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5:08 AM
@bobble Nice, I haven't seen sudokus here in a while
4 hours later…
8:46 AM
Q: Extremely hard number puzzle

LOLneed help on this puzzle that I received from the friend. 51151 = 8812, 22334 = 8459, 99111 = 2110910, 27772 = ?

3 hours later…
12:13 PM
Q: ‘IQ Question’ for a Friend

PDT This weekend my self-proclaimed genius 180+ IQ friend decided to scour the net high and low looking for an iq test that would be his match. So, he tried most of the well known ‘hard’ number sequence tests and ‘owned’ them all within a few hours with perfect scores. He proceeded to screen-shot t...

2 hours later…
1:44 PM
Q: An Alien Lands - where?

martyjThis is a hamlet in the UK. A pretty little place with a few dwellings. My archive tells me that a future transport pioneer was born here. No blue plaque but there is one marking the location of his last days 300 miles away on the other side of this country. 1 What is the name of the hamlet? 2 ...

2:30 PM
Q: A pandigital alphametic

Bernardo Recamán SantosFind, as Ed Pegg did, at least one solution of this pandigital alphametic: A x BC x DEF = GHIJ. How many solutions does it have altogether? (GHIJ is thus a Melissa number, one which can be expressed as the product of numbers none of which uses any of the digits in the origin...

3 hours later…
5:11 PM
Q: The Omniscient Vegetable

Ichthys KingYou've just broken into your half-sister's boyfriend's mother's secret stash. It is full of all sorts of magical devices, including a strange vegetative organism. According to some notes your friend found, it reacts to questions, either shuddering or blooming when it is asked any yes/no question....

5:53 PM
@juicifer 'tis
1 hour later…
7:10 PM
CCCC: Foremost doctors agree: ultimately, one-half of all couples in Tennessee are stupid (5)
@juicifer DENSE
D from doctor, E agree, then half the double letters from Tennessee
7:26 PM
@AncientSwordRage absolutely
@juicifer hmmmm
2 hours later…
9:47 PM
Q: Last chess game

VepirYour grandfather left you a laptop, but it is locked with a password. The only clue he left was his last chess game. 1. e4 e5 2. d3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. Be3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bc5 6. Be2 Bg4 7. Bxc5 Qxc5 8. h3 Bxf3 9. Bxf3 Nf6 10. a4 a5 11. g4 g5 12. Bg2 Nd4 13. b3 Rd8 14. Bxb7 Nxc2+ 15. Kd2 Qxf2+ 16. Kc1 ...

1 hour later…
10:55 PM
Q: Write a sentence that is true in one language and false in another

QuuxplusoneThis "puzzle" is open-ended and I don't have an answer in mind. But it's not a good fit for any other StackExchange, and I bet puzzlers will enjoy it, so here it is. Reading about nominalism, I encountered the idea that perhaps the sentence "2+2=4" is "true in mathematics" but not true in real li...

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