You've just gotten off the train and are headed to meet up with your friend, who was stopped by some drunken bandits. As you get to the square, you get a text informing that your friend has an urgent task to do at the train station, and so still has to get past the bandits.
There are about four b...
This is part 55 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own.
Dear Puzzling,
This is a non-consecutive thermo sudoku. Fill the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 contains the digits 1–9 once each. Cells sharing an edge may not contain consecutive digits...
@ApexPolenta Anyone know what this is? I've been betting on "great" being the def simply because it has more synonyms but I haven't gotten anywhere with it
@ApexPolenta I reckon this is FANTASTIC (great) from FANTA (soda) + STIC (dog toy i.e. STICK) and it's very close to being a clue that follows the rules, except you need a way to lose the 'K' from STIC(K) or imply a 'soundalike' to use this, e.g. "I've heard soda and dog toy is great (9)" Good attempt though :)
I was wondering if stic was a brand of dog toy that I hadn't heard of (don't have a dog, so it wouldn't be all that surprising) but all I found were glue sticks and pens
probably don't want your dog gnawing on a glue stick
You could also do something like "Soda and dog toy loses monarch - it's great" (or something similar). Here, "monarch" is a King, which can be abbreviated as K, so the word STICK loses K, becoming STIC.
(I know the surface reading of that one sucks; it's just an example to illustrate how it works.)
The puzzle is Alter Rival from 2013 Aquarium Hunt. Every article or post I found tells me it is a fairly easy puzzle.
The answer of the puzzle:
What I tried: I noticed the capitalized letters at first, but connecting them seemed to make no sense. Then I looked back to the title. I tried to alte...
Solve the Irregular Sudoku below (by Xavier Castillo), where the usual rules apply.
The dots outside the board on top indicate how many cells in the corresponding column or row of that board contain precisely the same digit as is to be found in the same cell of the solved Sudoku on the left.
Can someone explain why this is happening, I have been downvoted on many occasions even though I have either had the right answer for a post or had no obvious flaws in my puzzles?
@PDT I haven't downvoted, but after reviewing a few of your most-recent questions, my best guess is that some people just don't care for them. We have seen a lot of "Who am I"-type riddles on this site, and unless they're especially clever or very well-written, they are not likely to get many votes (or, indeed will get some downvotes). I don't think there's anything wrong, per se, with your questions; they just don't seem like they are extremely high quality.
(Some seem to rely on a bit of a "fugde factor" to get from the question to the solution (e.g. changing the spelling of a word, or jumping from one meaning to another without it being clued in any way.)
This is all just my own opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Others might have different views.
In the end, people vote on how they "feel" about a puzzle; it's not uncommon to get a couple of downvotes. If you're getting a whole lot, then you need to look at what you're doing wrong, but 1 or 2 is fairly par for the course.
I would get suspicious if it was just the puzzles it’s just that a lot of my posts including correct answers to posts have gotten downvotes like today my post for rand Al thors answer got 2 downvotes even though the op confirmed that I got the right answer…
I love Simon Tatham's Puzzles, especially for killing the odd few minutes. One of the available puzzles is Galaxies, based on Tentai Show. I can usually solve these in anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes, but I stumbled upon one that has had me scratching my head for (off and on)...