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@msh210 CCCC: Jafe zanily eats hat (3)
_fe z_ heheh
@Jafe yes :)
CCCC: City of Victoria briefly denied Charlie Parker backing (3,4)
(he was still allowed to play in toronto)
1 hour later…
@Jafe telav (-c)iV <
CCCC: Manila's tasty treat? (6,8)
reverse wordplay for "animal crackers", perhaps
@Jafe precisely so
CCCC: Republican leader in USA (with Mike Pence), under arrest finally (5)
R + U_ + M + p., under _t = Trump &lit
Nice clue.
thats right
yeah that's a good one
CCCC: At last, arranger redid movie score for private dining? (4,7)
@msh210 ah, I forgot that you can reverse the whole wordplay. And here I was finding something of the form "vi. ...."
@oAlt Yeah, me, too, at first. Then I gave up on that tack (starting from the wordplay) and decided to start from known (3,4) cities. New York and San Jose didn't work, and Tel Aviv was the next one I thought of.
@msh210 room service = (arrange)R + MOVIESCORE*
@oAlt aye
CCCC: Integration by parts: you're pursuing university (7)
2 hours later…
@oAlt UNIBODY ? = BOD + Y after UNI
where's BOD and Y coming from?
oh well I guess you can justify the Y using "y'all" which means "you all", and BOD could be body which is made up of body parts, but I'm looking for wordplay that's stronger than that
<=> unibody is not the intended answer
BOD = BODY = PARTS; Y = YOU in Internet speak IYKWIM, IYKYK etc.
yeah I feel bod = parts is a bit indirect
2 hours later…
The C4 is clearly™ uv−Svdu (="integration by parts"), with the minus sign counting as a character. The wordplay is: "u" is following "UV–SVD", Universitat de València – State Valencian Diplomator.
elementary, really
I know, right? I'll just go ahead and take the next one.
ϹϹϹϹ: Nah, just kidding. (3,4,7)
2 hours later…
@DanielS Now I see why I was stuck with your puzzle - I was so certain I had discovered the phrase 'POP ARTIST' (rather than 'PO', 'P' and 'DRAWERS') that I couldn't see anything else there! Still thinking about the 'lanolin-enriched' aspect, but glad to see my original groupings held up after your hint was published :)
@Stiv Thanks for the perseverance I wouldn't worry about the title too much, but if you're determined spolier link 0:38-0:45
@oAlt started on these, trying to get both of them out by the end of the month
@DanielS Ah! I understand now, thanks :)
"uniting" means integration and has something pursuing "uni", but can't see how the rest would work
@msh210 I think this is an &lit for "nah, just kidding"
@oAlt so close
it's a novel clue type, instead of and-lit it's only-lit
pushing the envelope in cryptic cluemakery
no obviously it's a reverse-wordplay &lit for JAN HUST MELANGE, the well-known 13th century franco-czech jester
of course, one of the many household names from his era
@Jafe (also, nice)
@Jafe which will give me plenty of options to continue the theme once this obviously correct answer is proven correct
@juicifer you've got it! well found. you're up
ϹϹϹϹ: Jester? (1 6 4 3!)
hello to the very confused archivist reading this in the future
that's part of why I used lunate sigmas for mine lol
Oh, good idea! I'll change mine too.
@oAlt anyway to get this resolved I think this is MIXTURE: X (by) parts MIT (university) + URE (you're)
oh, nice
Bravo both.
@juicifer hahah
@juicifer correct :)
@bobble what's off topic here is a matter of vote/consensus. Just because you personally take issue with a question doesn't mean it's officially off-topic and certainly doesn't warrant down-voting good-faith answers. — caPNCApn 7 hours ago
This is highly voted; do people really want me to stop close votes and down votes?
I linked a policy for goodness's sake!
@bobble The policy you linked does not say anything about not answering such questions. (Not that that's what caPNCApn is saying.)
Yeah, but I was annoyed at their insinuation I disliked the answer because of a personal feeling, rather than because of a policy against the question.
And my down votes are mine to use as I see fit
At least I know I'm still mean old bobble to the general populace
@bobble certainly
CCCC: Those not present in foliated Jacuzzi (3)
nicely found
@DanielS yup!
CCCC: 50·50+500 as a letter. (8)
@DanielS L and L or D :-)
ah, well done
as a programmer I'm used to && and || lol
CCCC: Queen's record is close to marking Dr. Seuss, for one, as first to follow antigovernmental leader (1,5,2,3,5)
where's "night"?
Not my intention. I'm not sure how night=close, tbh.
Oh is it A + NIGH + TA + THEO + PER + A
where's "ta"? :-)
TA = marking Dr.
(not my intention, btw)
Teaching Assistant?
Ahh I see. Erm, I guess that's fair, maybe. (Usually TAs aren't doctors, though, at least in my experience.)
@DanielS Also (hint:), I think you have a typo.
(cough) TAT=marking (as in tattoo)
@Stiv there you go
But I guess Daniel should take it; whaddaya think?
I agree 100%
^ pinging @DanielS in case you didn't see that
2 hours later…
Apologies for radio silence; was at my daughter's concert.
CCCC: Rust programmer's encoding of 119134. (7)
@DanielS To rust is to oxidise, which looks similar to 0x1d15e, a hexadecimal encoding of the decimal number 119134 (where 0x indicates that the encoding is hexadecimal)
@oAlt Exactly so!
Q: Why aren't 59 L tiles the answer to this problem?

