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Q: Destroying Democracy

LucenapositionThere is a square grid of people and two political parties: Red and Yellow. The grid is split into districts, with the following rules: All districts must be rectangles Each voter must be in exactly 1 district No ditrict can contain twice or more votes as another district. For example, if there ...

1 hour later…
Oh wow, I didn't think "eater" would be it
i considered eater but was trying to put it in the end
1 hour later…
someone type out a real answer to the xkcd crossword or imma have to do it
"i just assumed" with no explanation... fizzle that nonsizzle
@Ankoganit nice
2 hours later…
just posted a max-length comment explaining why i don't like that answer, possibly starting a lifelong beef with another 10k+ user 😁👍
Q: Semi-Semordnilaps

Evan SemetI’m wondering if there is a name for words that when spelled backwards contain another word. (Example: taco->cat) From my understanding, semordnilaps are when the entire word spelled backwards is another word, but this is slightly different.

2 hours later…
Q: What is the name of this puzzle type? How to create one?

Liam StygianI want to create a specific puzzle, but I'm wondering if it already has a name, and if I can find some pointers on how to make it hard. It's simple, I have a NxN grid filled with numbers going from 1 to N. I want to find the only set of N cells, that: Range from 1 to N Have one cell per row/colu...

CCCC: Look on the bright side - it's cold, noisy, and hard, while unruly villains reign after all (5,5,3,1,6,6)
to be fair things are prolly pretty grim if that is the bright side
it's C + LOUD + H + AS + ASILVERLINING* (anagram of "villains reign") coming after EVERY (all) = every cloud has a silver lining (=look on the bright side)
1 hour later…
@Jafe That it is
kinda self-confirming enumeration hehe
speaking of which
CCCC: After you fashion perms, I shall get on three-wheelers to provide reinforcements for work in which villains reign after all (3,6,7,4)
Ah, I think I said that too soon. I just found it...
@Jafe THEE (you) + I in PERMS* ("fashion") + TRIKES + BACK (to provide reinforcements) = THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK
Ah dangit hahah
correct! that was fast
The trikes gave it away ...
"three-wheelers" also did it for me but I couldn't think of how to make the 3,6
the intention was to anagram "perms i" together though
guess the result's the same either way
Three trikes and you've found out.
the empire flies spaceships into battle... and trikes back
Oh, I parsed this as I shall get on (what was clued before).
What do you want? - The empire's trikes back.
CCCC: Judge cloud with silver lining by speed? (10)
(But "on" isn't a good insertion indicator, so just adding I to the fodder works better.)
@MOehm mist (cloud) with Ag (silver lining = silver, probably) by rate (speed) magistrate (judge)
Or probably lining does something else, like being lined up against something
@oAlt Every Sphinx' Lair has a brilliant solver. :)
(In other words: yes.)
Thanks, but more thanks to Merriam-Webster :)
modernised version could be that every cloud has a bitcoin miner
i was on to A(...)g but was trying to put E (speed the drug) in the end
The lining was intended as insertion indicator, the way drawers are lined with paper, for example.
Ahh makes sense
@Jafe That only works if the cloud's name is Vera.
CCCC: Judge a computer backend by data processing speed (9)
a + _r + bit rate
@Jafe yep!
CCCC: Resistance driven out of oblast? Far from it! (3,2)
@Jafe GOD NO (Far from it!) = G(-r)ODNO
that's right
I was looking for NOT SO wordplay for a while there before finding this one in a list...
really wanted to use "voblast" to limit the search to just belarus but didn't like cluing the russian name with a belarusian term in the end...
CCCC: Golfer is ordered to start frequenting support group? Fine by me... (4,4)
@Stiv is A(o_)A ok I where the support group, AA, is Alcoholics Anonymous
that's an xkcd 2896 name if i've ever seen one
@oAlt Yes! Honestly thought that might last longer...
CCCC: Board game move (2)
@oAlt Surely that's GO, ddef.
@MOehm Yes it is
CCCC: Stiv nearly done in after approaching unavoidable outcome (3, 6, 4)
2 hours later…
I just realized I could have done a 3def like "Board game: move a space in board game (2)"
5 hours later…
Q: Rectangular representation (ignore the nonsense)

Prim3numbahAs the title says, ignore the nonsense, there's quite a lot of it too. Try look beyond the nonsense and give me the answer which is an image.

2 hours later…
Q: In a Rubik's cube contest, are all the cubes set in the same color state for all the competitors?

Manrique MurilloBased in that question, I decided to make a simple code in Microsoft Excel so you get the required instructions to solve the Rubik's cube from any possible state to any other state. Maybe it sounds interesting to some of you. I wrote an ebook explaining it. Details in the video link, below: https...

Q: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Holt’s Season 2 Puzzle

Allie ZunigaI’ve seen several answers to the Weighing Islanders puzzle Captain Holt poses to the squad in Season 2, but I had a different train of thought when solving it. Did anyone use the process of elimination method? To solve it, you’d simply have 1 man stay on the seesaw and have the other 11 alternate...

1 hour later…
^ throwback to 2015

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