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@Stevo my only comment is that the words/phrases/sentences/etc. clued must be well-known in English or at least known enough to be recognized by dictionaries/Wikipedia/the like, which "doing the chore" doesn't seem to be. But the wordplay is perfect.
i was going to do "doing the chores" but i forgot the s
My brain would accept "doing chores" as an established phrase but not "doing the chores", and I can't really verbalize why that is exactly
Anyone else feel the same way?
I think it's because "the chores" needs to refer to a specific set of chores that were previously mentioned, whereas "chores" on its own is universal
like if your mom told you to wash the dishes and take out the trash and you told her later you were "doing the chores" that would be fine, but if you told her you were "doing the chores" without any prior context it wouldn't make sense
so just remove "the"
@juicifer yeah, that sounds right
@LukasRotter Canvas learning? Me too
@msh210 huh
@oAlt I'm + port + an + _t (and the hash checks out)
CCCC: Farm animal farmer eventually has hidden inside a farm implement (5)
I may be offline a bit, so the ROT-13 hash of the answer (all lowercase) is anuwhfgxvqqvat
this should be HORSE, _R+'S inside HOE
@Ankoganit yes indeed
was about to look up hash checkers
wait where did the r and the 's come from
farmer eventually = last letter of "farmer"
has = 's
^what msh said
@Ankoganit not sure that would've helped
wait lmao
well played
lol thanks
CCCC: Past hidden inside butt-hole? (5)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (I also have no idea, actually)
("valuable setter" can clue "dear me"… but I used "dear me" as a minced oath, or whatever it is)
Ahhh lol
@Ankoganit days gone past = days gone by, so that in ass = abyss (hole)
@oAlt yep!
CCCC: Member of a cell locked inside (appropriately so; somewhere) (8)
@oAlt _ly so some_
@msh210 yes
CCCC: Meat from a farm animal: it hasn't got any pedigree papers about (6)
@DannyuNDos yep
CCCC: An animal that is not porcine, yet still hiding up (9)
Q: How many of the tetracubes can be used to make a 2x4x4 cuboid?

Will.Octagon.GibsonBeginner puzzle This puzzle is intended to be suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving. Clarification: Both experienced solvers and new solvers are welcome to post solutions to this puzzle. Each of the shapes shown has been made from four unit cubes. For each shape, Max takes eight copi...

Q: Indentify identicon icons

Lukas RotterStack Exchange users who have not uploaded a personal profile picture will have their generated identicon as their avatar. Inspired by this, I decided to create my own identicon specification. It takes a string, hashes it into a 64-bit value (exact method not important for this puzzle), then gene...

@DannyuNDos "An animal that is porcine, hiding up" would be porc(up)ine… but if it's not porcine then I don't know.
ohhhh it's "not PORCINE yet", meaning it's PORCIN with the final E missing, and then "still" = E somehow (I don't see how), and you get PORCINE back, which is then hiding UP
@msh210 Yup!
cool cool
I mean, merely, a porcupine isn't a pig and thus not porcine.
oh so "An animal that is not porcine" is the definition
but then "yet still hiding up" has to clue the wordplay…?
"An animal" was the definition part.
CCCC: Maybe Duncan Hines's first secreted by thyroid or the like, in salute to trauma center? (10)
Sorry for confusion.
no worries
1 hour later…
I'm pretty sure I've found the answer, but a part of the clue is hard to parse
Ahh, @msh210 Highlander (maybe Duncan) = H(ines) + gland (thyroid or the like), in "Hi ER!" ("salute to trauma center?")
where ER is the emergency room
yes indeed — more precisely it's H secreted by GLAND. (In the sense of "to secret", not "to secrete" as is usual with glands.)
oh yeah I forgot for some reason
I saw "by" without having remembered that I even searched for "secreted"
(and I was thinking of this Duncan, but yours works too)
CCCC: Poorly, I am collecting number where Lincoln was (8)
clicksaver service: Lincoln was in the Fox River State Penitentiary
(I'm not as good at this as Jafe is)
oh this is Illinois (where Lincoln was) = ill (poorly) + I + is (am) collecting no.
@msh210 yes!
CCCC: Moody retained elf that's subservient (11)
Q: Logic Test: The Entry

GSmithThis continues from the 1st part of this series. After I emailed the stranger telling him what he actually did was just to he sent me an email in reply. It read as follows: Hi there, Well done on solving my first puzzle for you! The next step is to come to the door at [redacted], and you need ...

I wanted to do "State poorly ..." instead but didn't do it since I didn't know if I had accidentally created a Schrodinger, since there's lots of states (both countries and country subdivisions)
@oAlt until you've checked whether you've accidentally created a Schrödinger, you both have and haven't
Q: Three-player Avalon (transmitting private knowledge over a public channel)

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Is this really [blue-eyes]? I don't see it
Q: Three-player Avalon (transmitting private knowledge over a public channel)

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not really imo
4 hours later…
Q: happy birthday Bernardo - Colombian Sudoku

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1 hour later…
Q: Is Heaven real?

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@Sphinx "If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Barbecuǝ Phrase™." - Lukas Rotter (professional copy-paster)

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