BornPerson 4*(1+3+5+7)=8^2 4*(sum of odds from first to kth odd number)=area of a square region=4*k^2 k-1 is the number of Ls. You can solve the 1012 problem via considering 1010 and the extra 1*2 not added via a L, one L would be too big. to make the extra is too big. 14400/4=total area/area each=3600,n=60

@DanielS no need to apologize even for a delay, and that was hardly one; I merely wanted to be sure you saw the pass to you
Ok finally I made this decent
CCCC: Primarily, private research institution near capital – a college! (9)
@oAlt What does the 9 mean?
@oAlt p_ r_ i_ n_ c_ Eton &lit
Nice find.
@The_AH (it's the number of letters in the answer to the clue)
@msh210 yep
CCCC: Boy sunk nemesis in a fit of horseplay (6,8)
@oAlt Okay.
(FWIW: in the country I'm from, university = college, but apparently the two are not equivalent in other countries)
@The_AH there's more explanation available
@juicifer I haven't figured out what this is. Would you mind enlightening me?
@oAlt They're different from one another in the U.S., in Israel, and IINM in England. (But in the U.S., "did you attend [university/college]?" is answered "yes" even if you attended [college/university].)
@msh210 In Canada, a college is more career-focused (focused exclusively on teaching skills required for a particular career), and while university also does this to some degree, it also has a more academic component.
...some degree... Pun not intended, but celebrated nonetheless.
@GentlePurpleRain I think the Canadian distinction is something like the Israeli one, but I'm not entirely sure.
@msh210 MONKEY BUSINESS = (Boy sunk nemesis)*
@GentlePurpleRain just so
In the UK a 'college' is something you attend between ages 16 and 18 before university, or it's a subdivision of a 'collegiate' university like Oxford, Cambridge or Durham, where each of the colleges has a degree of autonomy over who, how and what it teaches.
@GentlePurpleRain Ditto for my 'degree of autonomy' - not even noticed until I just read your comment...!
In the U.S., a college is an undergraduate subdivision of a university, devoted usually to a specific set of subjects (e.g. a university may have a college of liberal arts & sciences and another of fine arts, and it's the university that officially confers the degrees), or it's an institution of learning that is equivalent to the above but is not part of a university that also comprises other colleges (so Foo College can be a standalone degree-granting institution).
Adults in the UK can attend college after 18 too, but that's most common for professional qualifications (e.g. in the trades - plumbing, electrics, etc.) or courses just for personal interest (like a short pottery course or life drawing...).
I had to look up "life drawing". My guess was it's another term for "still-life drawing" — but no.
Haha! No, it is very different... No bowls of fruit here!
"undergraduate subdivision of a university, devoted usually to a specific set of subjects" — or the division can be geographic, such as State University of New York, which has colleges at Albany, Oswego, etc.
@Stiv But people in one Oxbridge college can take classes in another, right?
Yeah, lessons for the same course get taught in different rooms in different colleges all over the city, and in many cases courses have a mixed body of students from various colleges. Often the chief distinction is which college you have a dorm in, and which team you support in the rowing.
CCCC: Upset vocal majority face initial discourse; in the end free outsiders from nonsense spouted by president. (7)
Sorry, I had a wrong word in there.
Yeah, I messed it up anyway, so was going to try again.
Go for it.
For the record: _cov< + f_ + _e + f_e
I played around with many versions of the clue; I ended up with two of them crossed, which didn't make sense. The edited version above should be OK, though.
And the posted solution is as intended?
@msh210 Yes
CCCC: Village People air grievances over leaders on the left (2,4)
@msh210 jester? I hardly know her!
@juicifer Ow.
@juicifer :-)
@DanielS :D
@juicifer yes indeed
CCCC: Spoken for (4)?
FOUR ("for")
CCCC: Cobblers' equine stunt (a mare's) (5,8)
@juicifer Is the intention here that the enumeration doubles as the definition?
@GentlePurpleRain Guessing so by the placement of the question mark.
@GentlePurpleRain that was my intention, yeah
2 hours later…
Q: A Trivial Pursuit #16 (Art and Literature 3/4): X

StivThis is part 16 of A Trivial Pursuit, a 25-part puzzle hunt. Each part is solvable on its own, with the exception of the meta-puzzle at the end. The final answer is a thematic 8-letter word. Text content of image (for accessibility): Grid rows: CHARM; PULSE; FAXED; TIBIA; WONKY. 8 bullets on ...

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