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@Jafe when I made a crossword for friends I did it in Google Sheets, and set the link to automatically make a copy. This does require a Google account, however
(I've just edited the C4 slightly to make it fairer. Apologies.)
@bobble smart
@msh210 do you read it?
@Mithical I have, many times, but not the last coupla years
I see
Not anything that long... I did Shoftim recently :p
No, I was visiting my grandparents, and wanted to make things easier on my grandfather, who's been the one leining there for the past few decades (he's been struggling with some health issues recently)
Ah. Best of health to him!
thank you :)
I haven't ever read a whole פרשה since my bar mitzva. Esther, though — when I was growing up my dad read it, so I heard it practiced beforehand and then three times on the day. So I got to know large parts of it automatically
My mother and brother have both done Esther, but I don't think I'll be doing it any time soon. A bit too much for me to store in mid-term memory...
2 hours later…
RE: I brought ten boxes of puzzles to university
It turns out one box had three fully done puzzles! Each taken apart into six sheets and then carefully stacked
Note that none of the three puzzles are the puzzle on the box
@bobble ooh nice, the backlog isn't going to run out for a while
2 hours later…
Feel like this CCCC must surely be HARUSPEX, one who tells the future from entrails. It begins with H and ends in EX...but what's the middle?
3 hours later…
That's a word??
@msh210 @Stiv ahh, in a Wikipedia footnote it says that haruspicy is also called extispicy. So I figured that extispex should also be a word. And indeed, it's in Wiktionary, meaning the same thing as haruspex, and it's EX (former husband) SPIT* EX (former wife)
And now I learned two new words for the price of one
@oAlt yes indeed
@oAlt glad to have been of service
Thanks a lot to Stiv though
@msh210 :)
CCCC: Finished, girl contributes to county (7)
@oAlt Awesome spot, well done :) I figured SPIT* would have to be involved but couldn't work out how that would fit with my target word only having two of those letters in it!
Thx :)
Yeah, I also felt that there was no way "wildly" would not involve an anagram
@LukasRotter Where do you see that level of detail? I see only minutes.
(I see seconds on the timestamps in the star-board, but nowhere else AFAICT.)
@msh210 Yeah, you can't see it in the UI. Browser Developer Console -> network traffic -> /events. There's a Unix timestamp in the response
ah, thanks
@oAlt done gal (h/t)
@bobble these look very satisfying
1 hour later…
@msh210 correct!
CCCC: With nerve, fiber, and rage extinguished, prepare a martial-arts exercise (3,2,3,3)
Q: A string of countries (some don't exist!)

Prim3numbahThe two countries you see can be replaced by other countries, but the two "?'s" can't. Which two countries must replace the question marks? Explain your reasoning. |SOLOMONISLANDS ??SOUTHAFRICA |

@msh210 wax on, wax off (a martial arts exercise) = w (with) axon (nerve fiber) wax (rage, according to Wiktionary, which further says it's a dated and colloquial sense) off (extinguished, as an adjective)
axon was my break-in point for this, because I first thought that maybe we were looking for a synonym of nerve, then I thought it was going to be a type of nerve, then I thought nerve = axon, then found the answer from there and realized along the way that an axon isn't a nerve but rather a nerve fiber
And I just realized that msh has now set eleven consecutive clues whose answers have the letter X...
Of course, there might be more I'm not seeing
@AncientSwordRage again, I didn't do them. They came that way, already done
@oAlt precisely so
@oAlt also some Zs and Vs and things
just trying weird letters
@msh210 understandable
I saw earlier that the one before the X clues was Vizzini I think
CCCC: Blue with no grains (4)
@oAlt yeah I think so. But yeah mostly Xs
Q: Some hard objects!

Prim3numbahFigure out what the following diagram represents and complete it by placing objects and numbers in number 3 and 4. Number 3 might be a bit ambiguous, but as long as you got the correct idea, it's fine.

@bobble gotcha, I should have read more carefully
I haven't done a puzzle like that in a long time
@oAlt is it “rain”, hidden in “grains”, and associated with blue?
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer nope
If it were hidden in grains, there would be something having to indicate that it's hidden there. "With" would do the opposite, and "with no" would simply make no sense as a containment indicator (though it could be a subtraction indicator, for example)
@oAlt SAND= SAD with N
@Ankoganit yep there we go
CCCC: Looking after family heirlooms: it opens stores all around (8)
(don't ask me what the surface means)
5 hours later…
real quick for me what does the surface mean
help I'm being bullied
@juicifer why is leader in the uk ER?
Elizabeth Regina; it's the monogram for the former queen
i don't know if it's in as much use since her passing though
alternatively Edward Rex for an earlier monarch

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