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@ACB how did you make the picture change when you enlarge it?
Once upon a time . . .
. . . (1973) was a softball game between "hardware hackers" and "software."
Everyone said just to run around as if there were purpose. I did. Ended in a tie!
@Mithrandir, you insert an image then instead of it saying [1][1] after you say 1 2 and provide a link at the bottom, click edit and see — Beastly Gerbil Aug 22, 2016 at 17:12
@Stevo a comment from a related post ^
Or see this one.
Or this for more details.
All here know how it feels to be a winner.
Best feeling is a finder.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@bobble , good catch! Thought i was subtle. Won't even try again.
From here, all is overboard. Slurp it.
After half a century of obediance comes someone who comes.
5 hours later…
"Never need a reason, never need a rhyme."
"Someone's up your chimney. Over the rooftops, step in time."
3 hours later…
Q: A Riley, in Song!

parzShould Puuuuzling be forgot and not, broooo-ought to this siiiiiiiite (please shorten), And middle full of glowing leeeegs, And end, Alor to flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (It’s a riley, sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne.)

2 hours later…
Q: Happy 2023 to all

Bernardo Recamán SantosIt can be shown that 2023 is the sole number that equals the sum of its digits multiplied twice by the sum of the squares of its digits. Indeed: 2023 = (2+0+2+3) x (2^2 + 0^2 + 2^2 + 3^2)^2 Are most of the other numbers n happier (the corresponding product is greater than 2023) or sadder (the cor...

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