzzle concept but it looks like it will be VERY hard to solve!
Anyone else experiencing problems with the image on this puzzle loading some times but not others? Thought I'd fixed it with an edit but still glitching like this for me...
works for me
And when you refresh the page?
shows every time
Okay, thanks. Something funny going on with my browser then...!
2 hours later…
(early) CCCC hint: y'all've gotten very close. if you don't find it soon, I'll eat my hat
7 hours later…
@juicifer it appears the answer is EINSTEIN - both the deceased physicist and this tile known as a spectre tile!
@TakingNotes yes it is!
I was starting to get worried considering I don't own any edible hats
CCCC: Trump is half-right? (2)
@TakingNotes this is 45 ddef, the ordinal of Donald Trump's presidency, and half a right angle in degrees
oh man, that's a fun chat bug... if I star a message, then pin it, then I can unstar it and it still shows as pinned (the dot to the right) in the chat itself, while not actually being pinned or showing the option to clear stars...
CCCC: Fairy's graphic drink (one lacking body?) (6)
2 hours later…
@TakingNotes Ahh, I have heard of that before, and the hint makes sense now!
SPRITE quaddef?
@PolygonPotpourri Yep!
@RyanM Nice cluing!
Thanks! I was hoping it wasn't too obtuse :)
CCCC: Most of new energy! (5)

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