@user402514 i think that type's called an anti-joke... the result is unexpected only because the listener recognises a common joke setup and is expecting a certain type of continuation because of that
making a crossword where answers can go in any direction but it's turning out to take a lot longer to write the clues when you can't reference answer direction
(I'm not so sure that W can mean white, though. As far as I know the justification for B as black comes from pencil grades. But the clue has a super surface.)
I can't believe I was that close... I was thinking surely this had to be W + teeth anagram but Google didn't autocomplete "drink wet the" in the search bar. (And as I check right now I see that the expression doesn't come up if I search that anyway.)
@MOehm As for the W, apparently it's been used in American English as said by MW and Collins
Here is another retrograde chess puzzle! For once, this should be much more approachable than all my previous stuff (but hopefully still quite cute), so please feel free to have a go if you would like.
Can you determine the last eight single moves that lead to this position?
Please provide your ...
hmm yeah didn't think of W=white being controversial and i've definitely seen it used in real life (e.g. penpa text colours)
but yeah can't remember seeing that one in a serious crossword, it's fully possible it wouldn't be accepted by publications that rely on chambers, for example
don't have a paid version of chambers to verify, the online one definitely doesn't have it
@juicifer hah this is debonair, homophone of Deb on air!
no wait it's actually just Deb on air, no homophone needed
This puzzle was inspired by the one in this posting by Hemant Agarwal.
There are $n$ balls. Their weights are distinct integers which sum to $W$. The balls have the property that, if any one of them is removed, the remaining $n-1$ balls can be partitioned into two subsets of equal total weight.
as much as I hate the rebrand (and will always call it twitter) it is very funny to me that elmo just took a unicode character and said yup that's it that's the logo
CCCC: Justin Timberlake hit sounds like a flow from Sevastopol? (3 2 1 5)
@GentlePurpleRain I think what we're looking at here is either SUMMER SOLSTICE (customerssmile*) or WINTER SOLSTICE (wiliercontests*) depending on the hemisphere
Years ago I used to do the word puzzles in magazines like That's Life, etc. My favourite puzzle used to be called a Wordsmith. It provided 9 letters, out of which you made words of 4 or more letters without repeating any and using the centre highlighted letter in every word. There was also a 9 le...