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sometimes people just have different hobbies than they did six years ago
2 hours later…
impossible, people don't change
Yeah same, sometimes I wish I had met the older community sooner
5 hours later…
CCCC hints: 1. This is not an &lit - the clue has a definition part and a wordplay part, not necessarily in that order. 2. Charades. 3. Someone has already said one part of the intended wordplay in this chat...
2 hours later…
@ApexPolenta safe + TY
Q: A puzzle about two coins of total value of 15 cents, one of which is not a nickel. Is it correct at all?

AlexanderLet me share with you a simple puzzle which made me so embarrassed and a little bit angry. In my pocket, I have two US coins of total value of 15 cents. One of my coins is NOT a nickel. What are the coins? I think the solution must be obvious for anyone who is older than a five-grader. However, I...

3 hours later…
@TylerSeacrest you've just described the purpose of a comment. Feel free to flag for a moderator to convert this into a comment — bobble 7 mins ago
4 hours later…
Q: Security To The Party: Revisited 01: Null and None

HelloWorld10,000 random people from around the world have been invited to Mr. Foo's birthday party, and they are all very excited for it. However, he has devised a security system so only the smartest people can go to the party. But there is a problem: there was a bug in the security system, and all the le...

2 hours later…
@Stiv Again, probably not, but is this possibly ENORM (apparently slang for enormous = tremendous), as E ("THE" end) + Norm. (Norman language ≈ OF (Old French))?
Again, no, sorry...

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