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apparently both "new administrative capital" and "utah hockey club" are placeholder names that are only in use until a permanent name is decided... that actually makes a lot of sense
it's TakingNotes's turn next, right?
you should take it next, you figured out the reverse cryptic aspect
CCCC: Doctor Carmichael refused tea in upcoming capital city? (7)
1 hour later…
@Jafe This is Ramciel, the upcoming capital city of South Sudan, and to get to it you doctor (anagram) CARMICHAEL which has been refused CHA (tea)
that's right
upcoming with a question mark because i don't think it's a done deal yet
Ah right
CCCC: Envisioned capital, New Delhi, starts to reach conclusion (3)
(we time travel)
a new delhi? what was wrong with the old one!
this is E_ N_ D_
hah, looks like my keyboard gives ¿ with shift-alt-plus... never knew that!
@Jafe correct!
the only question is ¿how often will i need it in normal speech?
CCCC: Guy in Hogwarts robe perhaps put inside animated corpse? (9)
1 hour later…
@Jafe cosp(lay)er*
Okay… I'm not perfectly happy with it, but
CCCC: Guy in Hogwarts robe in London, perhaps, to duel with Bellatrix's second. This engages Bellatrix, at last, to lick you. (3,6)
"this wasn't covered in defence against the dark arts"
ah wait, lick can mean punch... that makes more sense than the other thing
that said i'm not changing the mental image already formed
lick means defeat more often than punch in my idiolect, but yeah either way
@msh210 ah, I got misdirected indeed
4 hours later…
Q: Guesstimate a multiple choice exam

quaragueExam time is here and the final consists of 20 True/False questions. Unfortunately you are a very bad student and you only know the answer to 5 of the questions. It so happens that the answers to the 5 questions you know are all True. For the other 15 questions you have no clue and have to guess....

2 hours later…
@Jafe personally I prefer "pwhl utah"
(to explain this joke, compare the pwhl's inaugural uniforms to those of utah hc)
Lee Jordan and Tom Riddle were in Hogwarts, but you would probably expect an X there because it feels more likely that "at last" would act on its left side and not the right (as lick could be an indicator for containment perhaps?)
I can kinda see how TOM RIDDLE might not be a bad shout, since TOD(-u)EL* tops and tails it (with _U 'licked' here). What could MRID for the centre be though? And bEllatrix's second isn't doing much...
maybe bellatrix's second is a guy named mr. id
it's been a while since I read the books but I don't remember such a guy
Q: Where did I leave my keys?

ThemoonisacheeseI was travelling to another english-speaking country recently and when it came time to unlock my front door, I discovered I lost my keys! Worse, an uninvited guest was in my house! You see, I realized at the departures gates, I always forget to close my bedroom window, and this time alligators go...

went through wikipedia's list of harry potter characters for names containing an x, no luck
yeah same... I thought there would have been a promising one
1 hour later…
For me it feels like "to duel" indicates a synonym of the verb duel
Something short like "spar" would be convenient
Q: Part bound and part living thing

AmozThey put a crooked barb upon my head, In honor of my name. At my right hand is a high place To hold the one who came. And at my left a hearty meal Prepared for those I’ve led. Below my feet a tumultuous cry Sounds across the ocean bed. As for me, I wear a ring For I am part bound And part living ...

2 hours later…
I'm sorry to say that the current C4 is the result of insufficient research. Specifically, although a brief Web search had assured me that the definition half is correct, a better one undertaken more recently has convinced me that it is not. The clue is still solvable (especially if you bear in mind this caveat), but I'm debating scrapping it and starting over. I welcome your opinions on the matter.
Non-canonical unidentified irishman #42, BEM BAXTER
Okay, I'll scrap it. The answer was meant to be WAX FIGURE (Guy in Hogwarts robe in London, perhaps = wax figure in Mme Tussauds. Alas, afaict, Harry Potter characters have never appeared in the flagship branch of that museum). The wordplay was WAR (to duel) _E_ engaging _X FIG U. (Lick=fig in the phrase "I don't give a lick".)
CCCC: In a wax museum, it may be the way out is hiding. Hunting it… blows, initially. (7)
clearly the definition is "in a wax museum, it may be" and therefore the solution is obviously WAXYODA
Waxy OD, A. A drug memoir by Madame Tussaud.
@msh210 but it's actually EXIT hiding H_ I_ B_ for EXHIBIT
@juicifer it is, indeed
CCCC: Couple of Potter characters seen with Bellatrix's second outside unveiling of wax museum (4)
@juicifer tt (the paired couple of characters in "Potter") + _e_, outside (-w)a(-x) = Tate
@msh210 yep
nice thematic continuation
CCCC: Subversive union anti-tea-extortion protest, wha'! (2,8,7,14)
I can think of one notable anti-tea-extortion protest but it doesn't fit the enumeration
@msh210 oh wait this is NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION* &lit
@juicifer sure is
very nicely anagrammed
CCCC: He was an opponent of the Rebels at the Tea Party, or so I've heard (4 4)
My brain, seeing that, instantly thought of Vladimir Putin.
2 hours later…
Q: ~~My Profession~~

BrodinThis is my first post on here, so hopefully it isn't too confusing. Suggestions are welcome! I first met Jada over a decade ago, and we quickly became friends. We don't talk often, but I am always overjoyed to see her. I still think back to the day I first met her: Well, it was a day like any o...

Q: Beautiful and colorful: Find the last one

LezzupFind 22 of the same kind (letters are orthogonal connected, not diagonal). After that, reveal the 23th one. CSV: ,,,,,,,,,U,S,I,P,O,S,A,S,I,G,G ,,,,,,,,,H,E,L,I,R,T,H,U,E,U,E ,,,24,20,18,,,,D,G,R,U,A,M,S,U,T,D,H ,,,16,15,18,,,,E,U,R,T,U,L,F,I,U,E,G ,,,P,22,12,,,,U,U,D,P,E,R,H,S,D,D,I ,,,P,18,N,,...

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