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Q: A 3 digit perfect square and its reverse are both perfect squares. What is the number?

Hemant AgarwalA three-digit perfect square number is such that if its digits are reversed, then the number obtained is also a perfect square. What is the number? For example, if 450 were a perfect square then 045 would also have been be a perfect square. Similarly, if 326 were a perfect square then 623 would a...

6 hours later…
@DanielS I think this is HYPERSPHERE = HYPER (over-enthusiastic) + SP (starting price, odds) + HERE (present)
Q: Filling a rectangular grid with holes using tetrominoes

BubblerThere is a rectangular grid of $R$ rows and $C$ columns. $R \times C \bmod 4$ of the cells are painted black, and all other cells are white. In other words, there are at least 0 and at most 3 black cells, and the number of white cells is divisible by 4. I want to cover the white cells using exact...

@MOehm oh nice
Thanks. (Not so sure about the "hyper" part, but what else could it be?)
Q: Psychology Today Culture Fair IQ test question

ShivamI took an IQ test at Psychology Today(https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/tests/iq/culture-fair-iq-test) and encountered this question which I wasn't able to solve:

Q: IQ Test Puzzle Question

ShivamI took an IQ test and encountered some questions which I wasn't able to solve: . Can anyone share their explanation for the above questions. Thanks.

Q: Puzzle to unlock Easter Egg, hint: Douglas Adams fans will know this one

Divyang DesaiI just installed DevByte app, and there is a Easter Egg. I tried following prompts, but did not work! What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? Create a function which takes number as input, and if that number is 42, return a message "The Hitchhiker's Gu...

1 hour later…
@MOehm That’s right! Is “hyper” meaning overstimulatednot common usage?
Could be. Merriam-Webster says so. It's probably just me being uncomfortable with real-life English as she is spoken outside novels and technical manuals. :)
(And crossword clues, obviously.)
CCCC: Half-diameter circles reach extremes in local change (6)
di(r_h)am, local change in morocco and the UAE
CCCC: Where the radius is constant, and the diameter is packing heat (5)
when you just can't make a surface reading make sense, going full dada is always an option
@Jafe armed (packing heat) = arm (=where the radius is) e (=constant) and d (=the diameter)
that's right
nice clue
CCCC: Shot a tangent on both sides, packing heat (7)
1 hour later…
@msh210 A+T(angen)T packing TEMP (temperature, heat) = ATTEMPT
@Ankoganit aye
Q: 66: Luftballons

JafeThis is part 66 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, This is a Dosun-Fuwari puzzle. Place some balloons (white circles) and anvils (black circles) into the grid so that every area marked with bolded lines contains exactly one balloo...

@Sphinx seems upside-down…
what do you mean
the "66"
ahh right
fun fact: any dosun-fuwari upside down is a valid dosun-fuwari
CCCC: Grant O'Brien could become a symbol of shock and confusion (11)
Oh, he already is.
very true
...I'd link some true facts, but it's a bit too NSFW...
is that a fellow dropout enjoyer I see?
Only the stuff freely available, I'm afraid, the subscription isn't in my budget right now
ah, very understandable
but when it is, Neverafter, A Court of Fey and Flowers, and Escape the Green Room are all on my to-watch list
nice! I haven't seen a lot of dimension20, but game changer (especially the last season) has been fire
@Ankoganit interrobang*
@msh210 correct!
Is that his real name?
hah that's a nice clue
interesting. Maybe his parents were very punctilious people
@Jafe 'tis
CCCC: A do-gooder isn't a criminal (5)
@Jafe thanks! can't take credit for the very neat anagram: I saw that on the dropout subreddit, but once I did I had to make a clue about it
@msh210 saint*
@Jafe yep yep
CCCC: Radiohead recording American piano tracks (5)
@Ankoganit ngl I thought you stole this from erik agard's puzzmo crossword yesterday because it basically had this clue in it, even though it was a non-cryptic
love me some dropout tho
@Mithical can confirm these are all bangers
@juicifer aha, that's probably how it ended up on the subreddit
@juicifer Somehow I'm not surprised that a number of Puzzling.SE users are Dropout fans.
given that one of their shows is literally "figure out what the show is"? yeah that tracks
@Jafe oh, this is CREE P
nice one, had me going down several different tracks before I realized what was going on
CCCC: Sit with one's legs apart & crooked? (9)
Q: The riddle is, "What is but never was? You can live with one but not the other."

J. C.The answer is supposed to be hidden in a painting but I can't figure out what it would be to look for it. Based on my research, "What is but never was" is "Tomorrow". But I don't see how that can be in a painting.

Q: Unpaired socks in my lap

qwrToday in my laundry basket I had 10 pairs of socks. For each sock, I take a sock randomly from my basket. If it matches a sock in my lap, I pair both up and put them aside, otherwise I put it on my lap. On average, what is the maximum number of socks in my lap? (Inspired by a true story.)

Nice. But isn't that an indirect anagram?
@Stiv right-o
@GentlePurpleRain I mean, maybe. I would argue that since it's the name of the symbol that's being anagrammed and not a synonym that it's somewhat more fair, but it is still probably unfair
@juicifer in any case, this was also inspired by a clue from this same puzzle
@Stiv love this one
It's probably a border case. The & sticks out as something special and reversing the clue to make it "legal" (i.e. making ampersand the answer) would also make it blander, in my opinion.
2 hours later…
@juicifer Fair enough. Probably wouldn't make it into any newspaper's cryptic crossword, but I'll accept it. (Not that you need my acceptance.)
Q: Words written in encoded numbers

impurepuristIn a certain code language $COMMENCE$ is coded as $18251624$ and $PRESERVE$ is coded as $18323620$. Then how will $UNLAWFUL$ be coded in that language ? Attempt :- The length of both the words and the encrypted number is 8 . But upon close inspection the positioning of letters do not seem to rela...

CCCC: Rebuke cop after incorrect use of 'Namaste' (3,6,2,5)
1 hour later…
I'm pretty sure this is an anagram of "Rebuke cop after in" (probably with PEACE as the last word), but I can't figure it out.

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