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Q: First digit of a large number

A Math guyCan you find the first digit of 2^2^2^2^2^2^2? (Basicly,it is $2$ to the $2$ to the $65536$ power) You cannot use a computer,but allowed to use a calculator. Good luck!

4 hours later…
maybe this is TWI_ (first three letters of "twin") plus STING (to smart) = TWISTING (complex)?
5 hours later…
@msh210 rot13(er: zl nqirag chmmyr, gunaxf sbe cbvagvat bhg jung V vagraqrq. V pbzcyrgryl sbetbg gung rzbwvf qba'g nyjnlf fubj hc sbe rirelbar...)
1 hour later…
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2023 (Day 9): The Peppermint Twist

Jeremy DoverThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2023. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > This puzzle is a variant of Thermometers, but with peppermint sticks! The goal is to shade some (or no) cells on e...

Q: Became out of reign

Prince DeepthinkerI created this puzzle today: PEMONNOTEA US …. … ..h The puzzle above wants you to fill in the blanks

Q: What should be in box 4?

hannnepanneBox 1: April, June, September, November. Box 2: March. Box 3: January, May, July, August, December. What should be in box 4, and why?

1 hour later…
Q: Probelem on the correlation matrix of a 1-d bcs theory:

Francesco PiroloSo, for my thesis work, i need to compute the entanglement entropy from a BCS-BEC crossover. That is, basically standard BCS theory, to which one adjusts the coupling such to accomplish a crossover from BCS regime to a Bose Einstein condensation (Cooper pairs behave as point bosons). All this is ...

2 hours later…
Q: Another type of Sudoku puzzle

JujustumI just found a weird-looking sudoku I left years ago in my basement: I think there was a specific name for this type of puzzle, but I forgot to write it down and now I can't remember it! The only other thing I found is a message on the back of the puzzle saying that every possible circle has be...

2 hours later…
Q: What is the thing behind the question mark doing?

Prince Deepthinker What is the thing behind the question mark doing?

3 hours later…
@Jafe This is correct. Sorry I didn't see your response earlier.
4 hours later…
CCCC: Woodland dweller, a Brazilian, gets rid of this Middle Eastern nation (4,6)

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