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@msh210 Indeed!
@Stiv Ahh!
@Stiv Wow; I've never heard of them, but stupendous job on finding that!
2 hours later…
Q: 24-edge graph on a ball, with two crossings

Parcly TaxelYou are given a round ball and a marker pen. Your task is to draw $K_8-C_4$ on the ball – the complete graph on 8 vertices labelled 0 to 7, but with the edges 0-1,1-2,2-3,3-0 removed, thus 24 edges – such that no two edges cross except at up to two designated crossing points. Any number of edges ...

1 hour later…
CCCC: A road west, arriving initially at the heart of Egypt (3)
@msh210 W (west) + A_ + Y = WAY (a road)
2 days ago, by oAlt
I was about to type it too
can't catch a break can you
@TakingNotes certainly
CCCC: Before you, I will message lost uncle in Spain a common YouTube comment (3, 2, 1, 3, 5)
1 hour later…
itt is w hat itiss
(i have no idea)
The only common YouTube comment I can remember is the one that goes "Who's watching in [year]?"
3 hours later…
Q: Different C's, different S's (in order)

Prim3numbahThe answer is a single word (11 letters long). [] [] [][] [] [][] [][] [][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][] [] [][]

@oAlt First
Yeah that's also one
Uncle in Spain is "tio". I don't know if that's even relevant
Remove TIO from a word?
Q: A marvellous meaningful Mr. Men maze!

StivMy, my - it's a maze made up of Mr. Men! (The British children's book characters originally created by Roger Hargreaves.) Images courtesy of mrmen.fandom.com Make the most of the following clues to uncover the path through the maze from IN to OUT, travelling orthogonally one space at a time. Doi...

"lost uncle" could be uncle*, and then "in Spain a" = un/una
the definition could be "in Spain…"
The only 3,2,1,3,5 phrase I can find is "off to a bad start", but (a) I don't think that's a common YouTube comment and (b) I don't see any wordplay for it.
'pin or I may drown'?
@PolygonPotpourri I would also like to point out that TIO is the name of a website used for running code, coincidentally...
I think a word for 'message', like QUESTION, can have TIO (uncle in spain) 'lost'.
@PolygonPotpourri Qat found 17 words for that
brill chill drill frill grill krill prill quill shill skill spill still swill thill trill twill weill
Neither CH or ST seem like valid abbreviations for 'you'.
Even then, those don't seem to be common YouTube comments.
@PolygonPotpourri Not if I can still
Q: How acceptable is it for cryptic clues to be time sensitive/based on current events?

The Empty String PhotographerTake for example, this clue: Base 8, which is not drunk, lost 'als', and became this month. (7) Where the solution would be: Would this be acceptable? What about if this month was part of the wordplay instead, indicating October (this month)? Another example could be: Paper from book, with '...

Why does it take 10 minutes for Sphinx to send a question here?
'saint' may clue ST, but I'm no saint.
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer she's getting on in years
@msh210 is that another cryptic clue?
no, it was an answer to your question
Not CCCC: It's of Einstein getting on in years (4)
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Yup!
@PolygonPotpourri I don't get it.
@PolygonPotpourri 🤮☕💦
yeah me neither
ES (It's of Einstein (as in einsteinium)) getting ON (in isn't really fitting here, but uh...) [years]
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer What is this supposed to mean?
@PolygonPotpourri I'm trying to indicate squirting coffee out of my mouth using emojis
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Ah, okay.
It feels like you're outright barfing out your drink. Also saliva.
Es was discovered by Ghiorso. (h/t Wikipedia)
Speaking of ES, that can also stand for Spain
Of course, "lost uncle in Spain" could also clue FRED, after an unfortunate incident several years ago. We still haven't found him.
I still stand by NOT IF I CAN for 'message lost uncle in Spain'.
...but why not 'Spanish uncle', then?
because the surface reading is better this way
I also like the idea of "not if I can", but I don't see anything further along those lines
Is there a common YouTube comment starting with those words fitting the enumeration?
@msh210 Not if I see you first has that at the end, but the enumeration is wrong
And what would the def be in that case
The only thing that seems like it could fit would be 'not if I can help it', and the enumeration and wordplay wouldn't make any sense.
"not if i can first"?
still has the notifica(-tio)n from above, "first!" is the YT comment, and it could mean "before you, i will" although it's not an actual idiom afaict
Definitely; the only problem is that it doesn't make any logical sense, and is a 'statement dreamt up by the utterly deranged'.
guess i don't see the problem
lemme ping @TakingNotes to find out
might need to wait till tomorrow though, it's night
1 hour later…
Q: A new nameless game

Xavier CastilloThis is a new game I came up with the night after my birthday. It's so simple that I couldn't sleep just thinking about it. The rules are easy: you have to place all the two-digit combinations (numbers from 00 to 99) in a grid, so that in each row and column, no two numbers have the same tens dig...

@TakingNotes Is this correct?
@PolygonPotpourri (Jafe had already pinged above)
Q: Riddle: Call me George

Ichthys KingCall me George Remove my first, and you'll get old cattle Remove my second, and you'll start to be right Remove my third, and you'll find yourself Remove my last, and nothing is left

Q: What an integral grid

Varun W.$\int ln(x^\pi) \,dx$ @ $(-1,\pi)$ (4.03335, 3.80018) (3.55573, 3.80018) (2.71828, 3.55573) (3.80018, 2.71828) (2.71828, 4.25722) (4.68249, 3.80018) (4.88585, 3.55573) (3.29721, 2.71828) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | 1 | K | L | M | N | ...

4 hours later…
@Jafe you got it!
do you guys not know "NOT IF I CAN FIRST!"?
feels like a phrase i hear semifrequently
3 hours later…
Closest I've heard is "not if I see you first"

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