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Q: How do u get the numbers 33by one using the numbers 2,0,2,4

user88484How do u get the numbers 33-99 by one using the numbers 2,0,2,4

8 hours later…
posted on March 01, 2024 by Prim3numbah

Something is missing below. Find what's missing and then tell me the answer to this puzzle. The answer is 11 letters long.

3 hours later…
Q: Pleasant Cuboids

Bernardo Recamán SantosA rectangular prism (or cuboid) made up of xyz identical unit cubes (x along its width, y along its length, and z along its height). Some of those cubes are internal, while the rest are external. Such a prism is said to be pleasant if the number of internal and external cubes is the same. How man...

CCCC hints: 1. This is not an &lit - the clue has a definition part and a wordplay part, not necessarily in that order. 2. Charades.
5 hours later…
Q: Early OLL parity detection and correction

DanEnProvenceI am wondering whether it is possible to detect and correct OLL parity directly I have reduced the 4x4 cube to a 3x3 cube. So there are really two questions 1/ How could I check the parity of a 3x3 cube - check if an edge has been flipped? 2/ What is the simplest algorithm to correct the parity o...

2 hours later…
Q: Tiling a 5-by-5 bathroom with L-shaped triomino tiles

Will Octagon GibsonThe following puzzle appeared in the Cambridge, UK February 2024 MathsJam Shout: Tiling with Triominoes Imagine tiling a 5-by-5 bathroom with L-shaped triomino tiles. Clearly, not every square can be covered, since 3 doesn't divide exactly into 25. Can you find a way to cover 24 of the 25 square...

I wonder what happened to @Alconja ?
They have not posted a puzzle in 6 years

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