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12:14 AM
@oAlt ah nice
I spent way too long looking at seven letters islands I could decapitate
2 hours later…
2:24 AM
@oAlt correct!
wow I can unpin my own c4 now
3:11 AM
i for one support our new room ownerlords
3:55 AM
@juicifer ikr
CCCC: Start to make a commotion in north Indonesian city (6)
@Jafe Loll
2 hours later…
6:18 AM
m_ + an ado
which is a north indonesian city... had to look that one up
6:51 AM
@Jafe yup, correct!
What the heck... Does it show on my C4 that its still starred? I already pressed the pin/unpin button, but it left the orange star...
1 hour later…
8:14 AM
you need "cancel stars"
unpin just removest pins but leaves stars
CCCC: North Indonesian city and a beach resort (5,4)
8:44 AM
@Jafe Ah, I see... I don't see it on mobile so either I have it on PC or I don't have it at all
Thanks for removing that one btw
@Jafe ah, this is Banda Aceh anagram (resort)
8:59 AM
This is a test message for pin/unpin
Yeah, chances are I don't have it on PC either. I tried on mobile the full site version of the chat, no such option to cancel stars
9:45 AM
that's right
it's in the full site but only from the starboard, not the message itself
Thanks again
CCCC: Bird denoted as half of a line, by convention (6)
10:31 AM
_f a l con
1 hour later…
11:57 AM
@Jafe yep!
@Jafe The best thing about "cancel stars" is that when you invoke it you get (at least I do in my web browser; details might vary?) a popup saying something like "really cancel stars?" with buttons "OK" and ... "Cancel". So if you want to cancel, be sure not to click "cancel".
1 hour later…
1:16 PM
CCCC: Frequent character in Alan Moore's comics must try to catch others (5)
1:41 PM
Q: Letters and numbers that share something in common

Prim3numbahWhy are these two "equations" true? L + I = 900 7 + 1 = 405 Note: They're not all super accurate, but accurate enough once you realize the method I used to make this little puzzle. No knowledge other than trivial is needed.

2:33 PM
hah, managed to edit the complicated grid into a browser-readable solve link... i'm a level 60 penpamancer
3:28 PM
Anyway I don't know what "must try" is doing there
8 hours later…
11:45 PM
CCCC hint: The last letter is T

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