if something is a hit it's in, that back is NI, a thousand is M, times is BY, and if someone proposes a thing in your backyard you might march against it a thousand times
Are there other researchers designing and researching what Donalee Markus (designsforstrongmind) calls 'Context-free Visual Puzzles' (paper and pencil exercises) ? Are other words/keywords/synonyms for the concept of 'Context-free Visual Puzzles' ? Other ways in which this topic is known in the l...
(Since the chatroom formatting doesn't make it very clear, I posted the above to point out the similarity between the answer here and the linked C4 (regarding David Cameron).)
Each of 32 coins has a different weight. In 35 weighings on a standard balance, find the heaviest and the second heaviest coins.
This puzzle is from a Leningrad Mathematical Olympiad.