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somehow no 6,8 entries in list of french playwrights
either that or my regex is broken, and what are the chances of that
C4 hints: 1. The first "and" splits the definition (to its left) from the wordplay. 2. This playwright is missing from Jafe's list but does have an English Wikipedia article. But the article's title isn't 6,8.
the "to its left" part is helpful, rules out the definition being "anti-vax leader in the U.K. hides in island and is not in Côte d'Ivoire"
cover me, i'm diving back in
the vax leader is probably V... if it was A for the first letter of "anti-vax" why would you use the word anti-vax there
the other option of course is that it's an actual british anti-vaxxer... can't name any off the top of my head but i'm sure there are some prominent ones
article title's 6,8, though
oh wait, but the title matches the enumeration so that can't be it
hmm marivaux actually contains U (leader in UK) inside VAX
st pierre is an island but that's prolly not it
any chance msh210 is evil enough to use cote d'ivoire as I or E? as in one coast of the word ivoire
I hope not
> Results 521 – 540 of 18,329
I've seen a few fitting the enumeration and hints along the way but it didn't explicitly say that they were both characteristics (novelist and playwright), just that they were one or the other
Wait, I just noticed that @Sphinx is offline.
Q: HTTP error 404: Tag not found

Dannyu NDosObjective Find the hidden tag for this puzzle. Clues [3 found] An insect steals a vowel from their relative (3) [2 found] A viscous substance advances a website at the final (4) [1 found] A stoner says their favorite dish is chicken on rice (10) [1 found] A wild dog rings a bell; ring it again (...

If that's not too straightforward.
anyone know why they have friction mats in the toilets of all british naval vessels?
(came up with this one myself, aiming for so-bad-it's-good quality)
it's because rot13(ybb fyvcf fvax fuvcf)
Q: Hopping frogs on an infinitely long row of cells

John AoThere is a row of cells inifinitely long on both directions. The cells are numbered with integers $...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...$ form left to right. Initially, all cells are empty. At each timestamp: Existing frogs will jump either left by 1 cell or right by 2 cells. If there is no frog at cell 0, a frog...

oh and i was wrong above, the french word for "not" should be NE (not NON which is "no")
@Jafe you have succeeded, at least on the "good" aspect
heheh thank you
ha, that's a good one...
3 hours later…
@Stiv Congratulations on becoming the highest reputation person on Puzzling! — Will.Octagon.Gibson yesterday
Congrats @Stiv, that's quite an achievement! :-)
2 hours later…
Q: Grid network - Colombian Sudoku

Xavier CastilloThis is a new Colombian Sudoku that I really enjoyed creating. The rules are the same as always: fill the Sudoku on the left, using the clues on the right. The number of points in a row of the table indicates how many matches it has with the corresponding row of the completed Sudoku.

Q: Some of them "have no hair"

Prim3numbahA list of five hidden "something" is given below. One is not on the list... Can you find it anyways? 1 RET 5 2 CON 6 3 EON 6 4 LOW 7 5 RINE 9

2 hours later…
Q: Optimal Strategy for Wordle Master Mode?

Blue HerringRelated: What's the optimal strategy for Wordle? About a year ago, a friend and I created a custom variant of Wordle, called Wordle Master Mode. The gameplay is similar to Wordle, but with a couple of changes: Instead of 6 guesses, the player gets 10. Rather than highlighting individual letters...

cryptic's up, folks
hoping to distract people from my utter lack of progress with the next gladys entry
the day may come when i simply abandon this one and just post the next puzzle in line (which i've had ready since 2022)... but it is not this day
Q: What is all this —?

Jafe Solve on Penpa+ Across 2. Virtual people in game released current 4 down (3, abbr.) 10. Craving sex before church (4) 11. What Regis Philbin album came out 20 years ago, with the man and new vocalist Neil covering Milier's composition? (4,5,7) 13. What was the first US number one hit for Cyndi L...

Oh a large version
Possibly dumb Penpa+ questions: is there any way to 1) see the clues? 2) type letters such that it fills in each subsequent letter in an answer as you go?
nope and nope, sorry
penpa's made with grid-deduction in mind, it's not all that optimised for crosswords
i'm taking suggestions if anyone has a more usable option for presenting the editable grid
3 hours later…
C4 hints: 1. The first "and" splits definition & wordplay. 2. This playwright isn't on this list but has an English WP article, whose title isn't 6,8. 3. The third letter is V.
@Randal'Thor Thanks very much :) It wasn't an ambition when I joined, just sorta happened! Really just happy to be here in such a creative community where curiosity and exploration is encouraged...
2 hours later…
@msh210 i think i've finally found a candidate who fits all of these criteria and has a good shot at working for the wordplay but i can't get it all to fit quite together
sorry didn't mean to ping for that first bit
but the XAV (anti-vax) being right at the start makes me think i've got something here
@TakingNotes no worries at all
anti-vax is XAV<, leader in the uk is ER, island is IS, is not is AIN'T, in is IN, and cote d'ivoire is in fact E as theorized here
@juicifer precisely so
ah beautiful
nice one
I feel like most of the credit should go to @TakingNotes for the research lol
heh, yeah, that was a good find
realising anti-vax could be XAV and that XAVIER was a relatively common first name were the two steps i needed to make to get there lol
you should def take the next one though juicifer, i was miles away from the rest of that wordplay and you got it instantly
fair enough
CCCC: Half of domain is laid before this woman (6)
Esther &lit (she was offered "up to half the kingdom") as est(ate) + her. Very nice clue.
@msh210 thanks! that's correct of course
I happen to know the book pretty darn well, and I know you're an &lit master, so I figured out what the answer must be and worked from there.
CCCC: Former husband spit wildly at former wife? He's got guts; he knows what'll happen (8)
2 hours later…
@juicifer Finally! Thanks to you and TakingNotes

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