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Ugh. Thanks. I feel like a doctor, striking for better conditions so that doctors can do their jobs better, watching someone die because there are no doctors to treat them.
looks like in this case the patient was successfully treated by the robo-doc
1 hour later…
Q: Paid partnerships

JafeThe mods aren't looking, so I'm selling paid sponsorships to the highest bidder. My business model takes advantage of the attention spans in today's fast-paced environment. For example, I can write whatever I want in this sentence because nobody is going to bother reading this far down the paragr...

2 hours later…
Oh my gosh a Jafe puzzle
I have a possible answer but I'm not confident abt it yet
2 hours later…
ROT 13 V sernxvat xarj vg.
4 hours later…
Q: Where is the ********?

Prim3numbahI wanted to figure out the ******** of my five friends I recently met online but they didn't want to say it straight forward, so they said it in a cryptic way. I asked them one by one and these are the answers I was given. Person 1: Mr yes → (5) Person 2: You speak → (3) Person 3: Yes dude → (5) ...

Q: The Angel Problem - Sticker Devil Variation

yoval keshetSo If you are aware of the angel problem, I propose a Variant: we introduce the Sticker Devil: A normal devil, with the added ability to sacrifice his turn to color any and all White Tiles that are neighboring at least two Black Tiles. Does the Devil now has a winning stregey?

4 hours later…
Q: Longest English homophone/homograph chain

bhhEnglish has many words that have multiple pronunciations for the same spelling (homographs) or multiple spellings for the same pronunciation (homophones). What is the longest chain of unique spelling/pronunciation pairs you can make where each pair matches either the spelling or pronunciation of ...

so open-ended sans a word list, extra broad question tacked on the end, probably going to be answered instead of moderated first...
2 hours later…
@bobble Ha, I saw that question and immediately thought of you!
2 hours later…
Q: Connect colored dots - puzzle

LeoThis is a puzzle of connecting all same color dots with each other so all the dots can be connected together and no box can be empty. The connections shouldnt be crossed with each other Below is the puzzle photo,any help is appreciated

Reached for the the meta FAQ to copy my standard comment
Then didn't
ugh this hurts
C4 hints: (1). (2) The second letter is A, and (3) the last is O.
@Jafe ha, this was right all along
@msh210 CACCIUCCO is A_C< (antagonistic, extremely and turned) + I and U (me and you) entered into CCCC (local challenge) + _O (end of bonito)
@juicifer precisely so
that was a toughie lol
CCCC: Exhibiting neutrality while participating in strike? (9)
yeah, nicely solved
my breakthrough was actually that "local challenge" might be CC (as in just cryptic clue on its own)
and then that word popped up and I was like oh that must be it lol
I particularly liked the definition half of that one ("Simmering horde of sea creatures"). The mind doesn't immediately go to seafood stew — yet that's exactly what it says.
yeah that was definitely tricky
1 hour later…
@juicifer unionized ddef
Q: Sequence Pattern Boxes and Dots

Omar KhaledI'm new to this and was trying to get a solution to this without a success. any thoughts?

1 hour later…
@msh210 yup!
CCCC: Assailing a clandestine operation to catch a secret agent (9)
1 hour later…
This feels like MOLE+STING
but I can't figure out why catch indicates reversing their order
It's catching up from behind?
could be
never seen that construction though

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